If I don't have stds, then I don't have hiv?... Is this true?
1) d - Fd
2) Unless you touched an open wound with hiv-positive blood. - onomatopoeia
3) No, it's not true. - Suba
4) mostly true.......HIV (can) show up 6 months after a STD test....(its not likely, but does happen) - T
5) hiv is not always transmitted sexually. - tattooed.wrenches
6) This is a bit of a vague question..
If you have been checked for STDs, but have not had a blood test you have not been checked for HIV.
to be sure see your GP about arranging a blood test :) - Miss1990UK
7) not exactly, if you were tested with a pap smear for std's then no. HIV is usually tested through the blood, so if you had your blood taken it is usually true unless it devolps in the next 6 months, but its highly unlikely unless you had sex with someone who has it or was exposed to someones blood (who has it) that got into a cut. - Heather
8) STD is an acronym for sexually transmitted disease. It includes HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, vaginitis, some forms of hepatitis, chlamydia and others. If you have tested negative then you do not have HIV. However, if the tests were only smears (like those obtained with a pap smear) you may not note the blood borne diseases like hepatitis and HIV. Many of these conditions have minimal or no obvious symptoms in their early stages, so laboratory testing is the only way to be sure. Good Luck. - deborah
Question 2
my head is gushing blood and i dont have access to the internet?????... HELPPP!!! IT HURTS!
i cant use my cell phone b/c its only 4 EMERGENCIES!
don task questions!
just give asnwers!!
im loosing blood by the second!
1) Lol. How did you write that message...turd.... - Bob D
2) You're a fucking retard. - Brown Town
3) how did you ask this question then? - Leekyi
4) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use altace. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> http://webmd56.notlong.com/AATuwxQ - Patrina
5) First of all, how did you manage to ask this question if you don't have access to the internet? secondly, this would be considered a emergency, so you should use it for this emergency...
stop using yahoo answers to make ridiculous moronic non serious questions to get a kick out of yourself, this is a place for serious questions, not a place for morons like you to seek attention. - Ash
Question 3
How do I lighten up my DARK ARMPITS??help!!?... hey, so my armpits are really dark.. like a dark brown and my skin color is like alight meduim skin color (like j lo's) and its really embarrassing i always try to stay away from wearing short sleeve shirts.. but i am sick of trying to hide them and i want to be able to wear short sleeves again!
and i cant hide it forever , next year i am trying out 4 cheerleading.. nd the costumes are short sleeves.. so if i make it, that will be really embarassing when i lift up my arms!!
also i have been wearing deoderant for years.. and this is most likely the cause..
i wear degree clinical strength.. but i just started a few months ago 2 wear it.. but my pits have been dark for quite a few years before that!!
and i cant switch the deoderant.. anything like lady speed stick doesnt work for me.. i have more sweating under my arms than normal people.. i sweat there very easily.. so degree clinical is the only one i have used that actually keeps them dry for atleast 8 ours and stink free! other ones dont do anything for me.. is there any medicine of anything that will lighten my pits up!!
its soo embarassing!!
i also rarely shave my armpts.. i usually pluck or wax.. i heard this may darken pits alos and i cant live without deo.. i will sweat too much
1) I've fought mud crabs more fearsome than you! - Imperial Watch
2) There are skin bleaching cremes that you can buy online for problem areas. Just make sure you follow the directions on the box! - Halley K
3) greetings out lander - David
5) lemon juice seems to be a bleaching agent for it.
it really helps :) - marianlara
Question 4
How do they check for anal warts, herpes, genital warts, and other STDs?... I had unprotected receptive anal sex with a guy a little over a month ago, I was told by the clinic I last had an HIV test at that one month is all you need to get an accurate HIV test result, so I'm going to go get one soon. But, I feel like I should just get a whole workup of stuff to make me feel better. So, how would they check to see if I have herpes or genital warts "back there?" Sometimes it feels bumpy, but it could be hemohrroids, who knows? I'd feel better if a professional checked me out. So, how do they test? They don't take a knife and cut a piece of you out and test that do they? If there are no wounds there, how do they know? Can they check your blood or does it have to be visual?
Oh, and it is not always bumpy back there, I think that sometimes when I strain I have hemohrroids that pop out. So, it's not always like that there.
1) for a guy, they normally stick a Q-TIP in the penis (the pee hole) i'm sure blood test can also tell you about a few std's like HIV forsure. - Heather
2) You should use fluconazole, it is the best about it you can get information from here http://webmd57.notlong.com/AAHF4t9 - Ok
3) A visual and possibly digital exam would reveal active warts, or an active herpes lesion. THe only way to test for other STD's is via lab tests. Smears can identify chlamydia, blood tests HIV and blood borne hepatitis. I am not at all sure that 1 month is appropriate for ruling out HIV. I would have a test done soon, to get a baseline, then return in about 6 months to have it repeated. In the meantime, using condoms can help prevent the spread of STD's. Your hemorrhoids could open and bleed with the pressure from anal sex, and that would open a gateway for bacteria and viruses to enter your blood steam. Good Luck. - deborah
4) They can do blood and urine tests for most stds. If you have an out brake of genital warts or herpes by the time you go to the doctor they can swab culture the out break and test it for herpes or genital warts.
You should get another HIV test and std done in about 4-6 months to be on the safe side, some times HIV can take a while to show symptoms or antibodies. - LINDSEY S
Question 5
I have had dizziness and headaches for a month,Why is this?... It all started about a month ago.I thought it was just a Sinus Headache but it just went on and on for a month and it's so much pain. Medicine doesn't really help. Mostly I have dizziness and then that turns into headaches(Massive ones)I don't know why it's doing this.cna anybody help? Please no stupid answers!
1) low bloodsugar - Hillary
2) Could be a Brain Tumour. - Silver W
3) You should use fioricet, it is the best about it you can get information from here http://webmd58.notlong.com/AAVXZaZ - Patrina
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