Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What kind of antibiotic can be taken when allergic to penicillin?

Question 1
What kind of antibiotic can be taken when allergic to penicillin?...  

1)   A "Z " pack, im allergic to penicillin and thats what the doctors give me all the time. - Mikey if your a certain few

2)   amoxicillion. - Michael

3)   erythromycin - Dr. K

4)   It depends on what kind of infection you have. However there are many different kinds of antibiotics available and your doctor will give you one that you are not allergic to and that will treat your infection. - Ellen

5)   Sometimes you can tolerate the "cousins" of Penicillin. I am allergic to Penicillin and have taken Ancef, Keflex, Biaxin, Avalox, Doxicycline, Erthromycin, Terrimycin, Z-pack. I am not sure that I have the spellings correct on all them. I have developed an allergy to the "mycin"s in the past couple of years. Also, there are many others available. Your insurance company won't like them because they are not cheap. I am able to tolerate the so called "cousins" in slightly lower doses. I was not always allergic to Penicillin. Took Penicillin for years and then at end of treatment for a severe case of Strep Throat I had a reaction where my face swelled and I had massive welts that were the largest hives that I ever had. I also have food allergies and seems my body might tolerate something and decide it has had enough and then come the itchy hives. To save money my doctor often gives me samples of the new antibiotics that are expensive and that the HMO does not want to pay for.

I strongly suggest that you have a discussion about your allergy with your doctor and be sure to have a medical alert bracelet or necklace stating you have the allergy. I always have Benedryl on hand just in case as allergies are unpredictable. I did allergy shots for about 3 years when I was in High School. They helped with other allergies but not the antibiotics. I also ask the nurse exactly what she is injecting me with if I am getting a shot. One time she goofed and almost gave me shot of Penicillin! Don't worry your doctor has other antibiotics to choose from. - J


Question 2
Going to my doctor about lumps in my neck. What will happen?...  im 20 years old and had these lumps around my neck since i was about 12. since i was so young i never thought anything of it and just thought they were cysts. im now 20 and want to get it checked out. im going to see my doctor about this, but what will he do?
has anyone been through this? what steps are taken?

1)   I am not extremely sure about the process but I do know the doctor will first inspect it to make sure it is not very serious. They then might cure it with medicine or tablets. They might move you to a hospital to make it better. I have been through this before just at the back of my neck and the doctor gave me some cream to sooth it. Later on, they popped it for me and now it is long gone! - happy

2)   obviously he/she is going to look at them, may touch or press on them.

The doctor may ask you some questions about the lumps and your general health in order to rule out certain things and to help him\her form an opinion on the best course of treatment if needed.

Depending on his/her opinion you may require a blood test or a referral to a consultant.

Good luck - pink flower

3)   I have not been thru this specifically, but if you call the receptionist at your doc's office, you can ask what generally happens for this type of appointment. He or she will be able to walk you thru what the appt will be like. If they don't know, ask them to FIND OUT and call you back. It is part of your rights as a patient to know what will happen! (To the best extent possible).

If *I* had to guess, the doctor will just look at your neck quickly and say "go see a specialist" and give you a referral, sigh.

Hope it goes well and don't be afraid to ask a lot of questions of your doctor's office. That's what they are there for! - Anons


Question 3
How do you prevent pimples/zits on skin that is usually clear?...  My skin is usually clear except for a few very minor spots. I have dry skin and will be clear for a couple days but then I always end up with a huge pimple somewhere on my face. How do I prevent these or at least keep them from getting so bad?

1)   1)Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water.
2)Apply undiluted lemon juice, two to three times a day, on the affected areas.
3)Use green tea as a face scrub to loose blackheads.
4)try don't to eat to much junk food like chips chocolate ect.because you can get more by that.
5)Try to stay away from fatty foods. Eating correctly is very important in terms of keeping acne away. - Mek

2)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Miss

3)   lemon juice would help! Aloe vera juice really helps and you can probably try neem paste ! - sumi


Question 4
Is it possible for a 18 year old to have..?...  I have been smoking since I was 14 (stupid mistake) got taken to hospital Monday due to what I thought was a asthma attack but four days later I am still having trouble breathing and have been to hospital twice since to have some oxygen.. I am going to go back to my doctor first thing tomorrow morning .. My mums mum and my dads dad both have emphysema and my mums dad died from it is it possible I could have it? I get out of breath easily I can't catch my breath feels like a 24/7 asthma attack.. :( Could I have emphysema? Is it worth my doctor testing?
Also I weigh 59kgs and am 5ft 2 I have been a asthmatic my whole life but I have not had a attack in over 6 years I do a lot of dancing I have not had a smoke since and am never going to again..
I asked in another section but then I found this one !

1)   If you have issues with weight do what I did - try acai berry. If you are desparate to lose weight its superfood qualities help lots - however those same qualities in addition help those who are trying to bulk up. Fantastic! There is a free trial on at the moment at , why not try it, what's the worst that could happen? - Moises

2)   Highly unlikely that it is emphysema.

It could be pneumonia...I had that once and it felt like an asthma attack, lasted about a week.
I wouldn't panic, especially if you have made the decision to quit smoking. - Kaine

3)   Individuals who have emphysema often follow a pattern: they are primarily men, between the ages of 50 and 70 who have been heavy smokers for years. In the past, women did not develop emphysema as often as men, but this pattern is changing as women continue to become heavy smokers. Half the people in this country with emphysema are over the age of 65; nearly all the rest are over the age of 45. Frequently, those with emphysema live in areas where air pollution is a problem. - Curious


Question 5
What's the best way to get rid of a cold fast?...  I'm supposed to be practising my singing because I've got a Music exam soon and I hate having a blocked nose and singing!
I appreciate any answers, even the ones telling me to 'catch a hot'. ;) omg, that wasn't funny- i've embarassed myself.

1)   Get some chicken noodle soup
put dry socks on your feet
get plenty of bed rest

what will open you nostrils is fresh Hot wings from Frasco's pizza,La Nova's pizza or bachi's pizza.

it's something about the spices and heat. anyways stay dry and in bed. - Daniel

2)   You can take Sucrets, Zicam, EmergenC, or ColdEez drops - look for something that says "CLINICALLY proven to reduce the length of colds." That is what I always do, though who knows if my cold "would have been shorter" if I didn't take them.

Also if you want to try more natural remedies, you can go into your local GNC, Whole Foods, or other organic/vitamin-type store, and ask someone what they would suggest.

Remember to check to make sure whatever you take, does not cause interactions with any other medication you might be taking. (ex: birth control).

And just get a lot of rest, don't stress out b/c that will make it worse. Listen to some music you like or a TV show or book you like.

Hope you feel better! - Anons


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