Friday, April 2, 2010

does Cystex® work for urinary tract infection and what can help a urinary tract infection fast?

Question 1
does Cystex® work for urinary tract infection and what can help a urinary tract infection fast?...  ok see my girl has a urinary tract infection but she cant go to the d.r and i hate seeing her in pain (she is crying in the bathroom and she won't leave the bathroom) please help
oh and ps can i Get IT?? FROM HER?? if so how?

1)   i don't think so - Michael Scarn

2)   She needs to go see a doctor because it will get worse and lead to a kidney infection. In the meantime, drink cranberry juice or buy cranberry pills and you can buy over the counter medicine for these infections, but even when those make her feel better she still will have the infection and they do NOT cure a urinary infection. Please tell her to go to the doctor. - Anthony

3)   I recommend you to see----->
a holistic approach to this problem is better
I hope that will resolve your problem
keep using - Dr Ashely

4)   Cystex's active ingredient is Methenamine, which is a type of salt. It is meant to treat urinary tract infections, so it should work for that so long as you make sure she takes it for about two days beyond when she stops showing any sypmtoms. I've used Amoxicillin (antibiotic) and it definitely works.

Make sure she gets lots of water, does not eat much sugar (sugar feeds infections), tell her to sit up on the toilet when she pees because it's important that her bladder completely empties, and tell her to take a hot shower and try to relax (really warm water can help relax tension and may help in getting some discharge out).

Staying hydrated is /very/ important.

If it is at all possible, try to get her to a doctor. - Helen A.

5)   You should use sumycin, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Jacqualine


Question 2
Lump in my left armpit?...  I've had a hard, 1/2 inch lump in my armpit for about a month now. It's stayed about the same...maybe changed a little; but mostly just hard, under the skin, and doesn't hurt. I know All the possibilities it could be, but i dont want to worry, when should I start to worry, if ever, or when should i go to the doctor?
it's pretty fixed in its place; its hard.....maybe not hard as a rock, but its firm, not really squishy, but not hard again as a rock. Should I stop using deo, or anti p. deo? its the anti p. that i should avoid, if that the cause correct?

1)   i would go to a doctor soon. it could be a swollen gland, or it could be something that needs a biopsy. with lumps in the body, its better not to wait - mona lisa

2)   I recommend you to see----->
a holistic approach to this problem is better
I hope that will resolve your problem
keep using - Dr Ashely

3)   tons of lymph glands are located in the armpit. a swollen lymph gland in the armpit is fairly common, but it should definitely be checked out.

can you move it around under your skin? it is somewhat squishy?

USUALLY cancerous masses are fixed and rock hard.

from what I have seen, a swollen lymph node in the armpit is likely due to irritation from deodorant. until your doctor's appointment, try and go without it for a few days (if you can) and see what happens. - JH

4)   Hello there- and I apologize beforehand for trying to answer this question this way- as I live abroad...
Well- a lump like this for one month is enough to get to your doctor as soon as possible. It's his/ her task to examine you in order to diagnose what is it about... it might be an enlarged lymph node- or part of another problem... it will be fraudulous - if not dangerous - to formulate any opinion by '' phone medicine''... anyway- whatever the problem- its solution has to be in real life- by examination, by blood tests, perhaps by local biopsy... DO NOT NEGLECT, please...I am a Family Doctor- yet living in Israel... good luck and good health... - Alfred

5)   The safest thing for you to do is to go to the doctor. I understand that it is kind of inconvenient, and can be scary but it is really the best advice I can give. Most lumps are benign, but they usually go away within a month. I want to be straightforward so you can make a well-informed decision. Most breast cancer starts in whats called the Tale of Spence, which is the "armpit" portion of the breast. This type of breast cancer can grow very aggressively so the best chance is early recognition and treatment. Worst case senario, it is cancer and they will remove the only the cancer (because it was caught early), best case senario, it is just a cyst or a benign tumor and you will just be told to continue to monitor it and call for changes. Either way, it will be better knowing so you won't worry about it. Good luck. - peacejive


Question 3
ok if my girl goes to the D.R for an urinary tract infection like what will they do?...  like are they going to look all up in there or does she pee on a stick thing?

1)   take a urine sample an prescribe antibiotics if need be. - Sophie

2)   I recommend you to see----->
a holistic approach to this problem is better
I hope that will resolve your problem
keep using - Dr Dave

3)   Look kid, like I told you:

If she doesn't mention the sex, they'll have no reason to ask.

A physical exam is not a usual part of UTI treatment.

She'll pee in a cup & they'll dip stick it to make sure she gets the right antibiotic. - Defender Of The Yahoo Faith

4)   about it you can get information from here - Jacqualine


Question 4
I have a boil on my armpit?...  I also have hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and I was thinking maybe all the sweat clogged the pores in my armpit and caused the boil. Do you think this might be the case?

And how do I get rid of this boil? Rather painful..
Trust me, I shave my armpits.
I'm not a cave person.

1)   go to the doctors because boils are a bacterial infection and can be dangerous - Deaner

2)   first of all please post a picture.

second if there is a head on it. lay down and place a super warm wet washcloth on it for about 20 minutes. this will make it easier to lance/pop

make sure you've washed with anti bacterial soap and have at it. if there is no head and it gets bigger go to the doctor.

and shave your arm pits. i do and i never get boils on my pits anymore. - Glacierkid huit

3)   not to scare you but you need to see a doctor and get checked for staph infection because that is usually how MRSA Staph Infection presents. a cousin had to have her armpit essentially removed due to mrsa staph. but it could be just a boil. see a doctor and i am so sorry you are going through that. - jamasyk

4)   maybe. maybe there's an ingrown hair in there too - Miscellanious


Question 5
How to get rid of scars!?!?...  Well, I feel so self-conscious now because I'm only thirteen and I have two big scars on my legs. I need your guy's help, I haven't even worn shorts in a few months.

First of all, I need to get rid of my burn scar from an iron on the side of my leg.It's like a triangle shape.
The outer part is better but the skin is darker than my normal skin tone. and the inner part is lighter than my skin tone.

The I also fell really bad, slid across concrete, and scratched off the skin in almost my whole knee. Well, the outer part is better and looks normal (it's the part that didn't that didn't get hit badly) But the inner part (which was really really bad) is dry now and everything but it's darker brown and is kinda lumpy/ not flat. Please help, if there is anything I can do/use to get it back to normal or at least make it not lumpy and get the color normal again.

Will putting ice on it work?
Oh and please if you could tell me where I could get the product. Thank you very muh.

1)   I recommend you to see----->
a holistic approach to this problem is better
I hope that will resolve your problem
keep using - Dr Josh

2)   cocoa butter or vitamin e oil on it daily to try and lessen the scar. also i think the product is called mederma, for scars - mona lisa

3)   i think ice only really works on like swelling

but when ever i get a scar i just use some coco butter the sooner you use it the better it works

be sure to use it twice a day ( in the morning when you wake up and before ) every day - DANC3R


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