Friday, May 14, 2010

what is on my genitals?

Question 1
what is on my genitals?...  i have a few red spots on the groin thigh area there not very big but im still worried. ive never had sexual intercourse im 16 any one please help, they have been there for a month or two im to shy to ask for help

1)   maybe zits or acne? - GnomeBake

2)   Could be jock itch/yeast infection. You should go see a doctor. The only thing to be ashamed of is being too stupid to ask for help. - RudieCantFail

3)   It is just puberty don't worry. - Gerald

4)   Hows the weather where you at?

It could be heat rash. - cluelesssgoddess

5)   Probably just sweat bumps or something. If you have never had sex I wouldn't worry. - Andee-D

6)   Its shafting. That means when your iner thighs rub together too much or if you shave it, it could be razor burn. shafting can be caused by biking - Stevie

7)   If you shave on or around that area it could be razor bumps or ingrown hairs. If not then perhaps they are blisters from wearing panties that are too tight. - Ashnc89

8)   Most likely it is just acne or small pimples. You can get them almost anywhere on your body, not just your face. Since you say you have never had any type of sexual activity, then you cannot have an STD. If the red spots are not painful or itchy, then I really wouldn't be too concerned. You can always see your pediatrician if it is really bothering you. - Eric

9)   I think i may have gone through something similar, i got these strange red spots in that area that eventually started to scab, but after a week or so it all cleared up, although mine were there for maybe a month, at least that how long i noticed, but try to give it a bit more time, or talk to your father about it, unless he would be the type to be disgusted. Just talk to people you trust. - Jay

10)   I would think dry skin. When skin is dry and you scratch or rub it, little bumps will appear. if it's not that, I'd see a doctor. Hoped it helped. - Alice


Question 2
you get your period and you have on white pants and it soaks through what do you do?...  

1)   Soak the clothes in COLD water. Not warm and not hot. If they are all white, no prints, and the fabric is strong, you can add some bleach to the water too. - Revolutionary

2)   I don't really think there is a solution to this problem, other than running home and changing. When I have my period I prepare for the worst. I have never had that experience and I never will. Why would you wear white pants when you have your period? If you have a heavy period why wouldn't you wear a super tampon or a pad for backup?

Learn to plan ahead. - Random

3)   Be brutally embarrased and never want to show my face again....then wash the pants and hope the stain will go away:} - ♫Savanahヅ

4)   Ask everyone if they like my new candy cane striped pants. - Looney Dufas


Question 3
pimples down below...?...  i have pimples on the inside of my lips and not the ones i talk with if you know what i mean.. is that normal or do i need to go see a doctor?? please someone help me.

1)   umm you might wanna see a doctor. Its good to have safe sex. - Stevie

2)   I would recommend Acneace!!!!
I used it, and after 1 months, my acne was COMPLETELY gone!
Hope it works for you.
you can get From Google Search Acneace Official site. Good luck. - Thomas

3)   I would definitely go get checked out. Schedule time to go see your gynecologist. - raisin_bran88


Question 4
How do I get rid of a bad friend?...  She treats me like crap, always brings me down, and sometimes makes me want to cry. She never let's me be something, she never thinks not to criticism. I literally hate her. Today was the final straw, she insulted one of my only pride and joys, that just made me explode. I wanted to walk of a hill after that, she never let's me be better. I think her opinion is crap. She's racist as hell, and insults me all the time. Then she always says that I'm not as good, when it's not true, and then when I get upset she treats me like crap, saying I need to be tough. How do I get rid of her? I've tried distancing myself, but it never works.

1)   Tell her you are no longer her friend because she has not shown you friendship. Then let that be it ...period ! - coolbeanie27

2)   What you can do is Go up to here and say "Iam tired of your shyt and your damn attitude and how you treat me Bye bitch where no longer freinds" I dont think you have to guts to say it do you? - Mph

3)   You're not being serious enough about getting rid of her.

Step one: Tell her that you're done with her negativity and that you don't want to be her friend anymore. You need to be clear with her about ending this relationship. If you aren't strong enough to do it in person, do it over the phone. Say your peace and then hang up. Don't answer if she calls back.

Step two: Stop going where you know she's going to be. If you have to be in the same place as her, take another route to get there. If you see her walk the other way.

Step three: Start hanging with other people. Let them know how mean and negative she is. If she comes around they'll be able to see first hand and will have your back in your quest to get rid of this toxic person.

Step four: Don't answer her calls, texts, emails, letters, Facebook, or Twitter posts. In fact unfriend her on each site just to be sure. Block her phone # is you can. If you still live at home tell your parents that you are not talking to such and such anymore and explain why. They probably already know she's a b*tch and will be so happy that you've finally decided to move on.

Step five: Get happy! If you've followed the rules above hopefully she has finally gotten the picture and moved on with her life and so can you.

Good luck! - KimberlyB.


Question 5
is this a cancerous tumor?...  ok so my best friend who is 14 showed me his ear and said that there was a lump right between his earlobe and his face. at first i thought it was a pimple, but it wasnt red, it was just a bump. he told me that he had this for almost a week now, and that sometimes it ached but it wasnt continuous pain. is this a pimple or something he should worry about such as a tumor? should he go to a doctor? is this the start of ear cancer?

1)   I'm sure it's a deep pimple or a cyst. He's fine. - april

2)   It's probably just a sebaceous cyst. I had one behind my ear also. It should go away by itself, as long as he doesnt bother it, or keep touching it. After about a month of having it, I went into the doctor and had it drained. It shouldn't be removed, because there is a nerve around there that if they accidently cut into it, it could paralyze that side of the face. Tell him to use Stridex pads to cleanse the area. - derek


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