Sunday, February 14, 2010

I have a wierd mole on my right breast, Cancer...?

Question 1
I have a wierd mole on my right breast, Cancer...?...  Okay, So when I took a shower, I found it out today.
It was dark, and really irregular.

And well, One of my brothers friends and I were playing on the Trampoline yesterday at a party last night.
And well, apparently one of his friends - whos 9 - Jumped and pretty much kicked my right breast. I got so pissed. But It didn't hurt ALOT, but it hurted. And I hate him now. He's real abusive.

Anyways, Is it breast cancer?

I asked my mom and she said, Its okay, we'll see if it goes away within a couple days.
She has breast cancer too, and she had to get it removed [so she has stitches on her flat breats now] She said sometimes she gets those mole-like things on her breast. I trust her, but Im just scared.


Im 14 Of age, and It's on my nipple, dark brown, irregular shaped and sometimes [like right now] It kind of hurts, maybe because i kept touching it? Idk. But yeah, any ideas of what it is?

1)   u need to see a doc - Omi

2)   Your breasts are naturally sensitive, so stop touching it, okay?

It might be a mole, it might be something else (pimple, sweat cell) so follow your mom's suggestion, and see if it goes away.

And some people are prone to moles. Relax, and give it a few days or so. - Lynne W


Good rule of thumb for skin observation:

A-asymmetrical shape
B-border is irregular
C-color is varied, dark, etc.
D-diameter is >6mm

You also have a family history of breast cancer. I know you are only 14, but you should still have your mom make an appointment as soon as you can with your physician. If it turns out to be nothing, you'll still be glad you checked it out. - Katie


Question 2
Tonight I had sex for the first condom?...  Okay, well I'm 15 and i've been going out with this guy for 2 years.
We went out to dinner and then came home, when all of a sudden it just happened, itt was good and all..but, my mom doesn't know and Idk if I'm pregnat!:/
what do I doo...!?!?

1)   This is a time when you are very "fertile" so there is a good chance that you could be pregnant. Wait until you have missed your period and get checked. And that is when you for sure want to be talking to your parents. - better-than-you

2)   *pregnant, there are 2 n's

Anyway, you should talk to your mom ASAP. Having a bit of embarrassment now is much, much better than getting pregnant and ruining the rest of your life. She'll have to take you to get the morning after pill. - jellybeancounter

3)   Talk to your mom to go get the plan B pill from the pharmacy within 72 hours. A girlfriend of mine got pregnant the very first time she had it can happen! Although you might not be, be SMART and go get the plan B pill! It's why it is available to you! - Katie


Question 3
Is smoking tin foil dangerous?...  lately, I've caught my children smoking drugs from pipes made with tin foil. Now, should I worry about my children getting worse conditions than the ones already onset by drugs. What diseases could possibly come from this?. Could it maybe be completely harmless? Please respond

1)   It's harmless. - LaFleur

2)   I don't think they're actually smoking the tin foil, but they could be doing smoking crack with them. If they are smoking it, I'm going to guess that it's EXTREMELY bad for them. Foil is made from all types of metals and synthetics. I don't think stuff like that is good to get in your lungs. - Rob


Question 4
What do I do after frostbite?...  I got frostbite 4 days ago on the top of my nose. It is and was black but it's a little bit smaller now and more grayish. It feels like a big scab. It is dry and I accidently itched it and it started to peel. If I pick it off will there be fresh skin? Or will that only make it worse? Please help now. If you need more detail email

1)   i asked my mom and she is a nurse and she said if u peel it it will go away and grow fresh skin. also use some moisturizer just to get some moisture in it.
good luck - dann607

2)   Regardless, it's going to scab over. Keep it harm and dry. Dry gauze is the best. If it's peeling don't force it, let it heal on its own. Eventually it's going to peel off and dry up. - Respect My Authoritah!


Question 5
Possibly lactose intolerant?...  So I always suspected I was. After drinking milk or cheese, even just cheese put on pasta or salad would give me severe painful cramps in my stomach, almost like one giant gas bubble that refuses to pop. And then maybe 20 min later I would have diarrhea. Sorry, TMI. This doesnt happen EVERY time I have dairy products. I think it depends how much I consume. I always thought it was the type of dairy. For example, the cheese that the Outback puts on their caesar salad, that gets me every time. Ugh.

1)   Try to eat lactose free milk and dairy products or milk free there are alot of good products out there just read the labels and you should be ok. Good luck. - syl c.

2)   Yeah, you probably are. My sister had the same problems, along with a cousin. In the end..the doctor told them that they were. Just check with your doctor incase, I am no trained professional..just experience. - smilin_shia


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