Thursday, April 1, 2010

Can I get head lice from someone else’s pillow or hat?

Question 1
Can I get head lice from someone else’s pillow or hat?...  if i use someone's pillow or hat, can i get lice?

1)   Yes - Gothic Bug

2)   Yes.... - Drake Haven

3)   most likely - Horse luver

4)   YES - keith p

5)   Oh yes indeed you can. If that happened you better keep a close eye on your hair. - Gunner221

6)   uh where do you think they come from they dont just fly onto your head - answers smartass

7)   Yes, you can. You can get lice being within 5 feet of someone who has lice so sharing anything head realted would transfer the lice easily! - dreamer

8)   Absolutely! My grandmother was a school nurse for years, and trust me she taught us how NOT to get head lice if at all possible.
Trying on someones hat, coat, pillow, using their comb or brush, even getting your head close to other people. I still have a big "personal space" issue and I am an adult now. - empire

9)   YES U CAN - Banga

10)   NOPE, sleep away! :) - Ryan


Question 2
can someone spread toe nail fungus if they're barefoot in the house?...  

1)   Yes. That person should wear clean, fresh socks if they wish to walk around without shoes on and seek immediate treatment for the fungus, which might include medication that acts on the fungus growing underneath the nail (where creams can't reach). - SpikeBoy

2)   Sure! Watch out for airport security checks, too. - w61earl

3)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Dr Dave

4)   hahaha i dnt knw - Usman Raza

5)   yes u can well im guessin that u and your poor family cant afford socks or a computer thats why ur using a public one right - IeatRobertPattinson4Dinner


Question 3
What's wrong with my skin?...  The skin around my mouth and chin and some parts of my neck has gone kind of weird. It's kind of rash but not quite. It's like dry goosebumps or something, it's sort of warm and a bit itchy. It started about two days ago and doesn't seem to have gone away. I've never had anything like it before and I don't have asthma or anything and I don't think I've ever had eczema.
Also it's not really visible, like it's not red or flaky or anything it's just that the hair follicles are sort of raised if you know what I mean.
No, I don't think so, I had a really long think about it and I can't think of anything different in my diet or in any cosmetics I've used that may have caused an allergic reaction.

1)   it seems just like an allergic reaction. Have you used any new products lately? - Michelle

2)   I agree it sounds like some type of allergic reaction. Eczema would be different. - Gunner221

3)   hmm... maybe you have exima go check with ur doc and use A LOT of foot cream on youre neck... I WORKS!!! - IeatRobertPattinson4Dinner


Question 4
Sore unsual pimples/warts around the genital area?...  I'm worried about my vaginal area. I recently had thrush or what I thought to be thrush. I've had unprotected sex with my boyfriend because I'm safe with him, I've had unprotected sex with 2 other people aswell. After my last unprotected sex with my friend, little things what looked like pimples (red, flaky and sore) started to appear around my vaginal area. It went away for a week then it came back when I got my period. It was itchy and then a week later became flaky and it went away again.

I just want to know what others think it is, incase I go to the docors and results are nothing that bad. Also what are the symptoms of STD and herpes?

1)   You need to go see your OB/GYN. It could very well be an STD. Until you find out for sure you should definitely practice safe sex with your partner in case it is an STD there is a possibility you haven't infected anyone else. Until you get a chance to see your doctor if the itching is becoming a problem and you find yourself having a hard time focusing on something I would recommend taking something like Benadryl it will help with the itching but also make you a little drowsy. Once again, go to your doctor, get tested for an STD. I wish you the best of luck, take care. - Travis C

2)   Sounds like a bacterial infection could be drying your skin out. It might be an STD or something else. I had something similar that was not an STD and effective other areas of my body and cleared up in less than a week with antibiotics and haven't had it since. It's definitely something you should talk to your doctor about because it's probably contagious. Don't worry, chances are you will be completely cured by your doctor. - SpikeBoy

3)   Better get yourself checked by the doctor for it could be a v.d. - manjit grover


Question 5
Am I suffering from bloating?...  Hi....I am 20 year old.
I suffer from mild type of constipation for years.
(i.e irregular bowel movements and often feel that bowel is not clear after going to toilet
but NO pain in abdomen or while passing stools).

My weight is 54 kg and height 154 cms.

that shows my weight is normal but my stomach area is quite loose. but my hands and legs are thin.

Do i suffer from stomach bloating?

can i loose inches around stomach by just eliminating constipation problem or do i have to take rigorous exercising?

1)   go to dr. for satisfaction. - ani roxs

2)   I suffer from that as well. what i do is make sure that drink an enormous amount of water an hour before my meal. this kinda helps...and i get some of those digestion pills which make your stomach a little flatter!
good luck! - ♪ GodsMelody ♪


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