Wednesday, December 2, 2009

a girl i like has cole sores around her mouth and a friend told me if i kiss her i will get it too or herpes?

Question 1
a girl i like has cole sores around her mouth and a friend told me if i kiss her i will get it too or herpes?...  
the girl in question has never had sex(waiting for mr right :)) she just has colesores can they go away?

1)   Dont do it - andy s

2)   Cold sores are a form of herpes. And contagious. - Max Headroom

3)   i really wouldnt risk it cuz even tho a colesore is only a form of herpies it is possible fot it to b just herpies and she isnt tellin you so be very careful. and plus you wouldnt want a colsore either they look bad! - Desiree b

4)   duh of course yuor gunna get herpes! - Marisa

5)   They're cold sores. They're probably a good indication that she's got a herpes infection. If you kiss her, there's a good chance you could contract herpes. Once contracted, you have it for life. You would, therefore, get cold sore outbreaks for the remainder of your life. It is incurable. You can transmit them to other delicate body parts on either yourself or on other people and then these would also become infected. For life.

I can't tell you whether or not you should kiss her, but I can say a sensible person wouldn't whilst they are visible on her lips (or elsewhere). Once they've healed and before the next batch comes along, kiss away. - Mick

6)   Ok dont do it if you dont wanna get it , They are contagus if you kissing it does have 60% chance of getting it. I had a friend who had that and they kissed and he got it - ari luv jb

7)   Not cole, cold. - Ian

8)   yes, you could get them. they are herpes, very contagious,so just dont kiss her. - Jacob

9)   LOL, it's not the same herpes as the STD. cold sores or canker sores are not permanent like the other sexual one and pose no health risk. You can get the sores too, it is contagious but you can use Abreva and other stuff to make it less hurting. It's a small price to pay for a kiss imho - Jason


Question 2
Is it possible to get a sexually transmited disease if you and your partner both has sex for the first time?...  Is it possible to get a sexually transmited disease if you and your partner both has sex for the first time in your life?

I am curious about this because I am afraid to have sex ever in my life with anyone even if I meet a woman who is a virgin just like me, because I dont know if I can still get an std if I have sex with a woman for the first time who is also a virgin just like me.

1)   STDs can be spread through fore play too!!! - Felony

2)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Eleni

3)   yep u can, ur a good healthy kind of scared, keep it up - Ender

4)   ...except people lie about where and who they've been with! - jake696

5)   Cocoa Brother,
Under normal circumstances one of the participants would have to be infected with an STD in order to transmit the disease to the other partner during sexual intercourse. If neither had had sexual relations before, then the only way either could be infected would be by inheriting the disease from the mother. Some STDS can be passed from mother to baby at any stage of pregnancy - before, during or after the birth. Some, like syphilis, cross the placenta and infect the unborn baby while in utero. Others, such as gonorrhoea, chlamydia, hepatitis B and genital herpes can potentially be transmitted to the baby in the birth canal. HIV, while having the potential to cross the placenta and infect while in the uterus and during the birthing process, also can infect a baby through breastfeeding. Other effects of STDs on pregnant women include early onset of labour, premature rupture of the uterus membranes prior to birth as well as uterine infection after delivering the baby.


It is extremely important to obtain an accurate diagnosis before trying to find a cure. Many diseases and conditions share common symptoms.

The information provided here should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions.

Hope this helps
matador 89 - matador 89

6)   if your virgin partner has ever had cold sore and gives you oral sex then there is a chance you could get the cold sore transferred to your genitals this is then called genital herpes and is on the increase being passed this way.the highest risk is the week before the cold sore appears the week/days while the cold sore is showing and a while the cold sore is healing so a week after. - i have no name

7)   Be caerful that they are not lying, some people lie about being a virgin to get sex. Some people count them selves as virgins even after having oral sex, you can transmit stds through having oral sex too.
If your partner doesn't have cold sores (which are caused by oral herpes, contagious, very common to have and can be passed to the genitals), or hepatitis then you should be relatively safe. Cold sores and hepatitis are 2 infections that you can get with out having sex, but if your partner happens to have them then they can pass them onto you.
Be safe and use condoms if your not ready to be parents. If she is not on some form of birth control she could end up getting pregnant. - LINDSEY S


Question 3
why do breast itch at times?...  

1)   lemme help you with that.

*scratch* - Trav

2)   Because an invisible homeless cat is sucking on it? - Adam

3)   well they do because mine do and i asked the doctor and she said some woman are just like that so don't worry - Angela

4)   if its dry then it itch.. just put some vaseline on... - ss


Question 4
Woke up with itchy bites on my leg..?...  Someone please help!!! I woke up with these itchy bites on ONE leg - I think wearing sweatpants saved my other leg the itchiness - and the itch is incredibly bad!! I've used aftershave but I was wonderin if any of you smart ppl on Answers knew any remedies :(

Plus - could my cat cause this?

1)   Fleas
Maybe Hives - esmerelda_ravyn1

2)   Try washing/cleaning your bedding.

Cat might cause it if you're allergic or something. - Aelphais

3)   For acne ,darkspots,blemishes,stretchmarks and other
skin care tips and geting clean and fair skin
u may refer to this blog
(copy n paste tis link in browser to open it)
n u ll find tips for curing acne and
solution to all your skin problems - Lovi

4)   Fleas or allergic - ari luv jb


Question 5
STD? Please help me! Im scared!?...  I have SEVERE vaginal itching right now and it is the most uncomfortable thing to deal with. It started with discharge yesterday and a slight itch but today it itches sooo much more. It's starting to look swollen from itching it so much! This happened about a month n a half ago also and I thought it was a yeast infection so i used that Monistat stuff you can buy for yeast infections and all the symptoms went away right away but now it's back again and I'm really scared! Does this sound like an STD? Someone please help! Only respond if you are serious please!
Can a guy get treated for a yeast infection? If so, How?

1)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use terconazole. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Judith

2)   no it is not an STD, you have a yeast infection, women get them for various reasons and sex isn't one of them. Just go to the drug store and get the treatment for yeast infection....personally I prefer Monistat7, but they all have the same basic ingredient so any of them should work, if the symptoms went away when you used monistat but then came back you simply didn't use it long enough, you need to use it for seven days. And, you may be re-infecting yourself if you had it and had sex with the same partner again, he could pass it back to you, or if you use sex toys, you aren't cleaning them adequately. Also, taking tub baths instead of showers, using too harsh a soap and not changing your underwear daily can cause yeast. - essentiallysolo

3)   This happened to me.
Girl has sex with boyfriend, not realizing she has a yeast infection yet. Girls infection goes "active" and girl gets treated. Boyfriend carries infection but has no symptoms. Girl and boy have sex again. Girl gets reinfected.
Is that a possibility.
Just a little peice of wisdom, anytime there is something wrong with your hooha that requires a treatment or medication, always get the boytoy treated too. - JENNIFER M

4)   sorry about that - Yes yes fam.


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