Friday, March 26, 2010

How many items can one insert in an anal cavity before sever hemorrhaging occurs?

Question 1
How many items can one insert in an anal cavity before sever hemorrhaging occurs?...  

1)   74 - Michael T

2)   74 - The Really Good Advice Man

3)   1 if it's sharp enough, 36 if they're blunt and small - wilson

4)   Pahaa, 1095 - Kate

5)   Depends on the color of the items, if there are allot of red items then it would hemorrhage much faster - Brawl

6)   Are you asking for yourself or for somebody else? Never mind - why take a chance? This isn't something I can imagine too many people being enthusiastic about testing to find out. - John R

7)   Oh my. Did you read this question back to yourself before posting it?

If it hurts, don't do it.

If you've done it, and you think you might be bleeding to death, call an ambulance. Duh. - koala_rawr

8)   You would be very surprised at what some people put up there. Working in a ER in a busy coty there's calls every night because of some foolish people, usually young people that try something like this and yes, you can not only rupture the colon but poke a hole in it and then your in real trouble like serious infections. Don't do anything stupid and, if this is in reference to cocaine put up there in balloons remember this, if one breaks, your dead. - cowboydoc


Question 2
What is this raised circle rash on my arm? Please help. pic included?...  I had this circle scaly kinda bump on my skin, it doesn't itch, just feels rough.

Thank you

1)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Hy

2)   it could be eczema. look it up. - ❤мs.sαℓℓч

3)   You should use diphenhydramine, it is the best about it you can get information from here http://webmd59.notlong.comAAsbi6E - Delana

4)   You have, typically, ring worm which isn't a worm at all but a flora bacteria that gets between the skin (Fascia) and infects it. It will get bigger and spread and is very contagious so, don't scratch or rub don't touch anyone with it or come into contact with it. See your doctor right away or go to Walmart pharmacy and get something over the counter. You can try the same treatment for athletes foot, they're in the same category. - cowboydoc

5)   It looks similar to a skin cancer called a squamous cell. It is the second most common skin cancer. If it is it needs to be checked out. It also looks like a ringworm which can be cured with OTC medicine. - Nikki B

6)   I am not a doctor, but it looks some what like ringworm. - Joe G

7)   Ring worm......go see a doctor and get some ointment - Jamie


Question 3
I think I have Vertigo. Help!?...  I'm 20 years old.

For the past few days I've been suddenly having dizzy spells.. Like the spins when you are drunk, but I'm not drunk nor am I on any drugs.. It almost feels like I am really high but for no reason. Like really high when shit starts movin!

These things may have contributed to why I have vertigo..
for the past three years I had been drinking alcohol alot, but in recent months (about six) I've been reletively sober. I don't eat alot, sometimes I eat as little as one meal a day.. but not all the time. when I have food I eat as much as I can. I believe I am unhealthy because of my diet. I don't eat alot of fruits or vegetables.
I have Tinnitus. I never clean my ears.
I also have Tachycardia and heart murmurs.
I'm just trying to give all the information I can think of that will help you make an Amature diagnosis.

What are some Diseases/disorders/problems that could be related to this shit?
Anything you can think of can help me figure this out.

1)   You possibly have alcoholic encephalitis.
Go see a doctor ASAP. - RusselSquid

2)   Vertigo is just another name for dizziness. It's a symptom, and it could be from a hundred different things, some of them serious. You should see a doctor if it continues.

It's impossible to diagnose online, but my first guess is that you need to clean your ears, or have a lavage done. I tend to get vertigo when I have sinus infections or if my ears get plugged up. - rembunten

3)   Myneers disease is what this sounds like. This is from to much salt in the diet and it creates extra amounts of fluid in the inner ear causing these feelings. You have to stop all salt intake and see if this stops it. It could be your diet, not enough red meats for vitamin D for iron. You have to eat properly from the three regimens to gain a proper status. - cowboydoc

4)   Because you stated you have cardiac issues I think the wisest thing for you to do is see your doctor. A cardiac arrhythmia could cause the dizziness. Your diet wouldn't be the cause of your symptoms solely, but certainly could contribute. DON'T clean your ears! Never put anything smaller than your elbow in your ears. Talk to your doctor. You may have a worsening inner ear problem (you mentioned tinnitus), and you may have a change in your cardiac condition. - Katherine


Question 4
if my husband has h1n1 will i get it?...  

1)   If you are not vaccinated yes you can. - Strawberri_Chii

2)   H1N1, of course you will, one sneeze and your infected. - cowboydoc

3)   If you are in close contact with my him; likely. - Irisabella

4)   Not necessarily. When H1N1 was spreading around a lot, my dad and my brother got sick from the virus. Me, my mom, and my sister did not get it when exposed to the virus. It all depends on your immune system. You can still get sick from it when in close contact. I don't recommend getting the vaccine since they had tested it on people before it was actually approved, people were getting worse and dying from getting the vaccine. You are better off without the vaccine and just taking your chances. I mean, I'm no expert, but I do know a little about this stuff. - ♥fairy queen♥


Question 5
do i have a yeast infection?...  do i have a yeast infection?
burning after a long day from half an hour to 3 hours. I have weird coloured discharge from cream to a greeny yellow but it is odourless. it also burns when i pee and sometimes i get a bad aching from my lower stomach that lasts about ten seconds?
i have re-searched it and it seems quite likely but i just wanted a second opinion,

1)   maybe you should ask a doctor instead of getting QUACK OPIONS on this sight.. good luck. - bubbagrump

2)   Could be a yeast infection, which they have medication for at your local drug store, or it might be a urinary tract infection (the painful urination), which you have to go the doctor for to get antibiotics but for the pain you and buy a AZO at your local drug store. Now be aware that the AZO does not kill the infection it just makes urination bearable until you make an appointment. - Strawberri_Chii

3)   Possibly yes. However even if not then obviously something is wrong. It could also be a Sexually Transmitted Disease. My advice is to see a Doctor as soon as you can. It's not an emergency so A&E isn't neccesary unless you are really panicking. Call your General Practitioner or go to a Drop in Clinic or GUM Clinic. - kahuna382000


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