Thursday, August 12, 2010

If I'm having a shortness of breath and chest/heart pain, does that meanI'm about to have a heart attack?

Question 1
If I'm having a shortness of breath and chest/heart pain, does that meanI'm about to have a heart attack?...  

1)   about it you can get information from here - Junko Wyrostek

2)   Maybe. i suggest you to see a doctor immediatly - Sev

3)   Any time you have a question about chest pain, you should go to an ER and let them evaluate the cause. It's wise to be safe. - missingora


Question 2
how bad is my acne? pics included?...  I`m 14. most of the purple-ish red marks are scars. and you can see my recent breakout. andd i`m using acne cream so yeah.
just wanna know how bad it is.

like, is it really that horrible?

1)   Don't worry about it :]

You look young and even if not you will grow out of it. - PSU Fan

2)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Junko Wyrostek

3)   It's not great, but it's definitely not horrendous. You'll probably outgrow it in a few years. If it really bothers you though, you could talk to a dermatologist. A friend of mine used ProActive back in the day and loved it. - Danielle


Question 3
What will happen to you if you get bitten by a animal with rabies?...  For some strange reason I just thought about rabies and I wondered what would happen to someone if they got bitten by a animal with rabies. Would the person get rabies? will they die? or will they fell fine after a while. I also wanna know how did the animal end up with rabies in the first place? Can people get rabies without being bitten?

1)   YOU get rabies. If not treated by a series of unusually painful shots you may die from insanity.
And I don't think rabies count as an STD.

~FailScout - Adongod

2)   you would have to go to the doctor as soon as possible abd you will be fine. if you never go the doctor then eventually you will die. rabies is tranferred through saliva so if the saliva got into your bloodtream somehow besides getting bitten, then i guess you could get rabies that way. - Laura

3)   If you get bitten by an infected animal, you will also get rabies. I think you have something like 48 hours to get treated for it with five massive needles that are very painful. If you have been inoculated, you will still get rabies, but you will die slower. The idea behind this is that it gives you more time to get treated. 72 hours or something like that. If you don't get treated afterwards, you will die. If you do get treated, the chances of dying are a heck of a lot lower, but there's still a chance it may not work. Animals get rabies from being infected by other animals in the same way. Where it originates from, I haven't got a clue. don't know if you can get it any other way. Basically you have to have an open wound so that the virus to go into your blood. You could get it injected into you I suppose. - Fia


Question 4
How to naturally treat dry and irritated skin?! HELP PLEASE!!?...  Tomorrow I am going on a vacation and every single time I go up there, I get the WORST DRY ITCHY RED SKIN BUMPS IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!! Its so frustrating and irritating! Is there any way that I can STOP it!? Any good sunscreen, lotions...? I use Aquaphor, Eucerin... help please! I cant take it anymore!

1)   E45 cream is amazing for dry irritated skin. - Leah

2)   Aveeno the triple oat complex one - honey


Question 5
Has an insect bitten me?...  I am sitting at my computer when I suddenly felt an itch on my chest, when I looked I had a white raised bump, there are no mosquitoes in my house so what has bitten me? I live in the UK so what biting bugs do we have? Could it be hives, what are they? I also have a terrible HIV phobia and I am now concerned about the insect biting someone else and then biting me and either injectiong me with someones blood or leaving a trace of blood on my skin.

1)   Is the bump white? Or is it colorless and your skin is white? Is it growing? Does it itch? Is there a rash around the area? Swelling? If none of these is the case, then you'll be fine. - sheed

2)   You don't know that there are no mosquitoes in your house. You might have a random one flying around. Chances of you getting HIV from a mosquito in england is very very low.
If you have a pet, it might have fleas? Flea bites tend to be very small. - Fia


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