Saturday, May 22, 2010

My boyfriend got in a fight...and then he smoke now his head and stomach hurts really bad, WHat do i do?

Question 1
My boyfriend got in a fight...and then he smoke now his head and stomach hurts really bad, WHat do i do?...  He got in a fight, and they beat him really bad....he got hit in the head with a chain, and had a concustion i keep him alive by talking to him on the phone and keeping him awake. two days later and he smoked weed with his friends now he is complaining that his head and stomach hurts really bad....

1)   see
I hope it will be helpful in resolving your probeml keep using - wert

2)   Well, he's stupid. You can't heal stupidity.

Tell him to go to a doctor. - l'Cie

3)   Go to a clinic or a hospital. He may have a head injury. - Maggie N

4)   Geez, what a horrible deadbeat.
You should call 911 or take him to the emergency room, but keep in mind that they might be busy helping good people that are ill for reasons outside of their control. - Deridovely

5)   You should use aciphex, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Montague

6)   Well... he should have had his head checked in the first place. Secondly, it is illegal to smoke weed in this country at this time! - Trenton

7)   He is going to be dead if he doesn't change his behavior. He is going down the wrong road. He probably needs medical attention. Prepare to go to his funeral if he doesn't change. - notyou311

8)   well - ask him to see a doc immediately - before things worsen. why did he have to smoke weed now? his organs might have been damaged - and we dont know unless he goes for a checkup. make him visit the doc asap. he's being real stupid. - happylovehealth

9)   If your boyfriend received a concussion so severe that you kept him alive by keeping him awake for two days (which is what you should do...keep the patient awake). BUT ... your biggest mistake was that you should have kept him alive long enough for the ambulance to get there and pick him up. I don't think smoking the marijuana has anything to do with his headache/stomach ache. I am concerned that it is the effects of the concussion and he may be in worse shape than you realize.I strongly suggest you get him to a HOSPITAL ASAP. - Dianne M


Question 2
What causes coughing?...  

1)   see
I hope it will be helpful in resolving your probeml keep using - Hwh

2)   often its a similar reason as why people sneeze. its the body trying to get rid of foreign substances to keep you healthy. - Kristine

3)   Really good weed...peace lady - Sunshine

4)   I would say irritation in your throat is a cause for it. If something needs to come out of your esophagus or pharynx or anywhere in the neck region, coughing is a natural way to expunge anything irritating you. I will provide a link to a scholarly answer. - Zi

5)   about it you can get information from here - Montague


Question 3
Should I go to a doctor to check my moles?...  Well ive noticed that i got like maybe like 10 moles in a day..And they keep appearing! Should I go to a docter to get it checked out?

1)   see
I hope it will be helpful in resolving your probeml keep using - Hwh

2)   Yeah. Its something that I think that is not normal. - Everywhere but there

3)   no - Anna

4)   Yes MOST definately. You need to do this ASAP. You should be concerned with the fact you get that amount per day, but if they are raised or have hair growing out them, you should REALLY be concerned. This is a sign of skin cancer and you should get it checked out IMMEDIATELY. good luck to you :) - Krista K

5)   You may have a problem with your melanocytes (cells that give color to your skin, hair). Go to a dermatologist. - Meian


Question 4
Should I pop the blisters?...  I walked for 5 hours today resulting in two horridly huge blisters on my heal which miraculously have not popped on their own yet. Should I pop them or should I just wait and see what happens?
my shoes fit and i did wear socks. my skin is just very sensitive

1)   I have always heard not to pop them? - Shannon

2)   1)wear socks from now on
2)wear shoes that fit, so that they don't rub your frickin heal
3)pop it, but DON'T peel it. It will burn like hell, and will be hella sore!
4)peel it after about 4 days to a week after you popped it. it will be dry by then - Super Flyy

3)   You should not pop them. That watery blister over the top is there to protect the skin underneath. Once that blister is gone the raw flesh has no defense against infections.
So leave it and it will pop on its own, and when it does, do not pull the skin off. Put a band-aid and neosporin over it.
Hope this helped. - k.ray

4)   Hey there! Funny thing is that I recently burned myself while cooking, and had the same question. And after researching for quite a bit, here's my answer:

If you feel like it will bother you during your daily activities and that it might accidentally pop, then you should definitely pop it. The reason for this is because if it happens to pop accidentally mid-day when it is not convenient for you to clean it, then you risk the high possibility of infection.

However, if the blister is in a place where you think that it will not be bothered, ALWAYS keep it unpopped. The skin on top of the unpopped blister serves as a barrier against germs and infection. The blister will eventually heal itself by growing new skin under the blister, and the dead skin of the blister will go away.

So if you decide to pop the blister manually, make sure you:

1) poke only a small hole with a sterilized needle, and let the fluid drain slowly, but don't peel off the rest of the skin (it protects the new skin underneath from infections until it heals),

2) clean the surroundings thoroughly,

3) put on a thin layer of Neosporin or Bacitracin to prevent infections,

4) cover it with a bandaid or non-stick gauze to prevent irritation.

Hope this helped! - lalalala


Question 5
how to cure strep/sore throat?...  i woke up this morning with a little pain in my throat, then during the day it got worst, then i took some medicine and it stopped for about 10 mins. then got worst again, it's painful to swallow, take a deep breath, and yawn. i dont know if i have Pharyngitis(sore throat), or Streptococcal pharyngitis(strep throat)
please help, i cant eat anything right now
female, 14yrz. old

1)   see
I hope it will be helpful in resolving your probeml keep using - wert

2)   Go to the doctor......Drink hot tea with lemon, take a spoonful of honey with lemon, eat some chicken soup and drink some Ginger Ale.

Zicam will work too and Vitamin C. - Bandy D

3)   1. Take a mild antibiotic like generic amoxicillin 3 x a day for 7 days.
2. Gurgle bactidol 2 x a day.
3. Take vit. C
4. Drink cold water
5. Rest your throat. Take a cough suppressant if you must. But don't overuse it because some contain opiods.
6. If you develop a weird sounding cough, and have difficulty breathing, go to the doctor. - Meian


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