Monday, December 21, 2009

How do i get rid of my blackheads?

Question 1
How do i get rid of my blackheads?...  i always have blackhead on my nose,chin and cheeks.I go in the shower and wash my face but they never come out.Ive heard the remover tools can leave scars,i also use the strips but they never come out.What can i do to make them go away?

1)   Try visiting the chemist and asking for an antibacterial soap. - All the Best

2)   maybe they are just birth marks
if you really want to know how 2 get rid of them, go see a dermatoligest - ilove2singhispraise

3)   Pop them =) - Heather

4)   flesh of a flesh....remember silence of the lambs??? - HamsterWheel

5)   A simple home remedy I have found to work very well is the application of garlic on the desired area (crush a garlic clove, then spread the juices) and then to cover it with vaseline. Leave applied for 2-3 hours. This will soften the pores, inflate the dirt and grime inside, and allow for the quick and easy removal of the dirt and bacteria with a simple wash.

Hope this helps!

Dr. Allen Murphy MD - Dr. Allen

6)   You can use a facial scrub called Apricot Scrub, use it every morning, and before you go to bed and in the shower. Then after you clean your face, use facial lotion with vitamins and minerals so that they help your face. If none of this works, talk to your doctor, see what they say. If you don't want to see your doctor, you can just buy Pro Active, it worked for my friends, not me though, but doesn't mean it won't for you. Hopefully i helped! :) - Mouse

7)   I have the same problem with my nose. Contrary to popular belief, it's not just dirt (may not even be dirt at all). The oil in some parts of our face, most commonly our nose, turns black when exposed to oxygen. If you haven't tried salicylic acid, it's worth looking into. Works great for a lot of people.

To treat mine, I first do the gross part of squeezing out what I can. Do not use your nails for this, because it can scar the skin. I fill my sink with hot water (as hot as I can stand) and dip my face for 15 seconds at a time, about 3 or 4 times. I use about a tsp of sugar and rub it into my face with a towel. Sugar is a strong exfoliate. Scrub hard on the areas where there are blackheads, and lightly on the rest. I use my acne wash immediately after and leave it on my face for a minute or two. Then I wash off with hot water. Once all the soap is gone, I fill the sink with cold water and again dip my face to close up my pores. With tighter pores, it takes a lot longer for future oil to oxidize. My skin is then glowing for about a week or two. Give it a try.

One of my sources below has recommended products and tips for beating blackheads. Good luck. - Timsa


Question 2
Can I smoke weed with bronchitis?...  I have an inhaler that was given to me, just wondering if it's okay to smoke weed if I also use the inhaler afterward if I'm having any trouble, or if I should just stay away from it for a few days. Thanks!

By the way, I don't care what your personal feelings are on weed, I want an unbiased medical answer.
That's funny, I don't think I asked for anyone's opinion. Talk to someone who cares, because to put it frankly, I don't.

1)   Absolutely take a break until you are better. Even in good health smoking anything will harm your lungs and airway. Since bronchitis compromises those areas as well then smoking will just do more harm.

Take a break and once you are better you will be able to start up again. - phishfour

2)   how about you just don't smoke weed? people these days are idiots - Jared

3)   I'm not a medical person, but I would make some brownies and eat them, that way your lungs can take a break. :-) - netty

4)   Try it and see, Alexa...

The proof is in the pudding. - Bella4You

5)   You don't need an "unbiased medical answer." Common sense should tell you, if you are already in need of an inhaler, lay off the weed and give your lungs a break. - Just Me


Question 3
Im 11 years old and i picked my mole will i get cancer.?...  I picked it off its smaller but its still brown. And can it grow back?. And will i get cancer?.

1)   no. dont do it again though! - ginger

2)   Yes it will grow back - easily removed by your doctor and no, it won't necessarily be cancerous. 99% of moles aren't. - Sal*UK

3)   no - Fairytale

4)   No don't worry mate, it'll just grow back into a tree, nothing to worry about... Just kidding :D
Nah of course not, just don't keep doing it! :) - LemonZest


Question 4
Where would one find information about forms of breast cancer?...  I believe it is called infiltrating ductile carcinoma. I am not sure about the spelling, but I think it is close. I just need information, and where to find said information for reference.

1) is a good site. - hanora

2)   American Cancer Society is great, Cancer Care Alliance, Swedish Cancer Center, do a search on breast cancer and you will find what you seek.

Breast Cancer is very treatable if found early, stage one breast cancer has a 95% chance of survival for a five year period after diagnosis.

Good luck in your research. - Dave

3)   I found this awesome website and you can find more information,about your question,
Take your time to visit ,I hope this helps! - Mek

4)   Mammary ductal carcinoma is the most common type of breast cancer in women. It comes in two forms: invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), an infiltrating, malignant and abnormal proliferation of neoplastic cells in the breast tissue and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), a noninvasive, possibly malignant neoplasm that is still confined to the lactiferous ducts, where breast cancer most often originates.
Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). IDC accounts for about 70 percent of all breast cancers. The cancer cells form in the lining of your milk duct, then break through the ductal wall and invade nearby breast tissue. The cancer cells may remain localized — staying near the site of origin — or spread (metastasize) throughout your body, carried by your bloodstream or lymphatic system. - gangadharan nair


Question 5
The base of my right nostril is red and slightly swollen, it is extremely painful to the touch. What is it?...  The base of my right nostril is red and slightly swollen, it is extremely painful to the touch. What is it? I know this sounds stupid but I would really like to make it go away, so should i stick a needle in it or something? Any answers will be helpful! Thanks!

1)   no, don't stick a needle in it or pick at it. The nose isn't a good place to pick at things, it can get into the blood stream if you get a major infection. Put some neosporin on it or get a prescription from your doctor for Bactroban, they make a version for the nose. - ~GЯACE~

2)   maybe its a pimple lol - Alex

3)   I got those too, Its basically a pimple under the skin. You can't pop it, so the only thing to do is to wait for it to go away, or go to the doctor and see if they can help you - MackieJane


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