Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is drinking hand sanitizer bad?

Question 1
Is drinking hand sanitizer bad?...  Well I didn't really drink it, but I got some hand sanitizer out and put it on my hands and rubbed it on my hands and then I saw something on my lip so i touch it with my finger to get it off and I taste the hand sanitizer a bit, will this affect me negatively in any way? thank you

1)   You are fine. - Kelle

2)   No it should be fine, I drink hand sanitizer almost everyday - TheDirtyGlove

3)   nothing there - Joe

4)   thats not enough to do anything to you
you'll be ok - lela

5)   Yeah your body will be 99.9% germ free now. - Jacqui

6)   dont worry about it, you'll be fine.. - ThisGirlLuvsYou

7)   yes, drinking hand sanatizer is bad but just a little shouldn't hurt you, i think you will be fine just be careful next time! - animallover156


Question 2
Can you go to school when you have a cold in your eye?...  

1)   Definately. :) - Kelle

2)   I suggest you to see----->
I have solved many health issues using this site
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using - Mellisa

3)   If you have pink eye - you should not go to school. You should go to the doctor and get some medicine.

If you just have a cold and your eyes are watering and stuff - you can go to school if you feel well enough. - Mad Mama


Question 3
do i have cancer and how does a lump look like?...  my right knee is killing me and i have pains in it. i dont know if I have a lump how would it look. Im not that active but in the morning and afternoon i walk back to school. DO U THINK I HAVE CANCER

1)   No Relax. You strained your knee. - Kelle

2)   I had that lump under my kneecap when I was around 13 and it hurt very bad. It is a growing disease called Osgood slaughters disease. You will grow out of it but you need shots of cortisone to ease the pain. - Professor

3)   No. Don't feel - Lakshmikanth


Question 4
could this be cancer?...  my sister had cancer not too long ago and I think I have it know, at least I think. About 2 days ago I noticed somthing on my neck, it looked like a zit and thats what I thought it was. but it has like a brown middle to it a little smaller then a #2 pencil. Could this be cancerous.

1)   No. Relax. - Kelle

2)   See----->
I have solved many health issues using this site
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using - Amber

3)   Very doubtful, however if this was cancer it would most likely be skin cancer, a mole gone bad. I would go to a dermatologist so they can check it out and if they think it looks suspicious they will remove it and send it away to be biopsied, most likely not cancer. But if it was cancer, they would just check the rest of your body to make sure theres nothing more suspicious which needs attention. Don't panic, it sounds more like a mole, wart or birth mark to me. - <3me<3


Question 5
can you get HIV from drinking out of a container that belongs to a person with HIV or if they bite your food?...  i have a coworker and the other day i wanted to drink coffee and he offered me one of his containers and so i filled it with coffee but i didn't like it so i threw it away..later that day we had gotten into a deep conversation and he revealed to me that he was texted positive for HIV..since then i have been freaking out becuz i remembered that i took a sip of a coffee from his container so i called him and asked him and he explained to me that no you cant get HIV from taking a sip out a cup that belongs to someone wit HIV and u cant get it if they take a bite of your food or if u share a cigarette..but im a paranoid person and this is scareing me to wear i cant eat..i have a tounge ring and lip ring could it get in through that?..some people tell me dont worry others arnt sure..

1)   No you can't. There needs to be blood to blood contact or contact through sex. You can relax now. - Aurturo

2)   no - Amber


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