Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Undiagnosable stomach pain for years?

Question 1
Undiagnosable stomach pain for years?...  I have had stomach pain for 5 years now and am looking for another take on it. I am 18 years old and have had an endoscopy, a colonoscopy and practically every other test known to man. I was diagnosed with depression and have since been treated for it. I have seen 3 gastrointerologists who have ruled out problems with allergies, heartburn, and IBS. Every test has come back perfectly fine, including one which involved watching me digest a radioactive egg. The pain has gotten so bad lately that I am being home schooled for the last marking period of high school. Pain killers do not work, and neither do the medicines the doctor gave me for IBS and Heartburn.
I truly am at a loss for what to do, and want a solution to the problem as much as I want a way to stop the pain.
Ive seen a ton of doctors, a few chiropractors an accupuncturist, im seeing a psychologist on a daily basis and i have an appointment with a hypnotist
Doctor J:
i have been tested for lactose intolerance with a lactose breath test.
They have dont enough blood tests to fill a blood bank and everyone comes back fine.
Would the colonoscopy and the endoscopy check for the other things you mentioned? they took biopsies that came back fine as well.
and ive had an elimination diet and been checked for allergies both with the endoscopy biopsies and with blood tests as well

1)   it may be in psychosomatic. How many docs have you seen? If NONE of them can find anything wrong with you, you might want to see a psychologist - ANSWER ME NOW! (please)

2)   Did you know that 50% of stomach pain goes undignosed - so you're not alone with that. Also, stomach pain can be caused by emotion, so perhaps you need to look at why you are depressed - and if it's over the stomach then perhaps you need to talk to someone about it. - waltzing matilda

3)   When I'm stressed or upset my stomach hurts sooo bad. It feels like someone is scraping the insides with an ice cream scoop. Half a Xanax and 2.5 Tums usually does the trick. Reducing the cause of my stress helped waaaaay more though. Your problem may also be psychosomatic. - wyllow

4)   Hi Katie. What were your test results for serum antibodies to gluten/gliadins?

Also, have they tested you for other food allergies? If so, how? (The Gold Standard for food allergy testing is an "elimination diet", so, have you been through this process?)

Have they tested you for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)? If so, how?

Have they tested you for Intestinal Dysbiosis? If so, how?

Have they tested you for Lactose Intolerance? Fructose Intolerance? If so, how?

Best wishes and good luck.

p.s. don't buy into the "psychosomatic" b.s. Just because your doctors can't find the cause of your symptoms does NOT mean it is all in your head. It means, they can't find the cause. - Doctor J

5)   Have you been tested for acute intermittent porphyria? This is a very rare disease, so it can easily go undiagnosed. Many times, these patients have multiple, unneeded surgeries as the doctors try to figure out what is going on. There's a small chance you have this, but it should be ruled out just in case. -


Question 2
im worried can you answer?...  ive only had sex with one person and im sure that they are faithful, but today i found a bump, that kind of looks like a pimple on my vagina, could it be an std? or is it genitial acne, do people even get pimples down there? please no stupid answers, im actually worried.
oh and i recently shaved, you know everything off down there and its itching alot maybe the rubbing and itching caused it?
and it just kinda appeard out of no where, this morning i didnt notice anything the shower.

1)   It might be std but it is possible to get acne down their because I once had a pimple on my penis though I never had sex because I am only 14. - Damien

2)   it is possible for a female to get a bump down there without it being an std. you get them from it rubbing together and the moisture down there (i know that sounds gross lol but its true).
the only way to be sure is to go to the doctor. - Hopeyy

3)   If you are that worried, then get tested. You can get STD's if you're not having sex. Say someone has a cold sore on their lip, they give you oral sex, and you get genital herpes. Did the bump itch as it was forming? It very well could be HPV, which in time can lead to Cervical Cancer if you don't take care of it and yourself... plz for your health just get it tested and then you will know for sure and take the proper procedures to control, and if it's not anything but just a fluke, hopefully this is a reminder to always use a condom, faithful or not... - Amber


Question 3
how soon can you detect STD's?...  

1)   I think 6 months. - Brad

2)   Depends on which one it is,

Herpes can only be detected while you are having an outbreak, and even then there could not be enough puss to get a positive reading, even though it is.

HPV I am not sure of the how long until that becomes apparent

HIV is 3 months

Chlamydia and goneria I don't either, it's def not 6 months, I would say 3, just call planned parenthood anonymously and ask - Amber


Question 4
How long to recover from laparoscopy Surgery?...  My best friend had Laparoscopy surgery today for a cyst that burst. She got sent home today after surgery but I haven't got to talk to her yet but miss her and am really worried about her. Does anyone know how long it normally takes for recovery? Just wondering because I would really love to see her.
It was to remove an ovarian cyst that burst.

1)   More information please; it depends on what kind of laparoscopic surgery she had, as recovery time varies greatly. The fact that the surgery was laparoscopic, however, decreases recovery time drastically, as compared to an open surgery. - Luke

2)   she should be fine in about a week. - peggy p


Question 5
Concerning high blood sugar?...  Ok I have really wild blood sugar readings. Today it was off the chart at 600. Same for yesterday. Granted I binged on yogurt both days. (ate 16 cups total) Normally my sugar levels are in the mid 300's.

Now everyone tells me that having high sugar levels is bad. But I dont feel sick at all. So why should I be concerned. Doesnt seem to affect me any.

1)   Stop eating so much you fat fuck...
I hope i helped:D - fabricio

2)   If your blood sugars are normally in the 300's, then you undoubtedly have diabetes. Diabetes does not make you feel bad, but it is very damaging to your body, especially your heart and kidneys. You should see a doctor about this as soon as you can. Until then, try limiting the amount of sugar and carbohydrates/breads you eat.

Diabetes is a very manageable disease. Unmanaged, it will drastically reduce your life span and quality of life. -


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