Sunday, May 23, 2010

Can anyone help? I have red pimple-like stuff on my knees...?

Question 1
Can anyone help? I have red pimple-like stuff on my knees...?...  I have these weird pimple-like things on my knee, and I have no clue what they are. My mom as a joke said 'cancer' and now I'm a little shocked. Anyone know what they are???

1)   chicken poxs, in grown hairs.. - lalalalalala

2)   thats from hitting your knee or putting alot of pressure on it. its like a puss used as a barrier to prevent damage to the bone - Matt

3)   its actually a type of fungus. my little brother had it last year. an easy way to get rid of them is to pop them all at on time. make sure they are all popped, and swab the area with a cottonball and rubbing alchohol. then cover the area with gauze. it will feel strange, but you have to leave the gauze on for at least 2 days. i advise you skip showers during this period because getting it wet will make the fungus grow back. after a few days take the gauze off. it will look little gnarly but the fungus is gone, and will not spread to other areas. any itching that takes place during this process is a harmless sideffect of the rubbing alchohol. - John

4)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Uitew


Question 2
pimple on my nosee haha need it to go away?...  its big and annoying and its been here for a while ive tried a ton of things and none of it is working haha so any remedies or products that have worked for you let me know thanks

1)   This sounds weird, but this does work, well at least it does for me.
Try putting a little bit of TOOTHPASTE on the pimple and letting it stay there overnight or for 8 hours. It dries up the bacteria inside or brings it to the surface.

If that doesnt work, you could just pop it. Unless you have scarring acne, then it's 100 percent find to pop it - Rachela

2)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Uitew

3)   Clearzit it super cheap and it works. It works especially if you apply it before the head appears. - popsicle

4)   Buy an acne face wash, like Neutrogena, and buy a cream product with 10% Benzol Perioxide (such as AcneFree Terminator). Wash your face with the face wash and apply the cream twice a day. You should see results in a few days. I hope this helps! - Alison


Question 3
What can help acne in addition to a perscription pruduct?...  I use benzaclin cream for my acne and before I was with neutrogena acne wash. It helps but I still have acne, any other suggestions to help besides going back to my doctor?
wash it with neutrogena **

1)   use cetaphil daily facial cleanser for normal to oily skin - Alex

2)   I used the Aveda Outer Peace Line and it's AMAZING.
My skin has never been clearer and I've had bad acne ever since I was 10. I used to be on a lot of different medications for my acne (Including Benzaclin) and now I only have to use the Outer Peace Line.

I use the foaming clenser, the moisterizer, and the facial pads.
They're all natural so they don't do any damage to your skin, while some acne products made from chemicals can cause your skin to age prematurely.

Seriously, give it a shot :) It's al ittle expensive, but it works. You can buy it at most aveda hair salons, or you can just go on their website and get it there. - Rachela

3)   from my understanding alot of foods that we eat can result in acne thats why i eat only organic some say that the nitrates used in conventional meats lead to acne along with other food preservatives. so the best thing that i can tell you is try to eat more organic fruits and veggies leave soda along do a body cleanser, increase your intake of vitamin A plus look up take organic wheat and barley grass its very helpful plus energy levels increase - christopher h

4)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Uitew


Question 4
Totally embarrassing!?...  omg, it was free clothes day at skool the other day and my crush even saw!!! omg help!!

1)   ? what do you want us to help you with? - Impulse Crab

2)   i would recommend dynamite, and lots of it. - Ginny

3)   Saw what? - Vida!


Question 5
are acne suffers likely to have hair damage or loss ?...  

1)   noo i dont see how acne has anything to do with your hair. Hair gets damaged by how much products and dying your hair and using hot irons. Damaged hair can happen to anybody. - Vida!

2)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Uitew

3)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Ronny


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