Monday, March 29, 2010

is weed bad for lungs?

Question 1
is weed bad for lungs?...  is smoking weeed bad for lungs

1)   smoking anything is bad for lungs - Kate

2)   duh - KC

3)   smoke is bad for your lungs yes. - Why So Serious?

4)   Of course not, inhaling smoke is great for your lungs. - ikillyou

5)   smoking anything is bad for your lungs, but compared to cigarettes, no - Heather

6)   Uhhh Yeahh ?
Lol. - [βeβe ♥)

7)   bad for the lungs. bad for the wallet. but makes up for everything else because it is good for everything else. - dave

8)   It's bad for everything. - Wizkid

9)   would throwing you lungs into a wood chipper be bad? - JohnnyBeGood

10)   about it you can get information from here - Petronila

11)   Smoking anything is bad for the lungs. Then again, alot of things we inhale every day are bad for the lungs as well. Keep in mind though - 1 joint contains 10 times the tar that 1 cigarette does. - smokeater1213

12)   yes, but not as bad as cigarettes - lizardking

13)   YES! It has resin/tar that has same effects as cigarette smoke. and it contains more carcinogens. - balibot

14)   well no shit sherlock. where were you in health class? - bum in the bushes >:D


Question 2
If someone was raped during their sleep, would that person have know that it happened when you wake up.?...  If someone was raped during their sleep, would that person have know that it happened when you wake up.

I'm a guy, and I'm just worried that something like that happened to me from a girl. and worried about getting hiv from it... During the time I am worried about I wasn't drunk or drugged. But then again it could be my ocd making me worry that it happened.

1)   k - Insomnia19

2)   Can you say hypochondriac? You seriously wouldnt wake up if you were being raped? - hockeyfight

3)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will help you to find your answer, keep using - David

4)   uhh im not sure... go to the doctor and get tested for stds... and then you might want to report the rape... - ((__(_C_r_a_y_o_l_a_(_((>

5)   if your a guy you may never know. How would you unless you had a sticky lap the next morning. - Mike

6)   How the heck do you get rapped without knowing if your not high or drunk? - t

7)   There is no way for a male to be sure if they have been raped but you might have a feeling of contentedness or you are overly relaxed (the feelings that you have after having sex). I am only speculating, and this would be my assumption being a 19 year old male. - Danny

8)   No, you would know if you were being raped. unless you were drugged. But youd know the next day if youd been drugged.

chill out your fine. - Sam D

9)   ok, buddy, you were "sleep"... but seriously... what guy would wake up to stop something like that from going on...? - Victor


Question 3
was the H1N1 influenza in 2009 a over panic?...  when it killed less than seasonal flu influenza viruses

That the media around the world may have made it a bigger issue than it really was

1)   They wanted to sell their vaccines. - Billy Mays

2)   i would have to say yeah it was - woljj5400

3)   yeah, the damn pharmaceutical companies wanted to make their $$$$$$ - JohnnyBeGood

4)   umm it has been known since the panic that it was an over panic.

Thank You Fox - Mike

5)   Yeah. If you look at it, more people die from the regular flu. Also, the vaccine was probably more dangerous then the actual virus was - hockeyfight

6)   TOTALLY and over panic - luverofpeace ; )

7)   Han
There is an inquest at the World Health Organization starting in april.Did the Media overkilled
it ,I would say yes,but did 16,931 people die from it (today's number) yes also.....Is it completely resolved , for a final did some companies made money out of this,scammers and all yes also.Before passing judgment on the subject let's wait for the final showdown

Regards - Med-CME

8)   The flu vaccine was not more dangerous than the flu... dont really know what kind of facts of logic you're using there. And i guess at the end of the day it ended up not being as bad as some people predicted, but plenty of people still died of it that didn't have to. Viruses are not an easy thing to predict, and a mutation here or there and who knows what could have happened. - kelly d


Question 4
what ever happened to swine flu?...  we heard so much about it and now its never on the news or in the paper or anything... well i dont watch tha news or read the paper but still....

1)   It's still there but it's less now cuz everyone got all paranoid and washed their hands/ took the vaccines. - JazKraz

2)   well they found a cure so its no longer an issue - Nycgirl92

3)   The media went ape-shit over the whole thing and blew it out of proportion. They are now trying to ignore the fact that they even talked about it. - JohnnyBeGood

4)   I think that the media originally over-hyped it

now they don't want to talk about it because that would be admitting a mistake - K K

5)   It was all a lie created by the drug companies to sell their toxic vaccinations. They have done it before and they will do it again. Don't fall for it. Just take care of your health by eating right or take vitamins if you don't. - Winston2

6)   its because the swine flu wasn't all that big its just the news and paper made it sound that way
the regular flu was worse than the swine flu
the swine flu has messed up many economies and not because of the illness but because of the over dramatization of catching it

it's still around though - luverofpeace ; )


Question 5
after waxing my hands i got rashes on my skin help me to get rid of it?...  the beauty parlour ppl told me its normal and would subside after 2-3 days but its nearly a week still the rashes are there so wat should i do to get rid of them (no jokes pls)i really need help from the experienced ppl

1)   u shuld avoid waxing - vishu bharal

2)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use diphenhydramine. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Petronila

3)   Vitamin E and Aloe Vera in moisturisers, CONSTANTLY. Don't use any abrasive products like exfoliants, wait until the rash subsides. If it gets worst or doesn't get better, you might want to go back to them and/or approach a doctor. - charlza_rox

4)   please do one thing after waxing if rashes came in ur hand put turmeric and sandal in ur hand apply in in ur hand it avoid rashes and keep ur hand smooth and shine without any rashes - hari


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