Wednesday, August 25, 2010

what is abnormality of gait?

Question 1
what is abnormality of gait?...  

1)   Very loosely defined term to encompass a wide range of medical problems that lead to "walking funny" - Belle

2)   gait is the way you walk, the pattern - Mike J

3)   I'm guessing an unusual walking stance or pattern. Maybe a limp or a strange method of putting one foot in front of the other. - Gaspode the wonder dog

4)   gait is the way you walk or hold yourself upright - Amy

5)   It's when you walk strangely. Usually a consequence of some kind of medical disorder either with the hips or the legs. - Bec :)

6)   An uneveness in walking; "a limp", a "hobble", a noticeable "difference" in a person's walk. - chasvanblom

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Question 2
Living with my man for 2 years.........and NOW he tells me he has had HERPES all along??!!!!!!!!!?...  He tells me tonight for the first time in 2 years of 3 I have known him that he has herpes because this is the first outbreak he has had in like 4 years, even though he has had it for over 10 years.........
So initially we used protection, but it has been forever since we have since I can not get pregnant.& we have been monogamous .....
I am sad, mad, hurt and more........What should I do besides go get tested ?????????

1)   You should use acyclovir, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Marvella Steinbrecher

2)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Kristy

3)   I would go get tested and kick the hucka-laro out the door. There are many drugs you can take to help with this now. I know this won't help your madness over this. I too would be spitting fire balls.
Sending you a hug, be brave and move on with your life. - msmag

4)   It depends on where you are, In California passing a disease knowingly with malicious intent is a felony. - V I S I O N

5)   what a nasty man. defo get tested, and althought it will seem super hard, dump him. - urgh

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Question 3
Could HIV cuase the penis to burn when peeing?...  

1)   No, but other STDs could. - Mac Daddy

2)   Not HIV, but possibly an STD - Dakota

3)   Other STD's do that

Time for a trip to the Clinic - steven m

4)   HIV does not, however when HIV becomes AIDs your body is extremely susceptible to diseases of all sorts. Chlamydia is an STD that burns when you pee and it is treated with antibiotics. - Patrick G

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Question 4
How to relieve a sunburn?...  Me and my sister are very sunburned. What is the best way to relive it?

1)   If it is all over your body, then make a cool (not cold) tub of black tea and soak in it for 20 or so minutes. The tannin in the tea soothes the burn and the COOL water will help relieve the heat sensation. Do NOT put on ANY creams until the heat of the burn is gone. If you do, it will only feel worse.

Next time use a sun lotion. - Stan

2)   Aloe is always good to apply. It looks weird, and you can't really leave your house like this, but Noxema cleanser also takes A LOT of the sting out. I don't know why, but it's great. Pouring vinegar on a sunburn helps take the sting out and reduces redness because it's full of acetic acid. Cool the vinegar and then dilute it with equal parts water. - ELADOR733

3)   well what always works for me if there r just a few spots then soak a cloth or paper towel with milk and hol it ther till the sting comes out. If its all over your body make a milk bath (only a little full maybe a 1/4 or somewhere around there or swi in a chlorinated pool

hope i helped - Ella Macey

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Question 5
Sleeping under the table gives my goosebumps. Should I go to a doctor?...  Sometimes I am scared I might be allergic to the floor under the table. Is that possible?

1)   Usually if you are sleeping under the table, it's because you've been drinking too much, in which case your problem is not floor allergies, but cirrhosis of the liver. - Scott

2)   .... - Tylerblack

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