Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Is there like some kind of disese for stupid people? SERIOUSLY HELP!?

Question 1
Is there like some kind of disese for stupid people? SERIOUSLY HELP!?...  im so stupid :(
im 15 and i got a F in maths
an E in english and things like that.
and i used to get like A's and B's.. and i cant do it anymore. and i still try my hardest at everything :(
i get picked on all the time and get called stupid
plus i lack in common scence and can never get my words out.
can anyone help me? or tell me whats going on

1)   Mental retardation?but honestly i don't think you were smart in the first place
"sense" not "scence"
"disease" not "disese"
and the question name "Is there(they're)some kind of disese(disease)for stupid people?SERIOUSLY HELP!?!?!
lol e for effort? - Metalhead499

2)   maybe the levels you are studying at are too advanced, and as for common sense not many people do have it especially at 15 - ki m

3)   your not stupid just try studying harder.. xd - Melrose

4)   Can't or won't. Cause I have the same problem I think. I just can't find the will to work my socks off. I am trying, but I just can't get the motivation.
I recently found out i suffer from sleep anxiety disorder. It makes you find it hard to concentrate + stuff.
Check out this website, you might find yourself surprised. Look at the part which has the list of symptoms so you can diagnose yourself.

http://www.webmd.com/anxiety-panic/guide/anxiety-panic-guide-symptoms-types - girl

5)   First of all, no there is no such thing as a stupid disease.

Sounds like the pressures of school are just getting to you. Getting teased and picked on isnt going to help your concentration which is definately going to affect yoru grades. Just try and stand up for yourself when people say bad things, dont fight but dont let them push you about either.

Hows your family life? Everything ok with your parents and siblings? A disruption at home can have a massive impact to your oeveral welbeing that will again affect how you're going to do at school.

In all honest, you'll be ok. School can be a tough time for kids, it was for me and I really struggled but you'll get through it. Bad days pass and things never stay the same for long. Hang in there and dont get too upset about grades.

The only thing I ever found of use when I left school was being able to read and write and do maths, and now I make thousands of dollars every month and live a very comfortable life with nothing missing that I want. Trust me, most of what you're taught has no use when you get out n the real world, so dont worry too much about those grades. You'll find your way in the end, being a kid can be confusing at the best of times, never knowing which way to be or who you can really depend on. But life gets a whole let better believe me, you'll be just fine in the end. Keep your chin up! ;) - Dan


Question 2
chlamydia, urrrrrrrrr?...  ok, so statistics say 1 in 10 young people from the uk have 'the clap' and it has no symptoms, if it has no symptoms then how come its a disease? and also, how can you tell if you have it or not? im not sexually active, but those statistics scare the shit out of me.

1)   u get tested - O U812

2)   Drip drip drip drip drip... - NOFX

3)   You get tested regularly - Kj

4)   lol this question reminded me of my friend cause it says Emily haha - HighVoltageEnigma


Question 3
I am 15 and have the chicken pox. There are a bunch on my head and they are very painful.?...  They are also all over my body and they itch very bad. The ones on my head are the worst however. Any advice on what to do

1)   about it you can get information from here http://doctors51.notlong.com/9AAdEgc - Evelina

2)   the same happened to me toi once!

What i did was put ice on them it numbs them and then i know this will sound weird but put butter on them!!! It works!!!! hope this helps x - Rachel

3)   Sweetheart chicken pox are worse the older you are when you get them. I was lucky and got mine when I was a toddler. The only thing I could tell you is to bath in an oatmeal solution and take some tylenol for the pain. Sorry you feel bad. Don't scratch because you can get scars from the actual pox. - sweetpea

4)   Aciclovir tablets 800 mg taken 5 times a day for 7 days is the specific treatment chicken pox. Aciclovir will limit the course of the disease, provided it is started early.

Skin Clinic Dubai http://www.skinclinicdubai.com/ - STD & Skin Clinic, Dubai


Question 4
what is the thrombosis ? What happens with this ?...  

1)   Thrombosis: The formation or presence of a blood clot in a blood vessel. The vessel may be any vein or artery as, for example, in a deep vein thrombosis or a coronary (artery) thrombosis. The clot itself is termed a thrombus. If the clot breaks loose and travels through the bloodstream, it is a thromboembolism. Thrombosis, thrombus, and the prefix thrombo- all come from the Greek thrombos meaning a lump or clump, or a curd or clot of milk - abhi

2)   It's a blood clot in a vein or artery which can either block circulation to an area or if it travels it can cause a major blockage and cause a stroke myocardial infarction or death.

Sometimes they are treated with injections to disolve them, sometimes surgery is required. Warfarin or other blood thiners are usually used to keep the blood viscous enough that it doesn't clot. Other clots form very quickly and cause death before they even get diagnosed. - puppysyndrome

3)   A thrombosis occurs in an artery and depending on the size can cut off circulation to the area it was supplying with blood.
An embolus occurs in a vein. This is called a Pulmonary Embolism if it breaks off from it's original site and travels to the heart. Emboli usually occur in dependent areas of the body, namely the legs.
This is an important distinction, even though both are very serious an embolism can travel to the heart and cut off blood flow to the lungs from the right heart causing death if large enough. A thrombus is a danger to only the area supplied by that artery. This is not to minimize the seriousness of thrombi, they cause strokes and heart attacks.
Sorry, I should have explained at the outset that they are both blood clots formed in areas where the blood flow is slowed down either from outside compression or internal narrowing of the blood vessel.
As an example , it is narrowing of the coronary arteries that cause clots to form and cause heart attacks which causes the death of the heart muscle and possibly death of the person.
God bless.
Good question. - Dave


Question 5
what is breast cancer.......?...  

1)   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breast_cancer - ♥Ms. KandiiGurl♥

2)   You should use tamoxifen, it is the best about it you can get information from here http://doctors47.notlong.com/5AAEPsL - Evelina

3)   Breast Cancer: Breast cancer is a common type of cancer that affects women and much less commonly, men. More than 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States each year. Types of breast cancer include, but are not limited to:

* ductal carcinoma in situ
* lobular carcinoma in situ
* inflammatory breast cancer
* Paget's disease of the nipple
* Invasive types of breast cancer - Catherine


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