Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What Happens When I Swallow Someones Spit With Blood In It?

Question 1
What Happens When I Swallow Someones Spit With Blood In It?...  Hi there. :]
Well, im kinda troubled right now because i think i swallowed my boyfriends spit that had a little blood in it. i just wanna make sure that it can or cant cause anything before i start freaking out. can you get hiv/aids from that? please help, thanks. :D

1)   You can if he has it. Does he? ask him. - Niblib

2)   Ew, weirdo-rama - NONYA

3)   maybe get a new b/f, if ur concerned he has aids - Tyreal

4)   You could be exposed to blood borne pathogens. HIV is an example. - Buster Hymen

5)   Ew.

You could only get HIV or AIDS if he has it.
If he is clean, then nothing will happen.
Unless he's sick with something (flu, cold, stomach virus, etc.) - KAiT

6)   eeewww thats soooo damn disturbing girl wat where you all doin, playin spit war gross!!!!!!! - EmpYre bOi

7)   yes you can get aids or any type of disease he is carrying. it is the same if you were to swallow his cumm or if he is to cumm inside you. what happens? just happens....sometimes we don't mean to do the most simple thing's but more than likely if he had something now you have it... - Big smoke

8)   technically its possible, but if he is ur BF why dont u know if he has hiv or not??

anyway, as long as there is no contact of his blood with urs, ur fine (cuts etc. inside mouth/throat)
the stomach should kill the virus (acid), but u can "help" by drinking orangejuice (acid)...

so chances of u gettin HIV are small, but not zero.

u cant change what happend, so wait 3-4 weeks and get a test to be on the safe side. - Oliver

9)   As long as he is not infected with anything like Hep A or C, HIV, Gonorrhea or other transferable STD's you should be alright. People swap spit all the time. Without deep kissing you'd lose a lot of the pleasure of love making.
God bless. - Dave

10)   well thats actually how hiv and aids gets spread :( u might wanna check urself to be on the safe side...even if he dotn have aids u can still get it :(..but if its a small amount it may be flushed out..good luck! - Mimi

11)   some girls find blood is a turn on. if ur clean and he's clean, then dont worry about. i knew a girl who would pick my stabs and lick the blood. - Audio Fan


Question 2
Whats the condition where u quit breathing in your sleep?...  

1)   insomia - Mimi

2)   sounds like sleep apnia - jxt299

3)   sleep apnea - TwinkaTee

4)   sleep apnea - Deed

5)   sleep aphnia (spell check?)

insomnia is when you can't sleep - samisrandom

6)   apnea, Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea occurs when your breathing is disrupted during sleep. Men, overweight people, and people over 40 are at greater risk for sleep apnea. Untreated sleep apnea can cause hypertension, stroke, or heart failure. - because I said so

7)   There are basically two conditions in which you stop breathing while asleep. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Central Sleep Apnea (CSA). The first is an extreme form of snoring. The second happens because of some defect in your brain. OSA is much, much more common.
God bless. - Dave


Question 3
Should I pop my blisters?...  I row and I just want them to develop into calluses as quickly as possible. Would it be better to let them pop on their own or do it myself?

1)   I'd let them pop on their own. If you pop them yourself there will be red raw painful skin underneath. Give the skin time to heal. Put bandaids over the blisters if it hurts to row with them. - Coplumdrum

2)   keep your hands off it! And let them heal on there own, - because I said so

3)   You should never pop blisters. if they get really bad see your doctor but they should pop on there own. - Deed

4)   Let them burst of their own accord - this gives the new skin underneath time to harden up and be ready for use. When they've healed, put surgical spirit on your hands regularly to harden them up.

Don't whatever you do but Band Aids on them - this will just make the skin soft. - Soap


Question 4
urgent rashes on feet help pleeeeeeeeeeeze?...  I have red spotty rahes on my feet and there is a tiny bit of swelling and little bit pain. also this dissapears withing a few day. It usuallyy happens when i strain ma legs a lot AND EVER SINCE I MIGRATED TO THE UK FROM A HOT COUNTRY. wHATS WORNG

1)   It could be Athletes Foot, it's a very common fungal infection.

TEA TREE OIL will treat it.

Put 1 drop of tea tree oil on a damp cotton wool pad and wipe all over your foot. Use one pad per foot.

You can buy Tea Tree Oil from health shops and most pharmacies...costs about £4 a bottle.

Tea Tree has lots of other uses I have included a link about it. - pink flower

2)   Climate adjustment seems my first guess. But I'd watch this and see if it subsides to be seasonal or if there is something environmental that is causing this to be a disturbance in your body chemistry. I would want to be sure the swelling doesn't increase, if it does see a dermatologist there. - tj

3)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Ftyew


Question 5
Does anyone have any good remedies for cystic acne?...  

1)   buy some proactive that stuff works for reals it gets ride of it in one day - EmpYre bOi

2)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Ftyew

3)   I suggest you to see ---->
I found this link here on few days before.
It contains lots of helpful information to maintain a healthy lifestyle - Dr Ashely


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