what does blood in your urine mean?... what does blood in your urine mean?
2) It could be a number of things but probably a urinary tract infection. - Kris
3) It can be signs of a possible Cyst. Just get checked out to be safe - gtamayo1
4) about it you can get information from here http://webmd40.notlong.com/AAzwWwI - Christel
5) May be some gynecological problem. You must go to see a specialist - you know who2
6) You should go to a doctor. A gyneocologist, if your a girl. A urologist, maybe? Blood in your urine is a symptom of a variety of things, ranging from things very curable to fatal. GO TO THE DOCTOR. Kidney stones, Urinary Infection, cyst, Hematuria, Tumor, Prostate infection, urators, Vasculitis, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Henoch-Schonlein Purpura, Glomerulonephritis,
Goodpastur's syndrome,Medications (both Prescription and Non-prescription),Schistosomiasis,
Trauma..all of these could cause blood in the urine. Most likely it is just a urinary tract infection, nothing to be worried about, but better safe then sorry. Hope I helped,
Cassie. - ReInventLove
7) See your doctor. It could be a urinary infection, it could be a sign of kidney problems or a number of other things. I had bllod in my urine when I had nephritis as a child, I had it when I had a kidney stone and the other possibile diagnosis then was an infection. So see your doctor, get a proper diagnosis and treatment and in the meantime keep your fluid intake up so that you make plenty of urine - aim for 2-2.5 litres of non-alcoholic fluids per day and get an urgent appointment. Contact NHS24 or NHSdirect if you get sudden pain. - kid on the block
Question 2
Can I get HIV this way?... Ok...here's the thing...I got slapped really hard by a girl with HIV last week....The slap was on the cheek and needless to say it left a mark...I enjoyed the slap but now I am worried that I may have gotten HIV if the girl had blood on her hands....Is it possible?
1) I think the world needs a new info campaign about HIV. The simple answer is a big fat NO. Even if she had blood on her hands, it would have to be fresh blood, you would need an open wound on your face and her virus count would need to be significant for you to be infected from such a short contact.
Just to put things in perspective, it's alot easier to catch Hep. C from an infected person than HIV from an infected person. And Hep. C isn't as easily treatable as HIV. - Quietscherin
2) only if you had a cut and she had a cut and they both touch each other and there is blood that is the only way you can get it - Cynthia
3) about it you can get information from here http://webmd40.notlong.com/AAsf5rl - Bethann
4) If the girl had blood and you have open wounds on your cheek or if you touched it and then for some weird reason decided to lick your fingers or rub it on another spot where there is an open wound somewhere in your body then yes. Get tested ASAP. - Mexoz
5) NO. Impossible. - you know who2
Question 3
Can i get kidney stone pain if the stone is stuck in the kidneys?... I have a 7mm stone in my left kidney. I have been getting pain but have no blood in my urine. Can this pain be caused by the stone being stuck in the kidneys or will i only get pain when it passes through the uretha? The pain is a dull ache in my left abdomen. Cheers
1) only spongebob squarepants can - Kevin
2) spongebob is a kidney stone. - Invaderzim
3) I'm not a doctor but I can tell you that you definitely have pain before, and if, it passes through the urethra. If I were you I would see my doctor. - Rusty
4) Yeah. A typical kidney stone is a solidified deposit of mineral and most of the urinary tract is made from epithelial smooth muscle. Think of a crystalline jagged rock getting moved in a soft muscle tunnel that was initially meant for liquid to move through. If it hurts bad, I would recommend that you got to the doctor or you drink oil+lemon juice. I have tried this many times whenever I had a dull pain and it has went away. If it still continues, go see your doc immediately. - East Indians are smart
5) The pain can be caused by a build up of fluid and therefore pressure in the kidney. If the pain is new or worse then phone NHSdirect or NHS24 for advice, if the pain was there when your stone was diagnosed then see your doctor tomorrow. - kid on the block
Question 4
My sunburn's peeling, is it okay to go out in the sun again with sunblock?... I've had a sunburn sense Saturday (my sunburns are usually gone the day after I get them!) and it's just now starting to peel.
Is the skin under the peeling the new healed skin or does that need time to heal too?
Another question is, do you think it'll be healed by this weekend? (that's if it's not already healed)
Another, if it isn't healed can I go out in the sun again this weekend with sunblock or is it still too sensitive?
I live in Florida so I'm usually out at the beach and all that during the summer and this weekend probably won't be an exception. Thanks.
1) no you shouldn't it will hurt a lot!!!!
:O - Herman
2) It's best to stay out of the sun while your skin is healing.
If you have to, go out in the sun with a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 45 until all signs of skin distress are gone. - citizenkrans
3) no!
use common sense,
if your sunburn is peeling its still in the process of healing
u still need to put sunblock on, so it wont get worse
keep putting sunblock on until its completerly heeled,
and the more u stay out of the sun the faster it will heal - lizziie
4) If your sunburn is peeling that is an indication that the first layer has a first degree sunburn. The layer under it is the second layer which would be a second degree sunburn and will feel dry and rough. You need to give both layers time to heal and get healthy before more sun exposure or you could get skin cancer.
The skin under the peeling is not healed skin, it is a deeper and different type of layer and it has no protection at this time. Slathering on suntan oil will not provide enough protection until your skin is completely healed. - Laredo
Question 5
he gave me an std what can i do?... i asked and he said no
1) Unless you can prove that he said no, unfortunatly there is nothing. You could tell other people about him so they realise what a prick he is - Tom
2) If it's clear you got the STD from him and he still denies it, then it sucks and he's an asshole, but you should have been responsible enough to protect yourself and use a condom. The only thing you can do it not sleep with him again. - Quietscherin
3) First , there a lot of std , some are curable some are not ...second , lets say its incurable, you realise you just messed up your sexual life for a piece of latex that you didnt took?
all you can do is to go see a doctor because "STD" is the name that we give to this kind of disease , such as sida herpes ..ect ect - I got the answers
4) There's no way to know you have an STD without getting tested. So unless you've already been diagnosed, the first thing you need to do is see a doctor so that you can be treated if needed. As for his part, if he's the only person you've had sexual contact with, then most likely you got it from him, so he can live in denial about it and become really sick. That's his choice. YOU however, have the choice to never have any sexual involvement with him ever again. - Aimee
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