Sunday, April 4, 2010

I have a swollen eyelid and have no time to go to the doctor. What can I do to help it go down a little?

Question 1
I have a swollen eyelid and have no time to go to the doctor. What can I do to help it go down a little?...  

1)   ice - cuddles

2)   It's not pink-eye is it? If so then you have to go to the doc or at least call them. Otherwise try ice. - ACLR24

3)   put ice in a bag thun out a paper towel over it and let it sit on yur eye but dont let it get to cold
and take it on and off for a while - digitalfarrett

4)   cold used tea bag - DREW D

5)   put a very warm, moist washcloth on it, it sounds like a sty. The heat should draw the sty out and ease the swelling. Repeat until improved. - huskernurse

6)   Ok this will sound weird I know, but it really works! Put you hand bind your face and reach out for the bad eye like i your doing a chinese eye. You can not just do that with your hand in front. You have to do it like I first stated. It Works you will see.
P.S. It's called "orsuelo" in spanish (what you have) - Natalie

7)   Heat a cup of water and put 1/4 teaspoon of salt in it, then with a clean cloth dip it in the cup and put it on your eyelid (eye closed of course, and make sure it's not too hot) do that every hour for 10 min for 4 hours. Another tip to avoid this in the future is buying a baby shampoo with the sign "no tears" submerge a Q-tip and use it to clean the outside part of your eyelashes.

99% of the cases when our eyelids get swollen its because the tiny pores get obstructed. Following this instructions it will look much better tomorrow, just don't forget you need to go to the doctor for eye drops.

Hope it helps :D - Ani G


Question 2
at what point should an adult with a fever....?...  go to the emergency room...I took tylenol I took a cold shower it hasn't moved a smudge wtf I feel like crap
Its right around 102.3 or .4 and its been that way for the past three hours even after tylenol I took a cold shower and all it did was was make me shiver and cry

1)   what's your temperature? - dance<3

2)   What is your temperature - Vision Guru

3)   get some rest, drink fluids

if its above 103, go to the ER - -|L|-

4)   If you body reach a 104 you should go the the hospital cuz if your body temp is that high it could cause brain damage. (That is what the Dr.'s always tell me when i have a fever.) - glitzgirl18

5)   Take a Tylenol and goto bed you will be fine. - PAstudent


Question 3
getting rid of a cold.?...  any advice? easy points.

1)   cold med duhhh and water - Jim

2)   well you cant fight it with drugs
your body has to do it itslef meaning it needs to be strong so you need a lot of vitamin C
drink warm stuff like soup and tea
keep warm - Farty McFart

3)   Vitamin C helps keep you immune system strong look into getting some tablets to help recover / prevent illness - ٩(•̮̮̃•̃)۶

4)   Get extra Sleep; drink more H2O, eat some half-way decent food- and you should be out-and-about & over it- in 4 days (depending on how LONG you've already HAD it). Also- TRY not to "share" your contagion... -Remember; just because you want to get RID of that Cold- doesn't mean that anybody Wants It !!! ;) Hope you feel better ! - Joseph the Second

5)   Use Fruits rich in Vitamin C it is the natural way of curing cold - Vision Guru


Question 4
How to get rid of Blackheads?...  I tired the homemade lemon mask, clean and clear mask, pore strips, exfoliating once a week, even the blackhead remover tool! I have been eating healthy and exercising ever day. How can I get rid of them? I hate them so much... I haven't even gotten ONE blackhead out.. Help please!

1)   Lance them puppies with a bobbi pin. - markredwing

2)   It's vital to eat well to remain fit. Acai berry is an amazing super food which keeps you fit and also has the bonus of helping you to lose loads of weight. There's a free trial on currently at , why not check it out, what is the worst that could happen? - Gaige

3)   Try using the blackhead face mask every single day until the blackheads disappear. They may take a long time to get rid of them. - Ladydi

4)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Dsxzw

5)   You have to first steam your face gently for 10 minutes either in the shower/bath. This will open your pores. Then I find the best solution is to find those blackhead removers from an Asian store like Daiso (the blackhead charcoal nose mask is only $2) and those will generally help cleanse them out. Then you should put ice or some sort of toner on your nose to tighten those pores again.

By the way if you exercise a lot and sweat a lot, remember to cleanse your face right afterwards! - Ruth


Question 5
zit zappers?? I want my zit gone by tomarrow?...  There is a stupid zit right above my lip! Its been here for like 3 days and i need it gone before going back to school!! aaahhh!!!
your a jerk RHCPfan

1)   blow torch and a shovel...thats all i got. - RHCPfan

2)   get a bottle of "Campho Phenique", apply a little bit with a Q-tip before bed and try daily facial washing with a bar of Dove soap... - tracyjordan_97

3)   toothpaste, always works! keep it on all night. - nati

4)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Dsxzw


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