Saturday, May 1, 2010

Scraped Knee?! HELP ME PLEASE.?

Question 1
Scraped Knee?! HELP ME PLEASE.?...  I scraped my knee the other day at track practice and I cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and then put neosporin on it and then put a band aid. So this morning I took it off to see how it looked like and there's the cut is white now?! I'm freaking out so badly!!! Do I need to go to the emergency room?! Is my leg infected?! What do I do?!
I have a photo but it won't let me paste it without the screen going blank. I could send you it... AHHH I'M FREAKING OUT.

1)   i'm afraid you have aids :( - x_x

2)   Your skin is just moist, any cut will look like that if you leave a band aid on it overnight. - kishwa

3)   well there isn't anything wrong that is just your flesh its probably going to go away in a few days or weeks - surgeon_to_be

4)   It's okay any cut will look like that when you leave a bandage on over night. - Lizz


Question 2
HELP PLEASE IM SO WORRIED!!!!?...  Hi i recently (1 week ago it occured) went on holidays and i had a bit too much to drink and ended up going to a brothel, i had unprotected sex with a prostitue which i cannot believe i did but i am worried sick and nned some help. I am 19 and i feel ok but i have been urinating frequently and a slight burning pain, i cant get through to a clinic until tuesday. Im very scared it could be hiv, what are the chances i could have got it if she is hiv positive and are my symptoms ones you would get if you had hiv. I read in places its very hard for a make to contract hiv of a women is this true?? Thanks

1)   The burning is more likely to be Cystitis (easily fixed) than anything more serious.

Try to chill-out until Tuesday. - Big Rich

2)   First off, it's not HIV that's causing your current problem - you've probably picked up a treatable infection. HIV takes a long time to become evident, and then requires a blood test to properly diagnose.
Second, just get yourself to your GP who will most likely be able to treat you with antibiotics. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't have an HIV screen as well. - Ozgirl

3)   sounds like its just a water infection to me you will probs be given antibiotics, usually sex workers are screened frequently for your safety and theirs but it is not always the case just try not to worry yourself about it you would experience alot more noticable symptoms if it was HIV - Danny

4)   Try not panic. HIV symptoms typically do not reveal themselves that quickly unless your immune system is really low. You should have blood work drawn periodically for the next two years to ensure your health.

You could possibly have GC/Ch which should be treated. If it is not treated overtime your symptoms become worse and it could affect your fertility. In other words it is important that you keep your appt! - Athena


Question 3
how do i remove my wart?...  please help me like i got my wart freezed today and it frigging hurt. :^( i dont know what i should do i think i should use duct tape like seriously please help.

1)   use the white liquid from a dandelion plant,and in a week it will be gone. - richard r

2)   go to the doctor an have it frozen off - howlingwolf

3)   i had one on my finger for ages and i had it frozen.

4 Times until it went.

1st time i had it frozen - no luck. it just turned back to normal.

2nd time - it kind of scabbed over, but then returned.

3rd time - turned into a callous (as it is meant to when you have it frozen) and i filed off the dead skin, but yet again it came back!


But thankfully - the 4th time - it became hard and hurt (like yours probably is now) then within a week it became a gross yellow callus with a red scab in the middle!
I know - Eww!
But, then the callus and the scab eventually became so dry that it fell apart (let it do this on its own don't pick it or it might bleed)
So anyway - it came off leaving nothing but plain wart free skin underneath!

I am so happy its gone because warts are gross as it is but having one on your hand is the worst because its visible to every one!

So my advice is, leave it.
You might need to have it frozen a few times like i did or you might be lucky and only need it this one time!

I know its annoying but hang in there and it will go:) - Alice


Question 4
please help! will i get salmonella?...  okay so today i was making chocolate chip cookies, and i tried out the cookie dough. apparently, the cookie dough had a raw egg in it, but i only had a bite of the cookie dough. will i get sick? will i get salmonella? please help!!!!!

1)   Ok, first of all, calm down! I don't think you will get salmonella. I have a lot of friends that eat raw cookie dough, but there is always the risk of getting salmonella though, but with the small amount that you ate, I think your safe. - Lizz

2)   No. Chickens are given injections to stop them from producing salmonella in their eggs. You eat lots raw egg without realizing it like chocolate mouse, cheese cake, tiramissu ect. Body builders eat raw egg. People drink raw eggs as a hang over cure. Honestly don't worry about :) - lou lou

3)   No. You will be fine. - peanut


Question 5
Rubbed skin off, help!?...  Was painting the kitchen, and when i was done i noticed i had paint on my hand, anyways, forgot to pick up paint remover so started scrubbing to try to get the paint off, and although it worked, i also scrubbed the skin off my hand. So now i have a big red mark which is very tender, and extremely sore. Is there anything i can put on it? And is it ok to cover it? The air makes it sting so much more to the point that it feels like it is throbbing, I wanted to put a band aid over it, but figured like anything else the fresh air heals it faster.

1)   Alcohol... lol

No, seriously. Just don't touch it for a while. Maybe put iodine solution in it and just let it heal. - JP

2)   Since the air is making it sting you should put a bandage on it. - Lizz


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