Monday, November 16, 2009

i have a small fever for weeks what should i do?

Question 1
i have a small fever for weeks what should i do?...  ??????????????????

1)   take pain reliever/fever reducer & go see a dr. - Britt

2)   How small is a small fever? If it's less than a degree, ignore it, that could just be normal variations. Do you have any other symptoms? - Libraryanna

3)   Get to your doctor and get treatment right away. it could get severe. if you are on and unperscribed medicine stop taking it and ask your general physician. Hope i helped - Ryan

4)   Check with a doctor.

Oh and if you had it for WEEKS then it could be symptoms to the swine flu. Some symptoms takes long time so yours probably is one of those. Or just the regular flu.

I'm pretty sure it's the regular flu. :) - Zoe

5)   go 2 Dr. - G.L.

6)   Nothing. Wait until something BIGGER comes along- & THEN decide what you're going to Do. Small fevers are just signs that out Bodies are successfully fighting off minor infections... Most of Us get them all the time- & don't even realize it ! Unless they blow up into something more Serious, they're really nothing to worry about... :) - Joseph the Second


Question 2
Can an adult who has had all their vaccinations still get Whooping Cough?...  Is this possible, not possible or highly unlikely?

1)   yes, they are now suggesting that all adults get a pertussis vaccine when they get their tetanus updated. - The Bean

2)   anyone can get whooping cough. there isn't a vaccine that prevents this. - Britt

3)   You would have had to get a vaccine for Bordatella pertussis in order to be immune to it. Since you haven't, you can get it. - Danmanwv

4)   Yes.

Vaccinations help you prevent from getting sick and stuff.

Doesn't mean they fully protect you. - Zoe

5)   Most of us got vaccinated against Pertussis (also known as Whooping Cough) as children, as a part of our DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) series.

These vaccines were once thought to confer lifetime immunity. However, a resurgence of adult cases of Pertussis has lead to the belief that some of our vaccinations may wear off after many years!

We all know were supposed to get a tetanus booster every 10 years - what you may not know is that the "tetanus booster" usually given is really a tetanus AND diphtheria booster - this is known as a "Td booster".

Now, there is a new booster vaccine available that will cover all three - it's called a TDAP and gives you a booster dose of Tetanus, Diphtheria, and acellular Pertussis. The acellular form of Pertussis is thought to be safer and less likely to cause side effects than the traditional form of the Pertussis vaccine.

So, you may still have your pertussis immunity, you may not. If you are concerned, I recommend you ask your doctor about the TDAP vaccine - it's probably time for your tetanus booster anyway, right? :-)

Hope this helps. - zeldaslexicon


Question 3
How Can I Give Myself Horrible Food Poisoning FAST and EASY? or at least just to get really really sick!?...  Before y'all go off telling me not to do it or how u think I'm "mentally ill" and I need to get help I'm also not doing this to "get back" at someone... I actually have a serious reason to why I NEED food poisoning!!
Please, if its possible, are there any vegetarian suggestions? If not, that's ok I guess and maybe not the grossest thing you could think of! Please tell me every way you can think of for me to get horrible food poisoning NOW or any other ways to make myself really really sick!!
I only wanna see answers for this question... not anyone giving me advice or telling me all the nasty OPINIONS you have on me because I honestly don't give a crap if your just a b*tch who just wants someone to nag at so hold your tongue if you have uneeded things to say cos I have good reasons for this and need all the help I can get, thanks :D

1)   Epicac - K8linh0087

2)   You my dear..are an idiot. - WhatHmmm

3)   drink sour milk
eat moldy bread
eat a bananas husk
eat a lot of Chocolate
Eat boys lol
thats it ( i like your name lol) - thekillerjoe

4)   If you leave meat/food out for along time (like over night and uncovered) and if you eat undercooked meat. - Jen

5)   Here's the "Problem" : There's a VERY high risk of DEATH- when you get food poisoning... And since there's NO WAY of "controlling" how Sick you would Get from being Poisoned- you might actually end up accidentally committing "Suicide" by trying to poison yourself !!! So try to think about it "alittle more"- before you finally find a way to do it... After all, it might be the LAST Thing- you ever Do... .. . :o - Joseph the Second


Question 4
What can I do to clear up my acne?...  i try everything i possibly can to stop my acne in its tracks. multiple showers a day, washing many many times with 3 or 4 different solutions. then when I get out of the shower i use alcohol on my skin, then i moisturize and then i have a cream that i put on the individual zits to dry them up. i find that the zits are kinda dried up, but then they are just dry skin that are red. I have then on my face, back and chest. i pretty much have the zits on my face controlled i'm looking for something that will work for my body. i don't want to spend a fortune, so no proactive and NO dermatologist. i also don't want answers coming out of people's butts. if you find that it works for you, and you had the same issues i do...or have a friend that solved their problems, please help. if it helps to know more about my life style, here it is...i am pretty active, a typical day for me involves sweating! :-) i like to drink a lot of water, and also a lot of soda, and eat a lot of chocolate. i know that is probably one of my problems there, but I don't want to change my lifestyle just to have FAIRLY clear skin....and also, i find that there are little dark 'scars' that are left behind on my back when the zit clears. so please help! im looking for something that will permantally clear the skin on my back and chest (with out clearing out my wallet) and something that will NOT leave scars. please help me. im desperate!

1)   Drink lots of water. If it's in your genetics then you can't do anything about it. - The Emperor of Imperial Nippon

2)   use vitacilina ,idk if i spelled it right, but its a kinda creamy transparent lotion. the cover is greenish. - lilgirl101

3)   botonics *
pro active

* the best one - ♥Tara♥

4)   Eating the correct food is important for your wellbeing. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it's not only a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss produce, it's a superfood too. There is a risk free trial offered at I have been using it for three weeks now and it is definitely working!! - Boston


Question 5
What is the fastest way to get rid of a wart?...  I have an annoying elbow wart that i've had for about a year and a few months. It looks hideous, it hurts like a mother if i somehow hit it, and it's plain out annoying to have. i've tried DR.SCHOLL's Wart away but it didn't work for me. Aside from going to the doctors and paying 80 bucks, is there any other method i can use to get rid of my annoying wart ASAP? Also for the Dr. Scholl's the instruction told me to use it once and within two weeks the wart should fall off. so i did it and it didn't work so after the two weeks i just applied teh wart away every week and it still didn't work. i'm guessing i did something wrong. what did i do wrong? please i need help ASAP this thing sucks!

1)   Here's a safe, painless, and effective way to permanently remove moles, warts, or skin tags in just 3 DAYS.

Good luck :-) - SaraMD

2)   Here's a video to get rid of your wart with just apple cider: - Kitty

3)   I used Dr. Scholls for some plantar's warts and it did work, but that's because I disregarded the directions. My method it to hold the swab on the wart until the surrounding skin stings and is white. This way you know that you have penetrated your skin deep with freezing, thus you have probably killed the virus that is causing the wart. I did this a few times, and am wart free.

PS: The liquid nitrogen at the doctor hurts like a bitch and creates a huge blister that lasts for several days, while Doctor Scholl's doesn't. - Cole


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