Friday, August 6, 2010

Can I get chapped lips from kissing someone with chapped lips?

Question 1
Can I get chapped lips from kissing someone with chapped lips?...  My boyfriend has quite badly chapped lips and I'm worried that if I kiss him too much then mine will be chapped too. Could that happen or not?

1)   no - Mr X

2)   Yesno - B1GB0SS1

3)   NO, but you can catch the venereal disease that caused his chapped lips, causing you to have chapped lips too. - Saecula Saeculorum

4)   No it doesnt work like that.......but you should tell your boyfriend to start wearing chapstick more will help - Eric K

5)   No, chapped lips is just from his lips being too dry. You can not get this, kiss away!! :) - Dustin Cherry

6)   Nope. Not at all. Don't worry. Keep on at it. - creation7689

7)   yes it happend to my sister last month rele bad she had to get special lip cream from a doctor - jason

8)   not really no just make sure you use lip barm or cream on your lips to keep them moisturised :) - mummy to tyler age 2 nearly

9)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Lisa K

10)   Just tell him to put some chapstick on, then kiss him. but no, chapped lips are not contagious. though kissing a lot does dry your lips/mouth out and will lead to chapped lips if you don't use lip balm afterwards. - oblivion*

11)   no, chapped lips isn't like an illness or whatever that can be spread, it's not infectious. chapped lips come from your lips being too dry from like being outside in the wind or sun. no matter how much you kiss your boyfriend you will not get chapped lips from him. =] - theloveway

12)   if you want softer lips like Nicole Anderson, put in a little bit of vaseline on in the morning and before you go to bed. it helped me! now i have softer lips. it may help you to be a better kisser. it might!

=D - Rubi!

13)   No..but keep yours nice and moist that way once you kiss him his won't feel so chap...

Also you may want to suggest to him to place some lip balm on at night before going to bed and once he wakes up the his lips will be ready to go....

Hope this helps!! - Diann A

14)   that won't happen it will feel funny with him having chapped lips maybe put some vaseline on his lips the next time you see him and you can still kiss you won't get dry lips to kiss all you want .
go for it girl .but take care of your man and out some vaseline on his lips .and pucker up - Duane


Question 2
what allergy medicine really works?...  My allergies are really bad all year long i have tried so many medicines over the years such as Claritin, Claritin d, Zyrtec(works but makes me soo tired), dayquil, nyquil(works at night but too sleepy during the day), and some some my doctor gives me, my doctor would give me some meds and i would tell her they didn't work i need something stronger, 3 times she tired to give me something alittle stronger nothing works, i honestly have such bad allergies i just wanted to die so i could feel better,
please help me what works!? : (
by the way im 19 and i have a huge test coming up in 2 weeks and when i have a test my allergies are so bad i just hurry up with the test not paying attention bc all i can think about is if my nose will start running and how i cant breath and just want to go home and lay down
I desperately need something that will help me get through work and school

1)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Henry

2)   You should use clarinex, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Carolee Kringel

3)   i like to use Benidril (not sure how to spell it) at first the normal doses do make me sleepy but after a while i dont fee tired when i take . Allergy free. - Samantha

4)   Hi Leah,

Thank You for sharing your medical history with Yahoo answers. My answer is unconventional and is based on personal experiences because I too have multiple allergies which did not respond to treatment.

I had severe allergies which resulted in severe asthma and other breathing difficulties. I suffered from bouts of sneezing and continuous nasal discharge in Malaysia. I went to the UK for further studies and my allergies disappeared. Whenever I go to certain places I develop allergic reactions to pollens in the air. These reactions are strong and do not respond to treatments. My best action is to avoid the offending substances.

Conclusion: Consider moving house/area/country etc if your condition is really bad. I too contemplated "getting rid of myself." Now I am glad I did not do anything as crazy as that. - Sarjeet S. G...


Question 3
worms and parasites in humans?...  okay i took in a pregnant stay cat and i think she has worms im gonna get her treated and the babies and then find other homes for them. the point is can my family get these worms or parasites and if we do get them how do i get rid of them??

1)   Im not a vet or a doctor, but Im pretty sure your family will be fine as long as they dont eat your cats droppings. And if they were to get worms, they would have to do to the doctor and take meds for it - TB

2)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Kate

3)   Once you get her treated it should be ok. It's unlikely your family will get them. Your doctor can treat you if it happens. We have a place called 'Cat Rescue' where we adopted our cat. Cat lovers take them in until they are adopted then charge $50 so they can buy litter and food for the other cats. See if you have a place in your city like this. Check with your local vet or pet groomers, or online. - cdabexx


Question 4
Afternoon dizziness, nervousness, fatigue. Causes?...  Recently I've been getting severe dizziness just after my lunch at work. I usually have just a sandwich, nothing heavy. I get extreme waves of dizziness, a very 'foggy' head, extreme fatigue and I feel very 'on edge' and nervous - to such a degree that I keep wondering if I should go home.

It's very distracting and unsettling. I am on no medication and have no other health problems. Does anyone know what this could be? Thanks in advance.

1)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Lisa K

2)   I'm not a doctor, but I do know that those symptoms are conducive with sugar problems. You may be consuming excessive amounts of carbohydrates which cause your blood sugar levels to rise rapidly then just as quickly crash, causing the fatigue, dizziness and nervousness. You may try something high in protein for lunch rather than a carb-based meal. - Adam


Question 5
bad acne tried almost everything!?...  I have tried almost everything and nothing gets rid of my acne. I get good night sleep, exercise, and eat right. I wash my face... I really dont know what to do.. any help? I tried proactive and all of that.. still doesnt work,

1)   about it you can get information from here - Carolee Kringel

2)   It sounds as if you've tried EVERYTHING but going to the dermatologist!! He can quickly size up your problem and get you started to becoming clear. - zitdr_02


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