Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pooping green poop????????????

Question 1
Pooping green poop????????????...  for the last couple of weeks i have been having green poop.
is this good, bad, what could be the cause?
I dont feel sick at all and i exercise everyday
yes ive been taking flinstones vitamins lol
but i only take one a day
lmao linda s, thanks for trying but......ramble ramble offtopic offtopic

1)   often iron supplements can cause a dark greenish stool. You taking any new vitamins or eating differently than you usually do ? - just4a2nd

2)   has to do with what you are eating . - No offence

3)   stop havng te buttseck - Ben

4)   Are you eating green food? Anything green that you are ingesting? Do you have diarrhea? Any type of green coloring can make your stool green. And, if you have diarrhea, try drinking a lot of water. If this does not change, you had better get to the doctor but try drinking a lot of water - a lot - first - unless you get a stomach ache - then get to the doctor now - LINDA S

5)   Wine, grape juice, cranberry juice, Hi C, anything with a strong red or purple coloring will cause this. Also eating a lot of dark green veggies, but more often it is from something that was drunk. - SuperVibrationalEscrow


Question 2
Deep, very painful pimples. What will help?...  First of all it's ridiculous that I have acne this bad at the age of 22. Second of all it does not seem to be normal acne. Some of the pimples are very deep under the skin, are hard and about the size of a pea, maybe a little larger, and are very very painful. They have no head or anything, but are very red. They are more like "facial cysts" then pimples. The other pimples that are more normal feel like needles in my face when they come to a head. Over the counter products have no effect. Went on acutane when I was 18 and had to be taken off of it. Anyhow, here is the main question. Does anyone know how I can make the PAIN STOP? I'm beyond caring how it looks now, although it looks horrible, I just want relief from the pain. I can't really afford a dermataologist right now, otherwise I would have gone to one.

1)   for every kind of acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,
spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
it has got so many tips n free beauty samples
for curing acne and all your skin problems - Huiyww

2)   First of all its not rediculous that you have them this bad at 22. I have them this bad at 30 and anyone, at any age can get them.

To cure mine I had to take antibiotics for a few months. Erythromycin 500 mg twice a day. At first they will make you sick but after a week or two, your face will be clear and you won't be in pain!!! To soothe the pain, I took Motrin and applied hot compresses to bring the bacteria to the surface. I think you should see a dermatologist for these since they do sound like "cysts". I had them for years and there's nothing you can do at home to get rid of them. I had one that lasted for 6 months once and caused a huge knot, lots of pain and eventually a big scar. - GotaClue

3)   for every kind of acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,
spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
it has got so many tips n free beauty samples
for curing acne and all your skin problems - Guhtew

4)   ACCUTANE i promise this will change your life. i'm 16 and i have been taking it for 3 months omg best choice i ever made. only thing is that you can't get pregnant while you're on it if you are planning on that... - Mutha Trucka


Question 3
im starting to get a cold what should i do?...  i have been sneezing coughing runny nose what do you think i should do.

1)   Get rest, drink fluids, limit stress and dont pass it on to others. - birdie

2)   Cover your mouth with tissue. - ♥ liz ♥

3)   Birdie is correct. Also do a Detox -
take a couple of Laxatives.
Drink Hot Consomme. - fatsausage

4)   few things you should do:
- rest
- drink fluids
- eat vitamin C (helps keep sinus' clear) - khelmeth


Question 4
The Dr. told my mom she had 2% sugar what does that mean.?...  

1)   You're not kissing her enough :/ - Dadd

2)   Nothing considering doctors dont do sugar analysis by percentage, they do it by fasting glucose levels and A1C testing. Tell me her fasting level and her A1C reading and I can tell you. - Heather C

3)   Did he say 2% sugar, or TYPE-2 sugar (diabetes) ?

google search: Diabetes type 2 - ET


Question 5
should i go to the doc if...?...  if i have had unbearable aching pains in my Kidneys since November 2008 and they are back worse than ever now and my dad gets kidney stones, my cousin needed surgery on his kidneys, and my grandpa had a kidney tumor. it also stings when i urinate and my bladder throbs. what could i have? there's no blood in my urine.
i am a 13 year old female.

1)   yes, its not normal. - Tamsin

2)   You may have a bladder infection or a UTI. No biggie, just go to the doc and they can get you some antibiotics. I get them every now and then without blood. - mary00096

3)   It's a possiblity you could have a kidney infection/stones/tumors, But you need to see a doctor, because if you do have either one you need antibiotics. - brianna.<3


What is the technical name for flu?

Question 1
What is the technical name for flu?...  

1)   fluenza - Sultan H

2)   influenza. - Mr. Junk

3)   Influenza - jessica_marie0029

4)   The technical name is influenza.
There are 3 different branches:
-Influenza A (Which contains Swine Flu)
-Influenza B
-Influenza C

Hope this helps! =) - Shane ツ


Question 2
When is a person no longer contagious after having H1N1?...  

1)   About a week after their symptoms stop. =) - Shane ツ

2)   i heard you start to be contagious when you begin to show symptoms. Im not sure when it stops though.

please answer my question about H1N1;_ylt=AlTd4xFD54hWISWKwaTLmQ_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090930065251AAOZIwc - dispirited_princess

3)   The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been telling people to stay home from work and school and avoid contact with others until a day after their fever breaks. The new research suggests they may need to be careful for longer. When the coughing stops is probably a better sign of when the H1N1 virus (swine flu) patient is no longer contagious. This time frame is approximately 7 days (1 week). The virus can still spread after fever has gone away. Swine flu also appears to be contagious longer than ordinary seasonal flu, which is contagious for about a day or two.

Need more info?

I got the above information from this site (but I think I covered the main points in the article!) - asdryer


Question 3
When does the common cold usually occur?...  Around what months or seasons is it most "popular?" You'd think I'd be able to find this info on Google, but maybe I'm asking it the wrong question.

1)   usually in the winter, when people are closer together, as in schools, subways, stores, etc. - David

2)   I think from about December to April would be the main months where the cold is most prominent! But the common cold is present all year round! - Shane ツ

3)   The common cold usually occurs the most during the cold seasons because your immune system is suppressed making it easier for you catch it. - ChelleLovesOilers


Question 4
Pneumonia? or just flu?...  Ok so my back has been hurting for about the past week and i started to get what i thought wasw a cold. coughing feverish chills, flu like. my chest hurts everyonce in a while but its mainly my back, upper region like middle of back to shoulders. and ive been vomiting and coughing and my stomach hurts like the flu but why does my back hurt if its just the flu? my chest feels a little tight when i take deep breaths idk, im gonna go to the doctor in the next week if i dont get over it but my health insurance doesnt start till the first and then i dont have time till the 6th to go, so i was trying to figure out if i needed to make time or if it would just pass

1)   see the doc. my wife almost died form pneumonia because she let it go too far. - David

2)   swine flu - burn him - PeeJ

3)   swine flu - Princess


Question 5
What test is performed to see exactly how much glucose is in your blood?...  

1)   You use a meter to measure the level of your blood sugar. There are many brands on the market. Anyone with diabetes will have a blood glucose meter. You can generally get one for free when you purchase there test strips. - WisdomTrain

2)   There are several and it depends on whether it's an ordered test at a lab or the test you do at home with a glucometre.

They can draw blood, do urinalysis, and you can also do simple blood tests at home. Urinalysis however is far less accurate. In properly functioning kidneys, glucose does not appear in urine until the renal threshold for glucose has been exceeded. - Kathleen


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My girlfriend just go diagnosed with mono and i wanna know if i can still kiss her ?

Question 1
My girlfriend just go diagnosed with mono and i wanna know if i can still kiss her ?...  Keep in mind, ive had mono before and ive heard you can only get it once, also shes not showing any of the symtoms no sore throat swollen glands and shes not fatigued 24/7 besides the blood test there is no way of knowing that she had mono, so can i kiss her? or will i get it again ?

1)   go ahead mono only once - Mellie

2)   A nick name for it is "The kissing disease" It's spread that way. And also drinking off of the same drinks and stuff like that. I wouldn't kiss her until it's clear out of her system.

Hope I helped and I hope your girlfriend gets better soon
(: - Dee Noir

3)   Go for it, get exposed to as much stuff as you can while you are young enough to recover. Gives your immune system something to do plus you get to get to kiss a girl:) - PhilinNWfla

4)   I wouldn't. I had mono for 3 months last year and lost 10 pounds because I couldn't eat. My throat was so inflamed and it hurt like hell and I was tired all the time. Some cases of mono can last from a month to a year. So it's up to you, are you willing to go through that? - kacie


Question 2
Scoliosis, back HURTS!.......?...  mmy back has been bothering me a lot more than usual. i have 5 degree scoliosis but i think it got worse. im not gonna go to the doctor till may probably ( unless i get REALLY BAD) but it hurts a lot. i cant find a posesion when it dosnt hurt. and i run cross country so that dosnt hlep at all. im 5'3" and a half i just turned 13 and i way 105 or something around there. does anyone have any things that could help ( besides a doctor or thereapy)
I WOULD NEVER GIVE UP CROSS COUNTRY!!!! i luv sprts ( well running!)

1)   i think you should give up cross country if you have scoliosis...... - ~rol~f~lor

2)   Stop running - A Landers

3)   You need to see a doctor ir it will get much worse much faster. Scoliosis ONLY gets worse with time unless you have corrective therapy, and even then you can only help it, not cure it. You may need a back brace to sleep in at night, and you could also be prescribed meds by a doc.

Just go to the doctor - Sarah K.


Question 3
Constantly having to puke.?...  I know it is pretty disgusting but I have been puking a-lot
lately everyday after school at night I have the urge to barf up everything I hade eaten that day and it has been going on for the past three weeks I am getting concerned I have not said anything to my parents because I thought it would go away soon but it has not.

I am scared if I tell my parents they will think I am making myself do it.

Should I see a doctor or just go buy stomach medicane at a local Rite-Aid?

1)   There's a chance that you are pregnant, unless you didn't have sex. If not, then I suggest you tell your parents because keeping it from them is stupid. They're there to support you, not put you up for disbelief. - ibae

2)   ?????????mmmm i am from the argentina son todos unos taradosssssssssssssssssssss - Nahuel M

3)   You might be pregnant or you might have the stomach flu. Tell your parents I am sure they would understand but please get help. - DT


Question 4
how do you get rid of breakouts at home?...  my friend has a little patch of bad acne on her lower forehead and she wants to get rid of it how would you get rid of it at home easily?

1)   Wash your face and keep it really dry - Eduardo

2)   for every kind of acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,
spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
it has got so many tips n free beauty samples
for curing acne and all your skin problems - Vhgfdeww


Question 5
Itchy down there ?...  I'm pretty itchy down there. i'm a virgin so i know it's not any std's. the area around my vagina is itchy and it feels sore. i have very yellow discharge. its not really thick or cottage-cheesey. what could this be?
could it be from uncleanliness? i went camping last weekend and i forgot clean underwear and wore the same ones for a couple days.

1)   for every kind of acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,
spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
it has got so many tips n free beauty samples
for curing acne and all your skin problems - Vhgfdeww

2)   If you're getting a very yellow discharge, it might be a infection. Go get it checked out if it still continues to itch. - Sheeni


Us my piercing healing ok?

Question 1
Us my piercing healing ok?...  Ok I got my lip pierced 5 days ago and idk if it's healing right . Everytime I wake up there is skin on thr back grown over it. I push it through it and it hurts lol. Um it digs into my mouth. It s swelling but that's normal. Umm I brush bout 2 ,3 times a day and use mouth was after I eat. I put this spray I got when I got my piercings I spray them 2 times a day. I salt water clean them. My piercing bleed and have crusties on them I do clean it but I'm worried about them digging intom
me mouth and skin growing over the back ( not a ring)

1)   go to the place u got the piercing and ask them 4 advise - GZP

2)   No, thats perfectly normal, your going to have to twist it & play with it. I got my lip pierced and the same thing happen to me, it felt like my lip ring was sinking into my lip but itlll be okay,. - brittany h

3)   yeah it is mine did the same thing just keep doing what your doing its just trying to heal around it just keep pushing it back threw and keep cleaning it should get better within a month or so.. hope this helped :):) - Chippy_hunter

4)   Mine did the same thing kinda.
Its no where near healed though.
Just make you dont touch it.
I had a problem with moving it with my tongue and when I got my other side for snakebite doe, I asked if it was alright and he said it was fine. So just dont touch it with your fingers!
Email me for anything else ;) - Gaby


Question 2
my freind stabbed me with a pen in my hand today and there are 2 red dots and im really worried wats the prob?...  i got stabbed in hang by my mate with a pen in skool and ive got 2 red little marks on my hand have i got ink posining because im really worried
Yer but im still really worried
no it was black ink i think
im not it was black ink could it be some sort of brusing

1)   Ink doesnt kill! - ISLANDER

2)   I think the prob is that your friend stabbed you in the hand. Was it red ink? If so, that may explain the dots. - TheBigFGuy

3)   Come one, stop making up stories and being so negative. - /**iAmUnique**\

4)   for every kind of acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,
spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
it has got so many tips n free beauty samples
for curing acne and all your skin problems - Dsfsww


Question 3
1 Year old with rash, Please help?...  I posted this in another category, I just know people stick to their sections and I want some help please...

My daughter is 1 and has a rash that the MD is saying is Urticaria... (I think that is the spelling) They say it is either from an allergic reaction or possibly a viral rash. She has taken zyrtec 2 nights in a row and benedryl last night, They are calling in a new rx for hydrazine(spelled) something like that, its another antihistamine. We switched last night from Johnson's and Johnson's to Avenno calming baby wash.

My questions... are:
Has your child had a viral or allergy rash? How long before it started to go away and was completely gone? What helped the most?

Thank you,

My poor Belle has had this rash 7 days, its been 2 trips to the MD and if its not better in a few days they are having us go to the dermatologist.
The rash is all over. Poor little thing

1)   if the rash is on her butt wash her good and use some corn starch, yes i said corn starch ! there is corn starch in baby powder and that,s what the old timers used and it works too. - bandit_60

2)   My youngest baby who is now 17..when she was about the same age as your baby.She also had a few bouts of these rashes,of course I do not remember the names of the medications we used(I do remember it took a little time for it to finally start to clear).But I used the oatmeal avenno baths for her at least 2 times a day.They did not make the baby aveno 17 years ago.Not that I remember anyway(I'm positive I would have known that).So,like I said I used the adult aveno oatmeal baths for her(just half a pack) per bath.So,I seen some relief from the baths/medications from the ped.So 1 day I actually had NO more aveno oatmeal mix for her bath my husband had the car.So,I just got some of the old fashioned quaker oatmeal,put a dab in the blender and put mostly the power from the mixture into her bath.And WOW!!! what a huge difference that made....Since then I always stuck with the old fashioned blended oatmeal baths.But always talk with her doctor before you ever do anything like that.All parents are very different...I just have to add this..................If that is you baby in the picture(I'm sure it is) She is just a living DOLL baby!!!! OMG.....whata cutie she is awwwwwwww!!!! Time goes by so thing ya know they wanna hang out with their friends and leave us behind.Kids are wonderful and your sweet baby she is a real cutie pie!!!! - Jennifer

3)   for every kind of acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,
spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
it has got so many tips n free beauty samples
for curing acne and all your skin problems - Dsfsww


Question 4
PLEASE HELP!!? I constantly have a cold which never goes (whats wrong with me and what can I do?)?...  I always have a constant cold for years now. Its really irritating because my nose is always running.

1)   It could be that you have allergies, as a runny nose is a symptom of allergies as much as it a symptom of the common cold. Allergy medication might be your answer, as opposed to cold meds. I would recommend seeing a doctor first, if you can. - Peter Ascht

2)   It is probably allergies. Try taking a Claritin every day and see if that helps. If it does, it is definitely allergies. From there, you can take a Claritin ever day - or go see a doctor, find out what you are allergic to, and try to eliminate that substance from your life. Good luck. - PJ

3)   This may seem off base...BUT When was the last time you went to the dentist? I had this same problem and I went to the dentist and started to use this product called Advanced Oral Hygiene- tm. Life Extension ( it's a oral probiotic. It colonizes your throat tissues and sinuses fights bad bugs. Their are clinical studies in progress for treating children with chronic ear infections (Otitis Media) and other ear, nose and throat issues. Scientists have found that S. salivarius and B. coagulans may also help boost immune system response. A recent study shows that oral ingestion of S. salivarius helps inhibit the production of inflammatory cytokines throughout the body. In vitro studies show that B. coagulans enhances white blood cells’ surveillance for bacterial invaders, boosts immune response to a simulated bacterial attack, and enhances the activity of another type of immune cell called natural killer cells. You should go and have your teeth cleaned AND go to your GP or internest and get blood work to look at your immune funtion, you seemed compromised systemically. I hope this helps It helped me 100% I am all better now. No more Zyrtec or whatever. - Marie K


Question 5
Can the school get you in trouble for smelling like cigarettes?...  I want to smoke at my bus stop in the morning but idk if the bus driver can bust me or not. I'm the only person at my stop...

1)   Your bus driver or anyone can bust you if you smoke and your under the age of 18. But if you are 18 or older, then I don't think anyone has the right to bust you. - Melissa C

2)   Nope. Unless he catches you smoking ON school property, you can't get in trouble. My friends smoke all the time at the bus stop, the guy doesn't say nothing cause he didn't really witness it.
Don't be such a goody two shoes, and just go ahead. ;) - ~paigexo;

3)   As long as noone physically sees you smoking ....then NO noone can do anything just because you SMELL like cigarettes......DUH................ - Jennifer


Monday, September 28, 2009

Is the bump on my butt cancer?

Question 1
Is the bump on my butt cancer?...  Okay so there's this pea sized bump on my butt crack, it's been here for about a year and half. I don't think it's got any bigger. It doesn't hurt. It's movable, it's also skin color. Also when I had a dermatologist look at it, he just said it was just a fiber pocket.

I looked up fiber pocket, and I'm not finding any info on it.

1)   eww... - hi!

2)   Post pictures =] - *****

CANCER IN DA HOLE - wheres my turd

4)   don't panic if you'v had it a year and half then its not cancer because it would have grown by now.. and it could be a small cist or anything.. but its not cancer and if your that worried go see your doctor about having it removed :) hope this helped x can u answer mine?;_ylt=Apvv3NxH_dZ6BqxV7cq_p1Xsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090928184712AAluf4p - ЯзbєccαŁσvєsЧσu♥

5)   It could very well be a cyst,try sitting in a warm bath tub and add epsom salt if this does not help you need to see another Dr. - Curly Girl

6)   Cancer generally can't move around. And it also hasn't gotten any bigger, so whatever it is probably isn't a problem.

There are things you should look for if you are deciding if something is cancer. Is it abnormally shaped? Does it have different colors? Is it asymmetrical? There are other questions, but these are all I have at the moment. - Aurelie


Question 2
Can you get herpes from kissing?...  So i am a 14 year old girl and i went to a party and we played a lot of kissing games. I kissed a ton of people and so did everyone else and all of a sudden everyone got cold sores the next day. I've heard u can get herpes from kissing. Do u think i have herpes?

1)   There are like, 50 strains of herpes. Only like 2 of them are serious. So yes, technically, you can get herpes. - David O

2)   you can get herpes from kissing. Cold sores are sort of a kind of herpes. - Ama

3)   no u do not get herpes from kissing - Chloe

4)   yes, it's possible - ▐▀▀⇩▀▀▌ ⇨kroftwell⇦ ▐▄▄⇧▄▄▌


Question 3

1)   for every kind of acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,
spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
it has got so many tips n free beauty samples
for curing acne and all your skin problems - Dzxszww

2)   all scars are made of scar tissue and the bumps that you see are probably just areas where the tissue is more concentrated.
however, if you mean the bumps that have appeared long after the scars from shingles have formed, then it could be either dermatitis (see a doctor) or it could simply be acne. - sticky♥fingers



Question 4
Any ideas what could be causing lower right stomach pain?...  Through the past 4 years or so I have had 3 surgeries for this pain in my side. Appendectomy, cysts on my ovary removed, finally my ovary removed. I haven't had a problem with this in over 2 years. The pain has returned and is back with a vengeance. What else could it be? I thought maybe kidney infection, but isn't that felt more in the back region?

1)   Yes, in the lower right amdomen is where the appendix is located.

Go to your doctor. - J'adore

2)   It could be an insional hernia from having had the surgergy. You don't have to have a bulge for it to be a hernia. Hopefully it's nothing but get it checked out. - Sarah


Question 5
what comes with a fever, increase heart rate or high blood pressure?...  Is there a vasoconstriction or vasodilation?

1)   Neither heart rate nor blood pressure will necessarily change just because you have a fever. As a rule you have some vasodilation so the body can give off the extra heat- and that is why you feel hot to the touch. Vasoconstriction would hold in too much heat, and you would cook your brains. With a high fever you can have a slight elevation of heart rate, but as a rule blood pressure should still stay in the normal range. Any elevation should be only slight at most. - The mom

2)   Do a little looking around on line - you will find that when one has a fever there is a direct relationship between their temperature and their heart rate!

Increase in BP may be related to infection.

Good Luck! - Alan G


my daughter is 6 and has had mild fever (101) for 5 days. Should she see a doctor?

Question 1
my daughter is 6 and has had mild fever (101) for 5 days. Should she see a doctor?...  I give her Tylenol and her fever subsides, this is given early in the day. It takes all day pretty much before her fever comes back. ?

1)   yea, take her in, even if its nothing, it will be worth the trip if it eases your heart & mind :-) good luck - kally

2)   i would take her to a doctor to be on the safe side. - Mello

3)   yes you should - shirrachicla

4)   thats not mild, maybe for one it is. dont wait that long and you should see a doctor, it could be a serious infecction. - neverrusty

5)   give her a loong cold shower - Reeses Pieces

6)   There is nothing mild about 101 this kid could be laying lifeless on a slab. Take her to the doctor, NOW! - marlowe d

7)   yea, to feel safe - eb

8)   I would take her to the doctors because of 2 reasons:
One reason is she had the fever for 5 days and that's a pretty long time for a fever for anybody, esp. a 6 year old
Second reason is that the Tylenol might not be a potent enough drug for her fever (or infection).
And and extra reason to take her to the doctors is rather to be save then sorry. I hope she gets and feels better soon. - idk

9)   Yes defiently take her to the docs - Ange

10)   definitely!! - Zana

11)   she had this fever for 5 days? wow wouldn't you go to the doctor? you should bring her. - Crazycuddles

12)   why would you wait 5 days? she could have something viral and it could be too late to treat certain things if you wait too long.
*also, a fever is the bodies way of cooking and killing harmful germs. whenever a parent rushes to get the fever down they're actually prolonging the bacteria's life that's entered the child's body. the ONLY time you should give a child fever reducer is when their fever becomes uncomfortable. if they aren't complaining, let the child's body do its work. the human body is an AMAZING thing! - UR awesome. if u agree send $1

13)   yes yes, you should take her to doctor. - vichu


Question 2
can you get A.I.D.S from kissing?...  

1)   Salvia contact yes kiss on the lips no. - DarkTigerLily

2)   Absolutely not. The only was you could get AIDS by kissing if you both have a cut in your mouth and you transfer your blood through both cuts. And you do not get AIDS if you come in contact with saliva. - wondering

3)   Wondering has the correct answer for you there - CoolFox

4)   yes. - Bill Wantstogetsome

5)   Depappie,
The basic answer to your question is NO! I shall briefly explain. AIDS, which stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, can not be caught. AIDS is caused by a virus called HIV, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. If you get infected with HIV, your body will try to fight the infection. It will make "antibodies," special molecules to fight HIV. A blood test for HIV looks for these antibodies. If you have them in your blood, it means that you have HIV infection. People who have the HIV antibodies are called "HIV-Positive." Being HIV-positive, or having HIV disease, is not the same as having AIDS. Many people are HIV-positive but don't get sick for many years. As HIV disease continues, it slowly wears down the immune system. Viruses, parasites, fungi and bacteria that usually don't cause any problems can make you very sick if your immune system is damaged. These are called "opportunistic infections." You don't actually "get" AIDS. You might get infected with HIV, and later you might develop AIDS. You can get infected with HIV from anyone who's infected, even if they don't look sick and even if they haven't tested HIV-positive yet. The blood, vaginal fluid, semen, and breast milk of people infected with HIV has enough of the virus in it to infect other people. Most people get the HIV virus by - having sex with an infected person, sharing a needle (shooting drugs) with someone who's infected, being born when their mother is infected, or drinking the breast milk of an infected woman. Getting a transfusion of infected blood used to be a way people got AIDS, but now the blood supply is screened very carefully and the risk is extremely low. There are no documented cases of HIV being transmitted by tears or saliva, but it is possible to be infected with HIV through oral sex or in rare cases through deep kissing, especially if you have open sores in your mouth or bleeding gums.


It is extremely important to obtain an accurate diagnosis before trying to find a cure. Many diseases and conditions share common symptoms.

The information provided here should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions.

I add a link with details of this subject

Hope this helps
matador 89 - matador 89


Question 3
What is the likelihood of catching TB when experiencing daily casual contact with an infected person?...  Due to the economy, I recently rented a spare room to a co-worker and long time family friend. Purely by accident I found a prescription belonging to him and because he acted suspiciously when I returned it, I checked the medication on PILL FINDER. It is an antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis.
In no way are any of my family members intimate with this man, he has a private room with his own entrance and does not live as family, but as a tenant. However, he shares a bathroom with my 11 y/o son. They don't share bath products, towels, etc. and I am obsessive about bleaching the tub after each use, but the idea that I could be exposing my children to a potentially deadly disease petrifies me.
How do I know if he is contagious and how is this disease transmitted?

1)   call a health care provider. they would know. my niece caught it while vacationing with a friend whose parent had it. - David

2)   Basically, TB is spread by droplets produced by coughing. Although someone with TB needs long treatment (months or longer), he is generally not contagious once he is no longer coughing. The treatment quickly kills 99% of the bacteria so that what remains is much less infectious than before treatment.

Can you frankly discuss your concern with your tenant, explaining that you are not prying but just interested in your son's health? If the man says he has been on treatment for some time, and is not coughing, your concerns should be minimal. You could also talk to the county health department about the matter, but I wouldn't start with that. - josdoc

3)   TB is highly contagious!!

However it is only spread via droplets in the air - it will not survive on your bathroom tap etc etc however I wouldn't be spending time with someone who has TB if they are sneezing and coughing around me.

I'd talk to him and see what kind of treatment he is on. he needs to be honest with you. - Leabea

4)   TB is not "highly" contagious.If he is being treated there is nothing to be concerned about. TB is curable as long as it's not the most recent virulent strain. He doesn't sound like that.
I worked in a TB center for months with daily exposure to them coughing and interacting with them. My skin test has not even come up positive. If your son is pretty much healthy there is no need for concern, although I can understand why you would be worried.
It might be best to talk to you tenant.
God bless. - Dave


Question 4
why do i have eczema?...  im 14 and ive never had eczema in my life, untill a couple of months ago. it started as a few bits on my neck, but now i have it on my back, chest, stomache and tis starting to get on my legs and my face. its really bad, and is starting to get on my eyelids too. ive got quarterzone cream to put on it, but i stop when it gets better and it comes back again, and i cant put it on my face because i have sensitive skin. does any one know of anythign that wil help me that is not so strong? and also, do you know why i have it now? thank you xx
also, i have eczema in my head, and i always scratch my head, i cant help it, and then i get scabs and i pick them off, i dont mean to but i jsut do, and because i pick them off, ti bleeds and jsut gets worse, how can i stop doing this? :)

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2)   karma, your a bad person and have treated your parents terribly, show some respect to your social and intellectual betters and it will go away - The truth hurts sometimes

3)   Try Aveeno oatmeal bath that may help but you should go to a doctor. It may be something else or they may be able to prescribe something stronger. Have you recently moved to a dryer climate? Or is the weather cooling off? Invest in a thick moisturizer such as Eucerin. Has your family recently moved into a new home? It may have hard water which is taking its tole on your skin. Also, if you have allergies, they are normally connected to Eczema (and asthma) - try and get them in control and it may help tame your skin issues - Clarissa

4)   At your age many years ago I to had eczema and I had it all over my body. I actually spent 3 months in hospital because of it and I was treated with penicillin. The reason I was so long in hospital was that the antibiotic was making the condition worse.
I was rolled in a body length piece of lint coated with a zinc cream and this seemed to ease but not cure the problem. I continued to have it for a few more years and then it just went away. It now appears from time to time but I keep it clean and it moves on.
Scratching it should be avoided and try to stay away from stressful situations as this to can make it worse. Be patient and in time it will go. Fresh air and exercise helps and too much dairy food can sometimes affect the condition. - ANF


Question 5
Is anybody else severely allergic to milk?...  I am severely allergic to dairy products, like I can't eat them or breathe boiled milk, or I will get asthma. If I breathe in some normal cheese or something my nose burns. My old Allergist said that he was a 110% sure that there was no way I got asthma from breathing in boiled milk. Well, he got owned.

1)   Not severely allergic but it does give me some rancid gas. Prolly lactose intolerant. - Your

2)   Eating the desired food is vital for your wellbeing. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it is not solely a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss produce, it is a superfood too. There's a risk free trial on offer at I have been using it for three weeks now and it is certainly working!! - Gonzalo

3)   maybe you can find answers here:


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Sunday, September 27, 2009

First time smoking hookah; what are the effects?

Question 1
First time smoking hookah; what are the effects?...  Okay; so my boyfriend wants me to smoke hookah with him and some of his friends so I figure why not. Haha. Are there any effects really ?

1)   nothing ur good - Nick

2)   There are no effects to it. There are some flavors that CAN make you slightly lightheaded, but it's not bad. - jjeessoo

3)   What is hookah? - Jerry Springer told me so™

4)   WTF is hookah , please help - Vince_McMahon

5)   It's just relaxing. No big effects. - Happykid

6)   Smelly clothes! - yazzz

7)   good ones.

lightheartedness for like 5secs. - checkersblueandblack12

8)   It's the same as smoking a Bong just need to hit it a bit harder then normal but it is smoother. By the way what are you smoking out of it. Pass it over here I want a hit LMFAO. PUFF PUFF PASS :) Is it a ICE hooka your smoking out of cause they are the smoothest you can get. - yrunhi


Question 2
what is hepatitis c?...  ok, so me and my friend were watching a band interview on youtube, and one of the guys said sumpin bout hepatits c. we were trying to look it up, but didnt rly find anything. is it an std or not? totally curious..

1)   Overview
Hepatitis C is a viral disease that leads to swelling (inflammation) of the liver.

Many people who are infected with the hepatitis C do not have symptoms.

If the infection has been present for many years, the liver may be permanently scarred, a condition called cirrhosis. In many cases, there may be no symptoms of the disease until cirrhosis has developed.

The following symptoms could occur with hepatitis C infection:

Abdominal pain (right upper abdomen)
Bleeding varices (dilated veins in the esophagus)
Dark urine
Generalized itching
Loss of appetite
Low-grade fever
Pale or clay-colored stools

There is no cure for hepatitis C, but medications in some cases can suppress the virus for a long period of time.

Some patients with hepatitis C benefit from treatment with interferon alpha or a combination of interferon alpha and ribavirin. Interferon alpha is given by injection just under the skin and has a number of side effects, including:

Flu-like symptoms
Loss of appetite
Low white blood cell counts
Thinning of hair
Treatment with interferon alpha may also affect the production of white blood cells and platelets. Most patients receive weekly injections with a form called pegylated interferon alpha. Interferon is given along with antiviral medication, most commonly ribavirin.

Ribavirin is a capsule taken twice daily. The major side effect is low red blood cells (anemia). Ribavirin also causes birth defects. Women should avoid getting pregnant during, and for 6 months following, treatment.

A "sustained response" means that the patient remains free of hepatitis C virus 6 months after stopping treatment. This does not mean that the patient is cured, but that the levels of active hepatitis C virus in the body are very low and are probably not causing more or as much damage.

Rest may be recommended during the acute phase of the disease when the symptoms are most severe. All patients with hepatitis C should get vaccinated against hepatitis A and B.

People with hepatitis C should also be careful not to take vitamins, nutritional supplements, or new over-the-counter medications without first discussing it with their health care provider.

People with hepatitis C should avoid any substances that are toxic to the liver (hepatotoxic), including alcohol. Even moderate amounts of alcohol speed up the progression of hepatitis C, and alcohol reduces the effectiveness of treatment.

Hepatitis C infection is caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). People who may be at risk for hepatitis C are those who:

Have been on long-term kidney dialysis
Have regular contact with blood at work (for instance, as a health care worker)
Have unprotected sexual contact with a person who has hepatitis C
Inject street drugs or share a needle with someone who has hepatitis C
Received a blood transfusion before July 1992
Received blood, blood products, or solid organs from a donor who has hepatitis C
Share personal items such as toothbrushes and razors with someone who has hepatitis C
Were born to a hepatitis C-infected mother
Other hepatitis virus infections include hepatitis A and hepatitis B. Each viral hepatitis infection is caused by a different virus.

Tests & diagnosis
Hepatitis C is often found during blood tests for a routine physical or other medical procedure.

Elevated liver enzymes
ELISA assay to detect hepatitis C antibody
Hepatitis C PCR test
Hepatitis C genotype. Six genotypes exist. Most Americans have genotype 1 infection, which is the most difficult to treat.
Hepatitis virus serology
Liver biopsy

Hepatitis C is one of the most common causes of chronic liver disease in the United States today. People with this condition may have:

Chronic liver infection
Need for a liver transplant

Avoid contact with blood or blood products whenever possible. Health care workers should follow precautions when handling blood and bodily fluids.

Do not inject illicit drugs, and especially do not share needles with anyone. Be careful when getting tattoos and body piercings.

Sexual transmission is low among stable, monogamous couples. A partner should be screened for hepatitis C. If the partner is negative, the current recommendations are to make no changes in sexual practices.

People who have sex outside of a monogamous relationship should practice safer sex behaviors to avoid hepatitis C as well as sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV and hepatitis B.

Currently there is no vaccine for hepatitis C.

Chronic hepatitis

When to contact a doctor
Call your provider if symptoms of hepatitis develop, or if you believe you have been exposed to the hepatitis C virus. - Jen C

2)   Hepatitis C is an infectious disease affecting the liver, caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV).[1] The infection is often asymptomatic, but once established, chronic infection can progress to scarring of the liver (fibrosis), and advanced scarring (cirrhosis) which is generally apparent after many years. In some cases, those with cirrhosis will go on to develop liver failure or other complications of cirrhosis, including liver cancer.[1] - Je m'applle moi

3)   Hepatitis C is an infectious disease affecting the liver, caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV)

Plain and Simple. - Amber

4)   Yes, what Jen C said. - Phil A


Question 3
AH! why am i breaking out!?...  nothing much has changed in my diet just that i am eating less calories, i never get spots and if i do they are small and go within the same day. im 16. now i have 5 and they have stayed for like 3 days what should i use to clear them up immediately!

1)   maybe you're just going through that time,
but wash your face often (not too much cause dry skin makes it worse)
if you're ever sweaty or touch your face make sure to at least splash it with water.
get acne cream (proactive, clean and clear, etc.) and apply at bedtime. - MsEmma08

2)   im guessin puberty prob - Bri

3)   I've checked out every diet known to mankind but nothing worked as effectively as acai berry. I appreciate they say that pills will not work, nevertheless they definitely worked for me, and they have been showcased on the Rachael Ray Show too. There's a free trial happening currently at , try it, what have you got to lose? - Chelsey

4)   that happened to me… still is lol. u should use clean and clear acne spot treatment. - Rainie Days


Question 4
Swelling cat scratch 20 seconds after attack, please answer?...  My mom went outside for a smoke and thought it was our neighbors cat sitting on our porch so she went to go pet it but it turned out to be another cat and it attacked her and there's scratches all up her arms and hands, all of them have quite a bit of blood coming out for just a cat scratch. One of the cuts though on her hand is swelling up a lot and hurts a lot.
The swelling is about this far off her hand:

it's all blue and purple.
Any tips are very much appreciated, thank you!!
My mom has been drinking so she wont listen to what I have to say about what she should do. What could happen if she doesn't do anything about it?

1)   Take her to the hospital. Cat bites and scratches can be very infectious, don't take any chances. - Succorso

2)   4ever - the veronicas - Emily

3)   To begin, wash the wounds with soap and warm water. Make sure you wash them a number of times - maybe around 5 minutes.

Then take a pack of peas from the freezer or a bag of ice and wrap a teatowel around them. Then hold the cold compress to the swollen areas for a further 10-15 minutes. After this, take the compress away, allow the arm to return to room temperature and check the swelling. It should have gone down by another 10 minutes.

Make sure you use the tea towel as this will prevent ice burn. Otherwise, the swelling will worsen! - Olli

4)   I do hope you thoroughly cleaned and disinfected the area and you need to put some antibiotic cream on it to. I would, at the very least go to Walgreens and ask the phamacist/ There is something called cat scratch disease but that doesnt happen for 3 weeks after a scratch. If you mom is older then her skin is just more susceptible to damage when injured anyway. I wouldnt worry, but get it checked out. Smokers also can have skin that is thinner and more prone to bruising. Just call the drugstore first. - oopsie913


Question 5
how do i get rid of a wart?...  im looking for tips i know you can get it removed by surgery....
it is under my pinky toe

1)   surgery!? why not just go to your doc and get it frozen? - who?

2)   well you need to block off its air supply, or they will just spread.
if you're wearing a closed shoe, put duct tape on it tightly.
if you're wearing an open toed shoe, cover your wart with clear nail polish, so no air can get in.
hope this helps - MsEmma08

3)   I had one on my foot and i went to my doctor and got it frozen off. The pain really is not that bad, last about 10 minutes. Good luck! - Sharebear


why is everybody scared of the swine flu?

Question 1
why is everybody scared of the swine flu?...  i got the swine flu on thursday and why does everybody think they are going to die if they get it its actually not that bad its easier to fight off then the regular flu

1)   because to several people around the country they have died already
it depends on each person you dolt - xanostrife

2)   With it being sort of newly spread our immune systems haven't really developed any defenses against it due to lack of exposure. - [F^(&]

3)   it isn't fear of death that has intelligent people worried. what worries us, is the fact that H1N1 (it isn't swine flu) is so easily spread. What do you think would happen if say 60% of the population got sick at the same time? I will tell you, our society would fall apart. No one to do police work, they are all sick, no one to put out fires, they are all sick, no one to drive delivery trucks or trains so no food in the stores, workers that keep our infrastructure running all is a scary thought. What if all those sick go to hospitals? 60% of the staff out sick, who is going to work the hospitals? If we do not work to control the spread of this virus, it can do serious damage to our economy and infrastructure. - essentiallysolo

4)   Because the media exploded on it and gave it so much attention that they made it seem like the plague. I know a bunch of people that had it and they were perfectly fine after a few days of rest. - Bryn


Question 2
nerve cells are also not divisible, but brain tumour occurs. why cancer doesnt occur in heart?...  

1)   it does exist, it is just extremely rare:

heart muscle cells basically stop dividing. I do not know if any of the variants listed arise from the heart muscle cell directly. - Dinah

2)   You need to do better research. Cardiac sarcoma does exist and I have known people who died from it.

Adult Cardiac Sarcoma

Unsuspected Widespread Cardiac Sarcoma in a Child

I am unsure why people continue to believe that the heart is immune from cancer. It is not. A young man I know from our sarcoma support group just died from a primary cardiac DSRCT sarcoma. There was little that the doctors could do for him. - Panda

3)   You are mistaken; cancer can & does occur in the heart, just as it can & does in any muscle tissue; it's called sarcoma... - Mark


Question 3
Antifreeze poisoning? lethal or not?...  Within the past 4-5 days I drank around 30 oz of antifreeze. With no effects or anything. I'm wondering why because little as 8 oz can surely kill a person. I don't know why I'm still breathing?? Or maybe it takes a very long time to kick in. I'm not sure but by 24 hours they say you should be in a very bad state or even dead.
I know that, but why is it taking so long? Its been like 5 days. I haven't felt any pain or anything at all....
Because it says that by 24 hours you should have been dead already and i've been living an extra 5.

1)   what it does is destroy your liver, you die alright, but it is a slow and soon will be a very painful process of dieing. - essentiallysolo

2)   Lethal. A woman in Georgia killed two of her husbands with it. - Patricia C

3)   Go to the hospital, now. - peanut


Question 4
whats some tips to beat insomnia..(no drugs)?...  

1)   drink hot chocolate
and have a warm shower - Lola

2)   Limit the intake of sugar, nicotine and caffeine. - peanut

3)   close your eyes, breathe deeply and clench are relax each muscle in your body. also counting to 60 slowly usually makes me tired - ilalaloveit12


Question 5
I have bumps under my penise and on my genitals?...  my doctor looked at it and i forgot what he said it was but he gave me some cream for it its not a std or anything never had sex but its itchy and girls wouldent like it the cream never worked it may have worked allitle bit but i dident put it on everyday like i was supose to and wasnt sure how much to put on cause it was all over my genitals any ideas of what it is and how to get rid of it?

1)   maybe you can find answers here:


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2)   You need to go back to your doctor for a follow up appointment if this thing you have didn't go away, of corse the medication didn't work you basically answered your own question here." I didn't use it every day" right there tells you why it didn't go away.Plus When a Doctor gives you cream for a infected area and he didn't mention how much to use Id say to use enough to cover the infected area.Did you get into poision ivy or some thing like that maybe your allergic to the soap you was your clothes in a yeast infection and yes guys can get them even if they don't have sex.Im not to sure how to help you here.All I can say is when a doctor gives you medication you need to us it as directed. - Cyntia

3)   I think no one can suggest you better than the doctor. So, you should ask your doctor, not here. Because he is the one who gave you the cream. You had better ask the doctor rather than on yahoo answers. - Nama


Saturday, September 26, 2009

If you know anything about Rabies please help me figure something out about me being bit last summer.?

Question 1
If you know anything about Rabies please help me figure something out about me being bit last summer.?...  Ok, I was just wondering, because I got bit last summer by a dog in NYC. I'm sure it bit me because it was startled by my skateboard, and the fact that I was riding past it. I then got nervous and paranoid about it for my own good. I actually was only worried the first week or two. I realized... oh hey, it's just a dog, some random dog in the city. If the owner can walk it around the park and the owner looks normal (which she did, but unfortunately I did not receive any contact info from her... which kinda stinks because she was pretty hot...) but that's besides the point. Recently, in speaking ever since right before I went to bed last night, I felt as if I Was getting sick. Going back now, I have been having cases of sleep paralysis since even when I was 3, was my first one, but I have been having at least 1 per every 3 or four months, and sometimes up to 3 per month. I sleep in the supine position so that might explain why. I haven't been sick in a long time, but today, I have been feeling very congested and appear to have a fever, and a head ache, and I have been shivering quite a bit. Today I had very vivid dreams, and woke up twice during a 5 hour long nap, the first time twitching to wake up thinking I was falling into this very deep river, and the second time, suffering a very scary case of sleep paralysis. I remember my hood of my sweatshirt being too tight around my neck, and not being able to move. My mom had walked into the room soon after which was odd. She gave me cough drops for my sore throat. Also, some additional info, because I want to give who ever is reading all the info possible to give me a well rounded answer or at least an idea of what might be going on with me. I feel alright now, but I didn't eat too much today, (no cheese pizza, some Naked Green Machine Juice, Brown rice and vegetables, and soy ice cream) (I am vegan and have been for 2 years) but yea, that just about says everything about how I am feeling right now and all the info I can give. I know rabies can take up to two years to develop, and I don't really want to die just now... so I think I might as well find out what is going on. Maybe I'll feel fine tomorrow, so I could report any further updates in an additional detail on this question. Ok, let me know what you think, because I basically answered most of the question myself, but I need an outside opinion on it.

1)   If you had rabies you would either be hospitalized or dead by now. - Kate

2)   Eating the correct food is important for your wellbeing. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it is not only a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss product, it is a superfood too. There is a risk free trial offered at I have been using it for three weeks now and it is definately working!! - Efrain

3)   It isn't rabies or you would be dead and buried by now without treatment. - f100_supersabre

4)   i don't think what you have is a symptom of rabies. in rabies you crave water and loud noised drive you nuts. did the bite break the skin? if you had rabies it would have shown up in a week or two. it might make you feel better if you call the doctor office - older

5)   Although the incubation period for rabies can go one for several years, this isn't the typical and usual incubation period, which is 1 to 3 months. If you'd had rabies, you would have been dead or already treated for the last 10 or so months. Stop looking for zebra (rabies) and hear the hoof beats of horses (the flu). - TweetyBird


Question 2
So here's a gooder...could you get HIV this way....?...  So HIV cannot live outside the human body in blood or body fluids for any longer than about 2 hours is what the research has been telling me. So if a used hiv infected needle was left overnight or longer, would the virus on the needle die and therefore make it impossible to get the virus by using that needle? I haven't done this, but it's something that implies to me and so I wanted to ask the question. I'm just using common sense being that hiv cannot survive outside the human body on any surface for more than a couple of hours. Anyone wanna take a stab at answering this one????

1)   maybe you can find answers here:**http%3a//

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2)   Depends on the type of needle.

Just a regular needle? No, you won't get HIV.

If you're talking about an injected needle, you could possibly still get it. The inside of the barrel stays moist, and often times there is a bit of blood that gets inside the barrel. HIv could potentially continue living for a while inside the barrel. - Cassie T

3)   It should be noted that HIV can survive for several days in the small amount of blood that remains in a needle after use, because the blood is trapped where air cannot dry it out. As a result, used needles are very risky for HIV transmission; they provide a direct path into the bloodstream - dieselhj60

4)   it is a gooder... i know of people who have gotten diseases from accidently getting poked cleaning out the sharps boxes in hospitals so i probably would never use a used needle, especially knowing if it may of had the virus on it... i dont know?!?! - GreenEyez


Question 3
what do i wear to protect my bone tumor in football?...  i have an ostechondrom on my femer bone rite above my knee wat u recomend for me to wear so i can play football

1)   maybe you can find answers here:**http%3a//

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2)   Shin guards/ knee guards, either one should cover the area. - Amy B-G


Question 4
Is There Anything I Can Do To Get Rid Of a Stuffed Up Nose?...  Besides taking pills/medicines.. is there anything I can drink/eat to clear my nose?

1)   Try breathing in something in the scent of peppermint, or laying down, head elevated, in a room with a humidifier. People have doubted that the last one will do anything, but really, it can do magic.

Best of luck. :] - A Poetic Tragedy.

2)   you could eat a clove of garlic
Put hot water in a bowl and try to use the steam to help breathe better. and use breathe in the steam - Lexi


Question 5
I like to finger myself. What are some good ways to do it?...  I like to and i do all the time. I sometimes use a vibrating toothbrush or a removable shower head or just doing it with my finger. What are some other good ways and how?

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for curing acne and all your skin problems - Juvteww

2)   please go away with you stupid question! - dieselhj60


Can I get the flu again if I already had it?

Question 1
Can I get the flu again if I already had it?...  I had the flu about 2 weeks ago and I kept it for about 7 days, My son now has it and he got it from me. Do you think I could get it again because I have been around him or do you think I build up immunity when I had it?

1)   yes a relapace - Susan

2)   Yes! You probably will get it again. Sorry! b/c after you get well you can still get people sick! - Raige2007

3)   Human Influenza Virus is a master of disguises, the reason why it's still around. The way most virus' work is that they aren't static in their structure, why our body's antibodies are only so effective. Chances are if you treat your body right and don't over-exert yourself even if you do get sick it won't be as bad or for as long. I personally start taking a multivitamin and drink lots of fluids any time I think I remotely might be getting sick. There are other vitamin supplements you can take to reinforce your immune system but I generally don't need them so I'm not too much help in that aspect. Take simple precautions you already know about; such as don't use the same drinking glasses, cover your sneeze, sleep plenty, keep physical activity to a minimum. You should be fine unless your immune system is compromised. - Mike


Question 2
i have lot of pimple marks on face........?...  i have lot of pimple marks,some pimples and hairs all over my face.............although its not so visible from far but still it looks bad when i see mirror from there any way to reduce scars and hairs from face?

1)   E40 cream :) helps me - Susan

2)   For acne ,darkspots,blemishes,warts and
natural remedies for geting clean and fair skin
u may refer to
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n u ll find tips for curing acne and
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with homemade remedies - Ornell

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spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
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for curing acne and all your skin problems - Hutww


Question 3
skin care at 13 years old (and a girl) HOW to get rid of acne?...  ok i have pretty bad acne, around my forehead and rite above my nose. and on the side of my face how do i get rid of it?? i dont wanna have to buy stuff like proactive and stuff . I already have apricot scrub, and neutragina wash and a wave . I use pretty much everyday all of those three things, and it still wont go away!! it always comes back, and i dont wanna go 2 a doctor lol. how do i get rid of it??? i dont have greeasyskin or dry skin either, i have veryyyy sensitive skin

1)   Maybe you should just use a garnier cleanser and dont eat fattening foods because this causes it a lot. Sometimes however there is nothing you can do about it. sorry hope this helps - Sarah

2)   For acne ,darkspots,blemishes,warts and
natural remedies for geting clean and fair skin
u may refer to
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n u ll find tips for curing acne and
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for curing acne and all your skin problems - Hutww


Question 4
do i have the flu or just a cold ?...  so ive been sick for about 3 days. doesnt seem to be getting better. my head and face hurt,body sore,my throat is sore,eyes hurt and are red,no energy,tired,restless, and when my things that hurt feel more intense, for example. if i were to eat hot soup and the hot soup touches my my chin or something the feeling is more intense like needles poking me. and just certain parts on my body hurt. im not vomiting or anything like that and i can eat. but i dont know what i have. im in a lot of pain. i need any help possible. i cant be missing school i missed friday and my test. so please can anyone help. ?

1)   Definetly doesnt sound like a cold....I say most likely the flu...but I mean, I might be wrong. Only way to find out is to go to the DOCTORRRR - <3 Foreva

2)   Although the symptoms between a cold & a flu is similar , but it ain't the same .

Flu is a shortform for Influenza , it is caused by a bacteria . A cold on the other hand is just your body's reaction to external stimuli (eg. stepping out in cold weather while your body is wet etc.)

Therefore , you can cure a flu by antibiotics or any other prescriptions your doctor give you . A cold on the other hand can't be cured , the only method is to rest well or maybe the doctors can give you a dose of medicine to stop the SYMPTOMS but not cure it directly . - GavinDoodleChan


Question 5
How do i get rid of my red legs?...  My legs are red and it embarrasses me. Do you know of any ways to stop them going red ???

1)   For acne ,darkspots,blemishes,warts and
natural remedies for geting clean and fair skin
u may refer to
(copy n paste the above link in browser to open it)
n u ll find tips for curing acne and
solution to all your skin problems
with homemade remedies - Ornell

2)   for every kind of acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,
spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems
u can refer to dis website
it has got so many tips n free beauty samples
for curing acne and all your skin problems - Hutww
