Friday, December 18, 2009

contact with hiv and aids. can you catch it?

Question 1
contact with hiv and aids. can you catch it?...  there is someone at my job that has aids, i handle his paper work. Is it possible to catch the diesease just from mearly working with his papers? I know this is horrible but i am scard to rub my eyes, or eat after handling anything of his. I don't like to be this way but it terrifies me. Is there anyway possible that you can get it from these conditions?
So even if we shake hands and i touch my eye or tongue i am good. Not like i would, but there is really not a threat there right.

1)   No! you have to come into contact with his or her blood. - Chea

2)   No, that's not possible. Even if he bled all over the papers you probably wouldn't catch the virus. HIV is a very wimpy virus (even by viruses standards), and won't survive very long outside a human body. - tooqerq

3)   Noooo. You can't catch aids unless it's like a blood-to-blood contact! It attacks your immune system, so it's INSIDE your body.. you can't catch it from mere skin contact. If he pricks his finger, and you prick yours and then make contact where the wound is, THEN you can catch it..

You should research this online - The Pharaoh

4)   HIV is a blood borne virus. In order to catch it there needs to be blood to blood contact or transfer of some bodily fluids which also contain the virus. So for example, he would need to bleed into an open wound of yours or you would need to share a needle or have sex.

HIV virus is contained in blood, vaginal fluid, semen & breast milk.

It is NOT contained in saliva, tears, sweat, urine or faeces. - dooeyona

5)   no you have to be in contact with the persons blood/bodily floods etc. - tr


Question 2
Is it possible that I have HIV?...  In October 2007 I had unprotected sex with my ex-boyfriend, about four months later I became sick with the flu, and then a bacterial infection... then about two months later I had a respiratory infection... then during the summer I had a urinary tract infection. Currently, I have been sick about 3 or four times this year. Could I possible have HIV or an STD. Also, before 2007/2008 I was never really sick, and he was in jail for 1 year in 2005.

1)   You might want to sick a doctor, and get tested to make sure you are alright. - chris m

2)   There is no way I or anyone else on here could tell you that. Check with your doctor and ask fo some tests. Jail does not make one aHIV and, your the one that decided to have sex with him and, unprotected at that. That's how std's spread. - cowboydoc

3)   You should go to the doctor regardless of whether you have HIV. While you are there, have the doctor draw blood for an HIV test. - smithlette


Question 3
Allergic to what in Vicks44?...  I break out into hives if I take Vicks44 and I wanted to know what is in it that I'm allergic to. A nurse said it before but I forgot. Anyone else know the common ingredient that people are allergic to?

1)   Call the nurse and ask her. - Eat Me

2)   Could it be the red dye? Red dye 40 is a common allergy. - Rockford


Question 4
do these signs means i have herpes?!?...  I Been dating this girl for while and i had anal sex with her last weekend... now as in yesterday every time i swallow my throat hurts a little bit, my lips feels dry and they feel hot and it has that little burning feeling to it. but i don't see any cold sores around my lips or inside my mouth and my penis looks fine. i had some check ups at the doctor and he said im fine... but he didn't mention anything about herpes or anything... so im kinda worried now...

1)   Try going to a different doctor, and tell him abut what is happening. It might just be nothing, but you can never be too sure. - chris m

2)   Genital herpes is different from the type of herpes that gives you cold sores. Almost everyone gets cold sores these days so if she has given you them it's hardly a huge deal. - 132


Question 5
Is 15 liters of oxygen alot?...  My grandma has lupus which flared up a year ago. She has been on oxygen for 9 months now for her lungs that fill with fluid rapidly. It started out 2 liters. She went into the hospital Tuesday and was put on 10 liters. Last night she got worse and they had to give her more oxygen which made it 15 liters. I don't know what a normal amount is for oxygen. Is 15 liters a high amount?

1)   yes i think i dunno actually.
god bless your grandma - kits

2)   it depends on the type of O2 mask. nasal cannula (goes up to 6 liters), simple face mask (up to 12 liters), nonrebreather (up to 15liters), venturi (highest) - lulume00


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