Wednesday, November 25, 2009

can anal sex cause herpes?

Question 1
can anal sex cause herpes?...  had unprotected anal with my boyfriend which we usaually do this time he ejacuated in me from behind and there was also a little tearing back there. Now its been a week later and i have red itchy bumps on my left butt-tock could this be herpes and can anal sex cause the virus by the simple act alone.

1)   yeah you can - but i bet your boyfriend thought it was worth it - Mark

2)   Ask mister hankey the christmas poop. - Jeffrey

3)   You should use valtrex, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Diedre

4)   ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew - bob

5)   Yes - LARA

6)   Yes you can. Go for a check-up. - Stephen L

7)   lol - Shayne

8)   The act can not cause the the virus. But it can be transmitted in this way. However, One of you would have to have it first. - Kurt

9)   Yes can be transmitted when you have anal sex, anal sex is part of having sex. Herpes can affect any part of your genitals including the anus, inner thighs and buttocks. Herpes is passed when you have skin to skin contact during sex with an infected partner. It could also be an anal fissure, these are cracks in the anus. But if they are painful, itchy or tingly it could be herpes. If your boy friend has either oral herpes (cold sores) or genital herpes then he could have passed herpes onto you. You should go to a doctor and have these bumps tested for herpes. - LINDSEY S

10)   Alright so when you have anal sex... ... ... wait, are you a boy or girl?

... please say girl, please say girl? - kris


Question 2
what is nature of mesothelioma ??...  i think mesothelioma was cancer...

1)   cased by asbestos - nicholas

2)   Yes it is a cancer of the lungs caused by asbestos exposure. People used to use asbestos for insulation but it was discovered to cause problems. Kind of like lead based paint so they took the lead out to stop the problems. - zepp_76

3)   Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos. In this disease, malignant cells develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs. Its most common site is the pleura (outer lining of the lungs and internal chest wall), but it may also occur in the peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity), the heart,[1] the pericardium (a sac that surrounds the heart) or tunica vaginalis. - Courtney

4)   Definition:

tumor of body cavity lining: a benign or malignant tumor of the lining of the lungs, heart, or abdomen. The malignant form is often the result of exposure to asbestos and may take more than 30 years to develop. - Mero


Question 3
I have been having stomach aches for the 3rd day now?...  I have been having stomach aches for the 3rd day now, I already took tablets of "buscopan" recommended by my mother but it is not working. The pain just keeps coming back and I'm having hard time coping with it. My stool is semi-formed

1)   go to the doctors.! - Kaylie

2)   you no if its not ur abs then you just have to take a poo and it should feel better - Michael

3)   Raw ginger (preferably organic) is very good for the stomach. It is strong and is known to relieve nauseousness and headaches as well as many other things. After taking that (or if you can not access it) If you do not feel better in about 30 minutes, drink a tablespoon of activated charcoal with water, it is a detox ant and is used to get poisons and other things (major and minor) out of your stomach and system. It should definitely help. If it doesn't go away, you could have a stomach ulcer or another problem and should see your doctor. - Elcoh


Question 4
My gf has been tested and has no STDs. I have not been tested since we've had sex. Am I safe?...  

1)   about it you can get information from here - Diedre

2)   If you've only had sex with your gf and she has no STDs then you are probably safe. You should both always get tested, especially if you both slept with other people. - Meg

3)   You're not completely in the clear- you could have an STD but not have transmitted it to your girlfriend. Lots of couples live with STDs and prevent the other person in the relationship from getting them. Get checked, it will give you peace of mind :) - Miss Taryn


Question 5
I have genital warts...?...  I contracted genital warts from my boyfriend, who has no symptoms, and am currently taking medicine to get them cleared up. I know there's no cure and they stay with you for a very long time. But assuming this case gets cleared up will I get them more often if I continue to have sex with my boyfriend? Like because he carries it will they just keep coming back. I know it's possible to get over the virus but since he has it I think it might keep being spread to me.

1)   So he has no warts? I talked about this to my doctor and he told me that men dont just carry it after all. Unless they were born with it.. I believe him but I have heard conflicting stories. Its possible that you have had it for a long time and it just never showed up till now? Maybe you both should have a sit down with your doctor to discuss this. - Jessy

2)   Actually, there is no cure. You will always have them. They will clear up and you may never have another outbreak, but that all depends on diet, exercise, stress levels and more. they will not flare up because you have sex with your Boyfriend.

One question; Did you slap him for not telling you? - kris

3)   Most people (over 90%) clear the virus within 2 years. Once the warts are removed, the most likely never return. Some people have a second outbreak or a third within the first 2 years, but then that's usually it. It is extremely rare for this to be a continuing problem throughout your life.

I've never seen a study on this relating to genital warts, but I will tell you about a study concerning the cancer-causing types of HPV. A study showed that women clear the virus faster if they use condoms of abstrain from sex. It's thought that this happens because having unprotected sex cause some of the virus on his body to move on over to yours. This increases your viral load and makes HPV harder to fight. But this study didn't show that women who had unprotected sex would neve clear the virus . . . only that is would take longer.

No one know how long you have immunity after you fight off HPV, but the consenus amoung HPV researchers is that it's AT LEAST several YEARS and possibly for a LIFETIME. You boyfriend will fight this off as well before your immunity wears off, if that makes sense.

So it's probably best if you use condoms for a while after your warts are gone. But then feel free to go back to unprotected sex. The other thing I did was to start taking supplements and eating healthy, but I also made my boyfriend do the same! I thought it can't hurt to help his body fight of the virus as well. After having cervical cancer last year, my most recent test was HPV negative!! Yay!

Good luck. - Lily L


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