Thursday, May 27, 2010

How do I get rid of bacne?

Question 1
How do I get rid of bacne?...  Recently my chest and back started breaking out like crazy and it's almost summer. I was wondering if there was a product that isn't too expensive that I could use?

1)   bathing regularly is the best approach. - ez80227

2)   im sorry. sucks its right near summer. id first ask yourself...

are you under any new stress?
have you changed your diet (drink tons of water plz)
have you switched to any new soap or shampoo

talk to a dermatologist. if not then a simple google search can offer you a multitude of products for back to chest acne. Best of luck and regards. - Ram

3)   Ask your local pharmacist. They wont laugh at you or anything. They can give you some specialised face wash, for around $10 to $15 bucks.
I myself am on perscription medication (isotane) because of persistant acne. - Greg

4)   Change your diet. The oils are coming out from within you. A greasy food type diet(lots of deep fried, and potato chips, and sugars don't do a body good.) Drink plain water and lots of it, it will take awhile. Also check to see if the laundry soap has been changed to a different brand.(you are having a reaction to whatever crap they put in that soap as it transfers to the clothes) Or body lotions or whatever has "changed". Even bathing soap or shampoo. Something may be causing it from the outside. - I might assist if I feel like it

5)   I recommend use Acneace!
I used it, and after 1 months, my acne was COMPLETELY gone!
Hope it works for you.
you can get From Google Search Acneace Official site. Good luck. - S?


the above product has helped me. scrub your body in the shower daily with it using

something like this to reach your whole back - aquila


Question 2
Does this sound like cancer?...  I have an appointment for next thursday but I'm a little nervous, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. I have a lump inside my right breast, it doesn't feel perfectly round but it feels smooth and hard. Its probably about the size of a bean...maybe half an inch in diameter? It doesn't feel like I can move it around, it feels attached. And it is a little tender but not sore. It is located above the nipple, a little further to the right (toward my armpit).
Oh and I am 20 years old.

1)   =/ Let me know what happens, i think i might have somthign like that too - NewNew

2)   Actually it sounds like you have a tumor (lumps c an be found anywhere near chest for tumors) or skin cancer. - Aubrey

3)   Hey,
Although you should definately still go to the doctor for this as it could be as serious as cancer, to ease our nerves, it may also no be cancer at all. You could simply have a swollen or enlarged lymph node as those are quite abundant around the breast and especially nipple, this swelling can be a result of a nearby infection or sometimes these nodes do in fact just get an infection on their own. So like I said, GO TO THE DOCTOR lol, for full easement, even if it is cancer, you catch it in it's early stages and it can be removed without much trouble, but there is other possibilities as well :) - Jared

4)   You need to get a biopsy of the lump - that is the only way to know for sure. - Togmay

5)   Hi, well I have been making some research on that subject because i recently found a lump on my left armpit kind of close to my left breast..and well i found out some info that says that one of the early signs of breast cancer are breast lumps; these lumps are not painful and they are mostly located under the skin off the breast...usually if you can't see the lump it might be in a very early stage. I hope your case doesn't involve cancer. I also made an appointment because i want to get that lump checked. Good luck and take care. - maribeljuice


Question 3
I havent smoked in a month (newport) feel like im going crazy?...  i want 2 smoke one what should i do

1)   Buy a nicotine patch. Or some better cigarettes. - Togmay

2)   chew gum - Vlad

3)   It gets better. I smoked for 13 yrs and that one month mark is hard. However, now I don't even think about smoking. You just have to stick with it past this hard part. It is worth it, but it takes a couple months before you begin to really see the benefits. The longer you don't smoke, the easier each day gets. Just remember, if you don't buy them you don't have them to smoke. - SethSpeaks

4)   I quit totally on the 1st of April and I can tell you that you are doing good and keep it up and find a way to stop thinking about smoking and face a fact like I did. Cigarettes are not an answer they are a crutch that you do not need and if you let them they will run your life and not you running it. So find a good way to stay away from them and a way to stop thinking about them and get yourself motivated to stay quit. It can be done and you can do it with willpower and you will be better off and you will make it and remember you do not need them running your life, You and your own health need to be running your life. From a happy quitter and you can do it also. Good Luck and work on it, you can make it. Use mind over matter. Your mind says it does not matter. - oldestme

5)   ask your Doctor for wellbutrin Medication makes you get sick at the sight of a cig. - Ms. Intuitive


Question 4
what does chemo is chemotheropy stand for?...  CURIOUS

1)   I think it stands for medicine, or chemicals. - Mitz

2)   Chemotherapy basically means "chemical therapy". It's different than radiation in that they actually inject chemicals into you for treatment. - dreaminducedhaze

3)   Chemicals! Very original right!? - James

4)   hey,
Chemo- in chemotherapy stands for chemicals, as chemotherapy is the treatment of disease by chemicals, typically cancerous cells. hope this helps :) - Jared


Question 5
Chest pain and coughing blood?...  Ok im a huge hypcondriact and I want reilef. All week ive been having small chest pains and tingle in throat but I thinks side of effects of my new antideppresants or a cold. Then to day I keep on spiting up some flem and theres some brown in it. I dont know if blood, infection cancer, if its from my acid reflux or its from all the chacolate I today. Im scared cause my Grampa died of lung cancer a week ago.

1)   GO TO A DOCTOR. NOW. - Ðro

2)   see
I hope it will be helpful in resolving your probeml keep using - Jj

3)   Just because you've suddenly become aware of something doesn't mean you suddenly become susceptible to it. You're looking for something specific, so you're mind is going to create identifiers that correlate with your suspicions. The mind is at its best when its deluding the self. - Daddyskaggs

4)   Chest Pains.. brown phelm.. DOCTOR NOW.. or ER NOW! Chest pains could be a heart attack or something wrong with your heart. - youngladyintxsa


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