What are the risks of low blood pressure?...
1) headache
weak - luh lynda..
2) had it myself it left me very tired and fainted a lot, it can make u feel very upset at times for no reason.... - cindy
3) HI L
good question but what do u want to know?U got low BP,or u want to know it for study purpose?
im a medic,but i could only respond if u tell the purpose. - alshibin
4) There's the "normal" low blood pressure and then extreme cases of low blood pressure. Most people with low blood pressure (with no other medical conditions) don't have any serious medical problems as a result. For example, I fall into this category and am considered perfectly healthy. However, sometimes if I stand up quickly after sitting for a while I'll get dizzy and on occasion pass out. This is due to the fact that my low blood pressure means that blood doesn't have the power behind it to reach my head quickly enough. On the extreme end, low blood pressure could result even in death if it were low enough. This would generally be a symptom of another condition far more serious though. - Dan
5) Becoming dizzy and falling over, fainting or having an accident while driving. It doesn't cause the body any harm like high blood pressure does but it makes you tired and light headed so can be a nuisance. Mine is very low and I have had my kidneys ok'd to take salt to raise it. Salt is only dangerous if your blood pressure is normal or above or your kidneys aren't functioning perfectly. - Helen P
6) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use altace. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> http://webmd47.notlong.com/AAVkySq - Lilli
7) Low blood pressure (hypotension) is pressure so low it causes symptoms or signs due to the low flow of blood through the arteries and veins. When the flow of blood is too low to deliver enough oxygen and nutrients to vital organs such as the brain, heart, and kidney, the organs do not function normally and may be permanently damaged. - Kathleen
Question 2
Do I have appendicitis?... I am a 15 year old girl, and I have been getting sharp pains since 6:30am yesterday. I stayed home from school yesterday and today. I am not sure what's going on. I am NOT sexually active, so I can't be pregnant. I haven't got my period for two months, but this doesn't feel like my period. It hurts really bad. My mom doesn't believe me that it could be something serious. It hurts whenever I cough, walk, and shift around in bed or when I am sitting. I can still sit up and do stuff but it hurts to. I am not sure what's going on but it's been nonstop pain since yesterday at 6:30am yesterday. I fall asleep around midnight because it keeps me up. Then I wake up at 11am...Do you think I have it?
1) I think appendicitis hurts not when you push on the area (low right side near belly button) but when you pull your hand away. - awkwardly balanced
2) GO TO THE HOSPITAL!! don't listen to your mom now, it maybe be something more serious.
3) Yeah, whatever you have is definently not normal. You really need to see a doctor before things get worse. Maybe you should look up the symptoms of appendisitis. - Chai
4) Are you hungry? NORMALLY you wouldn't be hungry. Your appendix is a few inches down from your right front rib. You should definately see a doctor. If it is your appendix and you don't see a doctor you will regret it and so will your mom. - Mercedes
Question 3
Need advice. I have itchy thighs...?... My thighs have been itching a lot lately. Upon further inspection, I can see some tiny red dots that I can only assume are bites. Could this be from bed bugs? I don't think it is crabs because I have been through my underside thoroughly and haven't discovered anything at all. Just occasional tiny red dots. Maybe jock itch? I work/work out really hard and wear the same boxer briefs all day...could that be it? Should I change detergents? Wash my bedsheets thoroughly? Anyone have any suggestions. Don't think it's an STD but am getting tested anyway due to paranoia. Should I just go to a pharmacy and buy an anti fungal cream or something?
Does anyone really think this could be herpes?
1) You probably have herpies. Good luck ;). - Alec
2) Maybe you should see a doctor so he/she can give you the best medicine there is.
It could be caused due to high temperature or if your skin is sensitive. - Yusuf
3) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Gfdew
4) You may be allergic to synthetic fabric. Avoid contact of your skin with such fabric. Use underwear made of pure cotton for a few days and check the results. - Aydin Y
Question 4
What is wrong with me ?! 18 y.o girl with Disease?... ok so over the past 3 years I have been getting really sick. These are all of my continuing symptoms. Severe stomach pain, diarreah, nausea, fetigue, little or sometimes no appetite,I take a very long time to fall asleep and wake up 3 to 4 times during the night, constipation (I poop maybe 3 or 4 times a week if im lucky. I mostly go when my tummy is really hurting and its diarreah) i get verry irrateable and moody and I sometimes get rashes that itch and then burn on my face (mostly in or around my eyebrows or by my nose and my upper lip) I lost alot of weight almost 30 pounds. I use to be 125 now im down to 97 and I cant seem to gain it back. I am also anemic and i have an iron deficency. My hair would shed really bad so i recently cut it. Now over these years i have been back and foward to many doctors and had many test run. I had a colonoscopy biopsy endoscopy thyroid test and several blood test but i tested negative fot hyperthyroidism, celiac disease. Its so devistating when you are always sick and nobody knows whats wrong or why this is happening. So what do you guys think I have? what do you think I should do? im 18 but will be 19 in july and my mom is really worried about me. Could it be IBS? please help! and thank you for the answers in advance.
1) you might have the flu it sounds like you may have the flu I would go to the doctor and get checked out just to be sure and also to be safe as well. - Nathan
2) it could be IBS but i dont think you would have a rash if it was. - strangechild
3) i would go on the embbarasing bodies website or the nhs website - simples
4) I believe you may have IBS. IBS can be causing your mood swings, diareah, nausea, fatigue and constipation. You can take over the counter for that like Perdium. That works good, and fast with no stomach cramping. It's good news that the dr. say that there is nothing wrong with you. So Try taking a multi vitamin everyday with iron to help with your anemia, loss of energy and hair loss. A daily vitamin and your pills to help you poop should help. Good luck and hopefully you feel better. B.T.W. Make sure you stay away from any meds prescribed from the dr. such as codeine or pain killers cause those things can make you all stocked up inside. - Sassy
Question 5
Does viral infections respond to antibiotics?...
1) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://mdmedusa35.notlong.com/6AAXyRU - Elza
2) antibiotics are the usual treatment for viral infections,
but you have to have the correct antibiotic for the
specific viral infection. - Phillip
3) NO!
Antibiotics are completely uselessagainst bacteria. Antibiotics are chemicals designed to poison bacteria without poisoning us. Viruses aren't bacteria. - MagnusMoss
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