Sunday, December 13, 2009

herpes and other STIs?

Question 1
herpes and other STIs?...  can you get herpes from kissing if the person shows no visual signs of a break out?

1)   yes, but only if they have herpes on their mouth - Rebecca1023

2)   yes - Monkay

3)   yes you can get mouth herpes (cold sores) and you can transfer genital herpes to mouth and vice versa

Its alot harder to transfer when there isnt an outbreak - Dave87gn

4)   By herpes if you mean a cold sore, then yes. - lindseygasm

5)   yerpppp - myles

6)   Yes. Herpes is your one true friend. It will be by your side till the day you die - Harry

7)   herpes are the best - FunnyFetish

8)   What the he'll is a STI? - Keith

9)   Anything is possible, but the chance is not as great as when they have huge dripping sores. - jemimajenkins


Question 2
Drinking/Smoking effects?...  What are the long term effects of smoking/drinking? :o
Thanks! :)

1)   Liver infection, hurt loved ones....... lung cancer ?!? - Whacckkaa :DDD

2)   Liver can mess up..That would not be a good thing...Lung cancer. you can kill someone drinking if you drink to much then you would have to live with that. - Sam W

3)   Drinking -->
Liver Cancer
Kidney failure
Broken cheekbones (from fighting)
Smoking -->
Painful coughing
Emphysema (cancer of the lungs)
Premature ageing, death
Possible gangreen - John

4)   DEATH - GG


Question 3
Itchy skin from chlorine?...  So i started swim team about 2 weeks ago, and maybe yesterday or today my arms and legs started feeling itchy. I had a little rash on my right wrist after a meet friday but it went away, and now my elbows and shoulders are itchy. Is this maybe from the chlorine? If so are there any ways to get rid of it, like lotion or stuff?

1)   chlorine can dry out ur skin.. so use cream and stuff. - xothegoodlife

2)   It could be from the chlorine. You could have more sensitive skin so be sure to shower all that chlorine off and use skin sensitive lotions like lubriderm or aveeno. - Monika M

3)   for every kind of acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,
spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
it has got so many tips n free beauty samples
for curing acne and all your skin problems - Fgfvsww


Question 4
What caused my brothers seizure?...  I believe I already know why but I would like a conformation. He was drinking 190 proof alcohol (everclear 95% ethonal) mixed drinks the night prior then today we were in the hot tub which was well over 100 degrees, so its my guess he was so dehydrated from the alcohol and the heat of the hot tub that he had a seizure. He came back a few seconds later, we gave him plenty of water and he seems fine now.

1)   He needs to see a doctor and talk to one. - Teresa

2)   dehydration, no, im afraid not.. alcohol-induced seizures are due to acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome. your brother needs to consult with an MD on this VERY VERY serious issue. his life literally may depend on it. - An-Atomy

3)   no not from alcohol. if u guys were smoking weed it could be because of that

tlk to a doc asap - Alicia


Question 5
Is it a yeast infection or a rash?...  I recently shaved 'down there' because I ran out of wax supplements and I shaved using skincare product. I didn't have a mirror so it was hard making sure I got everything. I may have accidental caused some skincare product into my vagina while I was lifting my skin around.

So that night I started to itch, but not anywhere near the shaving but around my labia and a little bit below the area of the opening, almost close to the anus. (sorry hard to explain) It wasn't a lot of itching but very very little. It doesn't burn when I pee but I noticed when I used the body soap, as the soap washed off my body, the water burned the area of my itching. Today I noticed some mild red coloring inside my labia but i'm on my pd so that could be it. Other than the other symptoms of a yeast infection, these two are the only ones I have.

My mother said it could be a rash and the itching isnt all the time. I'm thinking since I shaved, the small hairs are rubbing against my labia. I'm just worried because I dont want to have a yeast infection. Tomorrow i'm going to my nearest parent plannedhood to get tested but I wanted to hear from other people.

Oh the last time I had sex was about a week almost two weeks ago but I dont think it has anything to do with it since I am sexually active.
sometimes it isnt an itch but an irritation...

1)   It's probably just a little razor burn. - shadow_dragonblood

2)   a yeast infection usually causes the skin to turn whitish and peel.....its from taking an antibiotic too happened to my daughter.....

.I would say you have a comedy of errors.....shaving...and the lotion you used....a real combo for making sensitive tissue sore and the pricklies on already iritated skin
best thing to do is just get in the tub...relax with the radio.....lay there withopne bubbles...just plain very warm water and let the water heal the area.....

no lotions.......they burn
jean - milkweeds51


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