Monday, May 3, 2010

can men get breast cancer?

Question 1
can men get breast cancer?...  my friend says that they can but i dont think so

1)   Yup - John W

2)   yup, my great grandfather did, and he beat it - Jake

3)   yes they can, no it is not common - Bryant

4)   yes men can get breast caner...its really rare though! - AB-KIWI_6

5)   Sure can. Men have breasts, too -- but they are non-functional. - Gary B

6)   i didn't think so either
but they CAN
because men also have breast tissue they have a chance (less of a chance than women)
to get breast cancer - Sm

7)   strangely enough, yes they can its quite uncommon but they can still get it - midnight

8)   You may be thinking: Men don't have breasts, so how can they get breast cancer? The truth is that boys and girls, men and women all have breast tissue. The various hormones in girls' and women's bodies stimulate the breast tissue to grow into full breasts. Boys' and men's bodies normally don't make much of the breast-stimulating hormones. As a result, their breast tissue usually stays flat and small. Still, you may have seen boys and men with medium-sized or big breasts. Usually these breasts are just mounds of fat. But sometimes men can develop real breast gland tissue because they take certain medicines or have abnormal hormone levels. So yes it can happen... - Saniya F. Khan

9)   Yes.

Although it's very rare, and occurs mainly in older men. - iceman

10)   Definitely,YES. Men are exposed to similar risks as women, such as X-rays, or hormonal / environmental contaminants. - weiskraut


Question 2
Do I Tell Her or Keep Quiet about the Hepatitis?...  I know of a man who is 36 years old and have multiple sex partners, participate in swing sex parties, have one night stands, have seen him response to an sex ad on craiglists, is currently sleeping with several of his co-workers, his boss and he is a supervisor. He blasts about disrespecting woman to the men that he hangs with, smokes weed everyday at least three or more times once he gets off from work. He also uses pills as well as cocaine. He is currently being tested for Hepatitis? He is currently sleeping with someone that I know she is a philly cop, do I tell her or keep quiet? I know she into the swing, alcohol and weed smoking.

1)   Thats a tough one. Its really not your place to say anything. But you could talk to your friend about talking to her about it. The chances of getting hepatitis through sexual contact are pretty slim. But theres still is a little bit of a risk involved there. - Gina

2) should tell her...although it is very hard to catch hepatitis from sexual contact...

sharing needles is the way most people are infected... it is very very very rare to pass it through sexual contact!!! - DIXIE

3)   Weed smoking?! A cop?! Probably should talk to her about that too. - magikal


Question 3
urine passes through the?...  

1)   Urethra? - єffiє-є¢sтα¢у

2)   Pee hole - John W

3)   From the kidneys to the ureters to the bladder and out the urethra. - Barb M


Question 4
I have horizontal ridges on both my thumbs!?...  The fingernails on my thumbs (particularly on my right hand) have funny little horizontal ridges on them. They are more prevalent towards the bottom of the nail near the cuticle. This suggests they are getting worse. They do not extend the full width of the nail but are concentrated in the middle.

They are little weird looking and I am not sure what they are or why I have got them. Any ideas?

1)   eat some calcium lovely or use some nail cream x - Coral G

2)   They are perfectly normal, the nail bed can move up and down naturally causing ridges to appear when the nail grows out, but nothing to worry about - Amy

3)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Ghew


Question 5
Making-out [Scene]>>>>HELP|:?...  ok, so i've been with this guy for a month. & we haven't done anything 'physical' & i really would like to make-out with him, but the thing is: i caught Chlamydia, & i wanted to know, is it possible to have given it to him just by making out??

1) you can't pass chlamydia through kissing!!! - DIXIE

2)   You wont spread it through making out. - iceman


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