Thursday, February 18, 2010

spitting out blood?????????

Question 1
spitting out blood?????????...  ive been spitting blood but not coughing it out or vomiting more when i try to get flem this bad or more like allergies?????????????im 18 years old

1)   Go to the hospital.

It's kinda obvious, if anything like this happened to me, I would NOT refer to Yahoo Answers.

Please, go to the hospital emergency clinic and get checked out. - Sara-Lily

2)   quit eating cute baby animals. - arksisvondraken

3)   I think because you are coughing soooo much that it is irritating the lining of ur throat which is why u are spitting blood, so if u control the coughing with Delsym or Robitussin, or cough drops then u will not be coughing up blood anymore. - Natalia


Question 2
A shortage of breath?...  Since 11 something today, I have been feeling like I can't really breathe. Its hard to explain, but it feels like I am in a really small room and its not much air to inhale! I don't know whats going on with me. I can't breathe normally or like I use to. I have to force myself to breathe regularly. It's like my body is struggling to breathe or something....Whats going on with me? No particular event made me feel this way. It just started happening.

This is what I wrote on Tuesday. I don't really feel this way now, but I think it has something to do with how I am feeling now:
When I woke up this morning, I felt a sharp pain every time I breathe in air. I have felt this pain a few days ago, but today the pain was more lucid than before. The pain comes and goes. I feel the pain on the upper part of my back and I THINK on my lungs too. When I was speed walking to my 4th hour class, I started to feel the pain again. I am 15 years old. I'm 5'6 and 134 lbs, so I don't have any weight problems. I have never had asthma before. I never smoked a day in my life and my parents don't smoke either. Track season starts soon, and I don't want to be feeling this pain anymore when track season starts. Does anybody have any ideas about what is wrong with me? If so, please share.

1)   anxiety - Kelle

2)   You might have bronchitis. You really should go to the doctor. Especially with the symptoms you're describing, there could be something seriously wrong, maybe if people around you are smoking you could be having some sort of reaction to that. Or if there's something you're around that's been around everytime you're around it, allergies.

And now that I think about it, it sounds a lot like asthma. - Jessica

3)   Weight is a big issue for many people, especially those trying to lose it. I used colon cleanse and it definitely worked for me. There is a free trial going on at the moment at , try it, what is the worst that could happen? - Fabian


Question 3
Teenager With Type 1 Diabetes?...  Hi there,
I am type a type 1 diabetic.
I just can't keep my blood sugar levels in control.
I try to have a healthy diet in the day, but when I come home I just pig out, which makes my sugars go up very high.
I guess I eat junk food in the afternoon as I haven't had it all day and start to crave it.
I think I'm not motivated enough to keep it in control because I always worry about getting complications.
Any help on what I should do?

1)   I am able to offer you meal plan once I am confirmed your diagnosis.

I need to know informations of your gender, birthdate, time of birth, and city and country of birth.
Our body, just like the universe, has a pattern which evolves through time. Therefore by including the concept of "time" into the diagnosis, we can predict the pattern of our body, like the way we can predict the patterns in the universe. I am a Licensed Acupuncturist who practices what I call "Time Medicine". For years, I perform my diagnosis by using your gender, birthdate, time of birth, and city and country of birth. I am able to immediately see the pattern, such as the physical appearance, the preference of food, the personality, and most importantly, accurately predict the time of event, and the type of disorder this person has. By understanding the constitution, I am able give my clients awareness as to how to prevent many ailments that may occur in their own pattern.
So did I answer your question?
Send a reply with the information of your gender, birthdate, time of birth, and city and country of birth.
Look forward to conversing with you. - JeeJee

2)   It's your choice.
Everytime your blood sugar is high, damage is being done somewhere in your body.

My brother in law went blind and had a leg amputated due to diabetes.

It's your choice. - Kelle

3)   It's vital to eat well to keep in good health. Colon cleanse is an awesome suplement which keeps you in good health and also has the bonus of assisting you to lose lots of weight. There's a free trial on currently at , try it out, how worse could it make things? - Brooklyn


Question 4
Why am I suddenly experiencing double vision?...  Ok as I've said in some of my other question, I have seizures. I just had a seizure earlier this evening; a grand mal. My eyes were rolling into the back of my head. A little while after the seizure, I suddenly had trouble seeing and I was dizzy. This has never happened to me before even though I wear glasses. It's like when you aren't focusing on an object and it looks blurry and you see two of it. That's what I'm experiencing no matter how hard I try to focus on an object, I can't. I've had a recent MRI and CAT scan that came back normal. What could be causing this new and sudden vision problem?

1)   You need to see an opthalmologist. - notyou311

2)   Is yo a lil tipsy? Cause U'm a lil tipsy. - JoeMoFo

3)   I would wait for at least a day then go to see an eye specialist. - itsnotanoboe


Question 5
My friend's mum thinks I should get an epi pen?...  I have this bad allergy to wasps, which I inherited from my dad. I got stung a couple summers ago on my baby toe on my right foot and my foot swelled at least twice the size and it was red and really itchy. My friend's mum is an emergency nurse at one of the busiest hospitals in my city and she is worried if I get stung around my neck that I might need an epi pen for emergency purposes? I was just wondering if you thought I needed one, even though I probably won't get one.
My foot was so bad I couldn't wear any of my shoes, including flip flops for 2 weeks.

1)   I would. I have one for the same reason. IF you have a very bad reaction, you could stop breathing before you gotto the hospital. You can't be sure the reaction would always be the same. Why wouldn't you listen to an emergency nurse? - Kelle

2)   Its kind of like deciding whether to wear a seatbelt when riding in a car. You may never be in an accident, so a seatbelt may never be necessary, but if you are in an accident, a seatbelt makes a huge difference. There's a surprisingly large number of people that die each year from bee and wasp stings due to allergic reactions. An epi-pen is good advice, but entirely up to you. - formerly_bob


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