Monday, March 22, 2010


Question 1

1)   Hello Jacob,

You might not know this, but man and guinea pigs have something in common. Well, true, they're both mammals and living creatures, but there is one thing that they share that is not applicable to anything else. They can both experience chronic pain in joints because of an incapability to process uric acid into products that can easily be soluble.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, men and guinea pigs are the only creatures in the world that are afflicted by gout.

Gout is an affliction that is caused by a build-up of crystals of uric acid in the different tissues of the body. Usually, the build-up is lumped in and around the joints and the tendons, as well as the surrounding tissues. It results in inflammation, stiffness and excruciating pain on the affected area. Most often, the joints in the feet and ankles are the main targets; specifically, the small joint of the foot's big toe is the most common spot for gout. Such is the tenderness you get when you contract gout that even the brush of a blanket can cause intense pain that is sometimes unbearable. Aside from the pain, the patient can get a fever as well, if the gout is acute. Usually, these painful attacks go away or subside after a couple of days, medications notwithstanding, although there are rare cases when gout attacks can last for weeks.

Since other arthritic conditions like psoriatic and rheumatoid arthritis can mimic the symptoms of gout, it is often advisable to establish a firm diagnosis before treatment. While X-rays can be useful in diagnosing whether or not you have gout, the best and most reliable method is by joint aspiration (also known as arthrocentesis). Using a sterilized needle and syringe, fluid is withdrawn from the affected joint. If the joint fluid contains a deposit of uric acid crystals and infection, then you're suffering from gout. Alternatively, a diagnosis can also be made by finding such crystal deposits from materials extracted via the same method for bursitis (an inflammation of a bursa—a tiny sac filled with fluids that reduce friction between body tissues).

Given a few days, most of gout's unpleasant side effects will usually go away on their own. However, you can do several things that will hasten the elimination of the condition.

Take liberal fluid intakes. Lots of fluids can dilute the urine in your body, as well as help you excrete uric acid. Drinking at least three liters of water a day also helps prevent kidney stone formation. It's not limited to water, either. Vegetable juice, herbal teas, soup and milk all contribute to your daily fluid intake.

Avoid purine-rich foods. Purines are organic compounds that are found in both human tissues as well as in food that you eat. During the body's functions, purine is converted into uric acid which, in excess, contributes to gout. The excess can be caused either by the overproduction of uric acid or the under-elimination of it by your kidneys. Whichever the case, avoiding purine-rich foods can go a long way to getting rid of or avoiding gout altogether.

Since purines are also found in all foods containing protein, it is unhealthy to eliminate purine foods altogether; as mentioned earlier, gout only happens when there is an over-abundance of uric acid in the body. Organ meats (like liver, kidneys, and hearts), sardines in oil, yeast and legumes are purine-rich foods. It is recommended that such foods be taken in moderation. During a flare-up of gout, it is advised that they be taken out of your diet altogether until the condition has passed. If you absolutely can't pass up on something meaty, tofu can be a good substitute.

The American medical Association has proposed a good balanced diet for people suffering from gout. It includes the following recommendations:

Eat foods that are high in carbohydrates. Examples of these include fruits, whole grains, and vegetables.
Eat foods that are low in protein.
No more than 30% of calories should come from fats. - Aaron Smith

2)   Gout is a form of arthritis characterized by inflammation in a joint. The touch of a bedsheet or the sensation of a passing breeze on an affected joint can provoke excruciating pain for people suffering with gout.
Gout Prevention:
maintaining adequate fluid intake,weight reduction,dietary changes,reduction in alcohol consumption,
and use proper medications also to reduce hyperuricemia - Rudheera

3)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Dr Dave


Question 2
I'm always soooo itchy Help?...  My skin is not dry. It's like some of my pores are inflamed. 3 or 4 in one area (backs of legs, backs of knees, hips, sides of torso. I've tried exfoliating More/less. Drinking more water. Better diet. Moisturizing more/less. Any ideas. Besides the usual 'ur dying' and 'google it'?

1)   I will scratch you ;) - Know it all

2)   You could be allergic to something and might not know...could be a certain material of clothing or laundry detergent/fabric softener. I know it's annoying and I hope you feel better. Maybe you should visit a dermatologist to rule that out. You mentioned some of your pores to ve inflamed. Is that what you're guessing, or do you see red patches on your skin? Also, you can try taking Benadryl because that really helps with the itching. - Violet

3)   when i was younger i suddenly started itching loads and it was a mystery for my family and doctor for a while. They finally narrowed it down and it turns out i'm allergic to biological washing powder, so the quick solution was to start using non-bio, and to wash every bit of fabric i come in to contact with, so all of your clothes, bed sheets, bathroom towels etc etc

in my case I had a bad rash develop on my back, but even if you dont have a rash it could be something similar.

BTW im not saying that it is necessarily washing powder. there are so many chemicals in everyday items you just need to think carefully about which products come into contact with your skin and work out by process of elimination. If in a couple of weeks you still haven't solved it maybe see a doctor, only because the chances are they might have come across something similar before and could have some suggestions for you also. - stwnch


Question 3
How can I make my body less acidic?...  My body seems to be very acidic lately. I don't know how to make it more neutral. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me out. It's making me very ill and I really want to feel better.

1)   erm i guess the word doctor comes to mind an i know this is not write answering a question with a question but how is your body acidic? =o - Nick

2)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Dr kelly


Question 4
i have gamma on my blood test...what does that mean?...  also alvumin was low and alpha 2 was low

1)   i'm pretty sure they are checking your liver with the "gamma"--Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase.

This is sounding like a liver panel exam. Albumin is checked for many diseases including the liver.
You should be talking to your doc about these tests. - Axe J

2)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Dr kelly


Question 5
is my lip infected? if so, what should i do?...  I had a blister on my lip 4 days ago, and I let it pop on its own. It turned into a scab and leaked puss after it initially formed a scab, but I figured that would be alright since it stopped shortly after.

I took a shower and part of the scab got soggy and came off. It seemed like it was infected because it's extremely red, so I dabbed it with an alcohol pad. Now it stings and is still very red. Can anyone tell me what I should do?
i'd give a pic but yahoo doesn't let me post imageshack pics for some reason.

1)   puss=infection!

But if it doesn't contain any puss anymore, it could be it heals on it own.
And the stinging could be from the alcohol.

It isn't that bad if its red. Just try not to touch it, and if it opens by itself, try getting all the puss out. and put some alcohol on it.

If in a day or 2 it still looks bad, go to a doctor. - druler

2)   if you do have a cold sore, i would suggest you using abreva. i often get cold sores and check my lips a l w a y s because at the very FIRST sign or feeling you have a cold sore, you probably do. dab on some abeva (but apply carefully cause you dont want the virus to spread further) dont put abreva on after the virus is big and bulging because it will dry it out and the lip will become very tender and burn. if you are continuous with the treatment, youll see the cold sore rapidly decrease. good luck! - allison mohammad


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