Saturday, May 1, 2010

Am I the only one who laughs at bald cancer children?

Question 1
Am I the only one who laughs at bald cancer children?...  I find it soooo funny!

Is this wrong?

1)   yes you prick. - ElDuderino

2)   FUCK YES you sick fuck. WTH is wrong with you? - Emmanuel

3)   This is probably something you should keep to yourself. - Bill Nye's Left Nut

4)   No. - Robert Josephson

5)   I laugh at pretty much everything, but this is not one of them. Simply put yes - ugafever_1

6)   seems like there's an endless amount of trolls here on yahoo answers - slience...

7)   YOU or your kid will have it later. for being such an asshole. - christina

8)   yes.........yes it is. thats really sick. why dont you think of it this way and maybe you wont laugh,
hey this kid has a desiese and might die tomorrow. you f-ing bitch. - Livenlove

9)   Umm... That's terrible. But I also know that you're just fishing for a reaction. I bet you'll get some.

On another note: Gibbles? I happen to have a friend who goes by that nickname. Are you also known as Gibbs, Gabbs, and Gibbles and Bits? - Erin

10)   yes its very wrong
what about if that were you?
i bet you wouldnt be laughing at youself..
would you? - !#$%^&*^%$# :D


Question 2
What is the best way to reduce dizziness?...  I was seen in the ER earlier this week after I fainted and had continued dizziness afterwards. It was determined that the fainting was due to a vagal reaction, but the dizziness wasn't really addressed at the time. It has been four days now and the dizziness was seeming to slowly improve, but today (the fourth day) it has been worse then the other days. I don't really get a spinning sensations as associated with vertigo, but more of an uneasy and unstable feeling. I am going to follow up with my doctor as soon as I can get an appointment and unless it gets worse I am not going to go back to the ER. However, in the meantime the dizziness is really effecting things. I haven't been able to go to work and what I do with my day is limited. So, how can I reduce the feeling of dizziness at home? I have already increased my fluid intake and have been making sure to eat regularly.

1)   i am dizzy too.. from medication or my anxiety.. lolz..
Vitamins b-6 and b-12 are great,,apples and nuts.. amonds.. hope this helped..
best regards - bmw153

2)   about it you can get information from here - Gennie

3)   Make SURE your drinking plenty of clear fluids..water, natural fruit juice..Low in sugar. - Jaime


Question 3
Help Help I have hives!!!!?...  Ok so i just got hives and they ARE ALL OVER MY BODY!!!!!!!! My entire body is red and puffy. I dont think i have shortness of breath or anything but i am freaking out! i no it is late but plz help. i took benadrill (how ever you spell it) and i am putting cortaid on it but it is still there! i am so paraniod! i keep thinking that i have shortness of breath then i breathe and i am okay..

1)   Call an information clinic or a doctors office to ask. - Jimmy

2)   Call 911 - bulletfingrz

3)   go to the hospital and find out what you are allergic to and what you should personally do to deal with it. - Tim and Eric


Question 4
Am I going to need a liver transplant in 5 years?...  I drink a 750 ml bottle 3 days a week is this going to cause cirrhosis of the liver if I keep doing it?
I do not drink this amount every day. Only friday.saturday and sunday

1)   750 ml bottle of alcohol? that's 3/4 of a liter a day, which adds up to 2.25 liters a week. You're seriously going to do a lot of damage to your liver if you keep that up. - NY Yankees - 27x World Champs!

2)   Liver transplant is needed for severe liver disorders. I suggest you better reduce your alcoholic intake cos it can cause a variety of liver diseases. - mm_tech18


Question 5
stomch problems. i have no idea what the syptoms mean?...  soooo. here are my sypmtoms:
my stomach swells whenever i eat or drink anything.
then it becomes hard and for about 10-20 seconds there is a brief relief from pain until i can start feeling stuff moving around in my stomach again when it starts to hurt again.
the pain and the swelling all goes away once i go to the washroom but when i go to the washroom, instead of actually using the toilet for its regular use all my body is doing is blowing out air, air and more air. its extremely wierd,. but then after i get diahrrea. and then the cycle starts again.
im going to go to the doctor soon because its been like this for about a week. i was throwing up for the first couple days and then this starting happening. and i dont know what it could be but i hate being hungry but not wanting to eat because i know i will be in pain for about an hour later. i thought i just had a really bad stomach flu at the begining of the week but im starting to change my mind.. whats your take?.
p.s im only 16 and i would really love some mature , decent answers please.

1)   could be a virus ,but to be on the safe side do go to your doctor. - bettey

2)   It looks like any number of gastric problems. Could be something like gastroenteritis or celiac disease. (I'm not a doctor but my sister has celiacs and my mother has various issues with her gastro intestinal system) Definitely go speak to your doctor about it because you could end up seriously dehydrated without treatment for the diarrhea. Until you get to the doctor try eating simple plain food the brat diet (banana rice applesauce and toast) maybe leave out the toast because it could be an allergy to wheat. Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.

go to the third website listed as it has a decision chart which could quickly help you figure out what the cause is. - Jessica P


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