Nausea after drinking milk?... Ever since I was little I drank two glasses of milk a day.
Lately every time I drink even a small glass of milk I get a really nauseous feeling, and earlier today I got sick after slowly drinking on one cup? Any idea as to what may be causing this?
I am diabetic, but this has never been an issue before. The only medication I'm on is birth control and that is nothing new. No changes in diet or added stress. This is completely random.
Remind you, this has been going on for about a week now. And has never happened before, so you're rude answers are quite immature and unnecessary.
1) You may be becoming lactose intolerant.
Many people can end up being lactose intolerant from drinking a lot of milk over the course of years.
Luckily, this hasn't happened to me (yet). I love my milk! - Nemesis
2) You simply drank two glasses - oh brother. - Maya
3) You may have developed a lactose intolerancy.
Try hemp milk or almond milk. Super yummy. - wyllow
4) I used to get that aswell around the age of 17-18 and I had like allergy or something and went to some natural medicine guy that balances you out , your muscles and it worked also not having it for a while, give s your body abreak from it and its just an itolerance. - Janellta
5) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Hye
6) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use nortriptyline. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Johanne
Question 2
What is the lip balm for severely dried lips?... I am currently using 4 lip balms.Chap Ice Medicated,Burts Bees Medicated,Burts Bees Regular,and ChapStick Medicated.I always have dried lips and I like them soft and moisturized.Which is the best to use.?Carmex.?Chapstick.?Blixtex.?Chap Ice.?Burts Bees.?Please help...
1) Carmex always works for me, hope this helped. - ¤Tyler¤
2) use vaseline at night
then carmex during the day - Jimmy
3) carmex - ello!
4) None. I heard that by using any of these items, you actually are making your severely dry lips worse because your are not allowing your lips to moisturize themselves. - Melrose
5) What Melrose says is true. by putting all the balms on ur lips u r substituting for ur lips natural moisture and they will not moisurize themselves BUT dry lips really suck and can be irritating so if u cant stand waiting for ur lips to moisturize thenselves 'carmex' is best:) - Jannette
6) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Arkell
Question 3
why do almost all addicts and alcoholics smoke?... I live in a sober living with 10 other women and all of them smoke. It is rare that an addict or alcoholic don't smoke. why is this?
1) Because addicts, by definition, have addictive personalities.
Cigarettes are addictive, and therefore fit with people who have addictive personalites.
Additionally, people who become addicts, by nature, have less of a concern than others about what they put in their body. Because of that, they're more prone to try that cigarette for the first time. - Nemesis
2) Well, my theory is that beer makes you fat and cigarettes make you skinny, so doing both must even you out. - Michael James
3) I read somewhere that smoking has been proven to open the window for addictions and alcoholism. Smokers are more likely to get addicted to heavy drugs or drinking. - Krumari
4) They probably started smoking early on in life before they started drinking or doing drugs.. - Jessy
5) Because addicts are generally trying to catch some type of buzz, and cigarettes are a legal buzz that used to be cheap (not anymore thanks to huge taxes by the govt. - Zero Cool
Question 4
What's a good cleanser for dry skin?... I have flaky dry skin, but still get zits. What's a good cleanser for me? Nothing expensive.
Also, I can't afford to go to a dermatologist?
1) clerasil cream wash - Anmol
2) Hey before you buy any acne products or follow other people's advice, please read the articles here first:
That is NOT MY SITE. And I'm not spamming.
That site contains really informative acne articles that has helped me get rid of my acne and pimples, and also with a lesser oily skin now! Best part is... it is FREE! Read them and follow the free advice. - Matthew Lexus
3) I would recommend Acneace!!!!
I used it, and after 1 months, my acne was COMPLETELY gone!
Hope it works for you.
you can get From Google Search Acneace Official site. Good luck. - Harry
4) use whatever cleanser u like best and is good for your budget hun, I do recomend a moistuerizer on top of it though. there are plenty of low cost oil-free moisturizers that won't cause u 2 break out you can buy at the drug store. I hope this helped :) - Jannette
Question 5
Is there a connection between constipation and gallbladder problems?...
1) It's possible, yes. It's all a part of the digestive system. Unlikely, but possible. Increase your roughage, fiber and water. See if it makes a difference. - Lisa D
2) I think a lot of people may think they are constipated when they have pain from gall stones, but I have never heard of another connection. I had my gall bladder removed a few years back and never had that problem. - JAN
3) You should use tegaserod, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Hye
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