Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ejection Fraction Question is mine way abnormal?

Question 1
Ejection Fraction Question is mine way abnormal?...  Hi I got my echocardiogram today he said something about its suppose to be at 50 precent but its only at 45 precent im out of shape could that be a reason they found NOTHING else that is wrong with the heart only that its slightly Weak? is that bad does that mean i have heart failure i dont exercise does that mean im gonna die with in a year? how can i get it back up to 50 precent? DOES THIS MEAN I HAVE HEART DIEASE or cause the doctor says i Don't but im worried i do just because he said my heart is fine just a little weak .. He thinks its cause im out of shape But i eat VERY HEALTHY.. Should i exercise? IM SCARED DOES THIS MEAN IMMEDIATE HEART FALIURE OR HEART DIEASE? I DONT HAVE HIGH CHOLESTEROL AND IM TAKING VITAMINS AND SUPPS BUT I DONT EXERCISE HOW CAN I GET IT BACK TO 50 AND I HAVE CHEST PAINS THAT COME AND GO IVE BEEN CHECKED thats what it was for and nothing! IS THIS SERIOUS !:(:(:(24 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.Additional DetailsAlso why do i get palpiations wh en i drink a soda with caffine this has never occoured before until early last year why does this happen does that show signs of a weak heart? am i gonna suffer this for the rest of my life? oh and the stress test went perfect nothing Found!!!!! im 18 btw
lacking what?

1)   On some occasions dieting and exercise basically isn't enough, because there will be surplus weight basically sitting around in your pipes. It's not body fat, so it can't be burned off, nevertheless it will be rinsed out, basically by taking a supplement. http://rikump.fatfreestore.info has a risk free offer available at the moment, I gave it a whirl and melted away 17 lbs!! Who says there's no magic bullet? LOL!!! - King

2)   if your ejection fraction is less than 50 percent, your ventricular myocardium is lacking. seeing as stroke volume multiplied by the heart rate will give you the cardiac output..this means your cardiac output will be reduced - CHITOWN

3)   45% EF is a little low. Regular moderate exercise, never even getting breathless will help strengthen your heart.

Its a pump made of muscle. Just as with other muscles, lack of exercise will reduce its strength. You could go years with it at 45%.

Mine was at 43% or so after my bypass surgery 4 years ago. I forget what it was at the last test, but it was 63% or higher. I'm 57, and can still play basketball. - Laurence W

4)   not abnormal - aziz


Question 2
What organ is behind the left side of your rib cage?...  Whatever organ is behind the left side of my rib cage has really been bothering me...but i just dont know the name of the organ.

1)   spleen and pancreas - reddog_1965

2)   Lungs..but you could be experiencing gas. Something like a condritus, that causes pressure in different parts of the body. It can feel like a sharp pain when you inhale. Try moving your arms around slowly..it should go away but you should still see a doc if it keeps bothering you. - Jerri

3)   Primarily, your left lung, the spleen and the pancreas. - Just Me

4)   Kidney - The Crafty One


Question 3
Should I get an HIV test?...  Today, while waiting for my bus at the bus stop I accidentally fell asleep on the bench. When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was this guy was standing over my face with his penis out, so I rolled off the bench and jumped to my feet. Immediately he began to run and I started to chase him but then I realized that my face and lips were wet and I started gagging and fell down in the street. Then I heard him yell, "you got aids". So, should i go get tested for HIV? Or was he probably trying to scare me?

1)   I would go, but it takes 90 days for an anti-body to show up in the blood if you have HIV, you can check for other stuff too that don't take so long, bit I would go.
M - JesusNMe

2)   Wow, sorry to hear that! Did you file a complaint with the police????? You should. Anyhow, did any sperm get into your eyes?????? if not, i think you are ok. Go to the hospital and get treated with antiviral medication just in case. HIV takes a few months to appear so wait a while before you go. - JuliaJones

3)   It is very very unlikely that you will get AIDS this way. Don't worry. Even if you just want to make sure for your own satisfaction you will have to wait for at least 6 weeks. Before that the test is likely to be negative even in infected cases. Better to do it after 3 months for better results.
But actually the chance is very slight. Just don't worry. Be careful in the future. You could have given a police complaint. They may have a record of some sex offenders like this and may be you can recognize this man. It is important to stop him from doing this to someone else. - Jack


Question 4
How to get my parents to let me stretch my ear bigger?...  I'm currently at an 8g size. I want to go bigger but my parents for some reason won't let me go any bigger. How do I convence them to let me stretch bigger?

1)   Well they don't want you to for a reason. Just remember if you won't want them in a period of time, you should probably just stick to the size you're at now... but if you really want some convincing, just tell them that depending on your healing rate... your ear stretches will close up :) It's inevitable. - ChiChi

2)   ...If they have the, "It's your body, you can do what you want to it." mentality, then they should have no problem. Other wise, without knowing your parents at all, it's pretty much impossible over the internet. - killer_astroids


Question 5
Sever Eczema! Please Help!?...  I have had sever Eczema for years (8) on my legs. Back when I first started getting it I went to the doctor and was perscribed some topical steroid cream... It didn't seem to do anything for me except make the leg hair seem to grow in thicker and faster (UGH!). Since then I have been trying desperatly to manage it with very little sucess.

My new years resolution is to get this managed and under control... I want to wear shorts this summer!!!!

So for the past few months I switched to using that Aveno oatmeal soap, and using the super duper Aveeno heavy duity moisturizing cream out of the shower, before bed and as best as I can durring the day. But it's still not enough. (And dear gosh.... its legs, and I can't stand not shaving my legs wich I know really really dosen't help, but it drives me more nuts to have harry legs than the Eczema) Everything I use is always dye free and fragrance free.

So please, anyone that has any tips, or has had a similar problem. Please Help!

1)   I've always had to use hydrocortisone and then I alternate between that and a very good moisturizing lotion. I have found Aquaphor healing ointment advanced therapy to work best. Good luck to you. - US Army Wife

2)   There is a cream called eletone that works fantastically. You have to combine it with a moisturizer. For the Moisturizer, i recommend vani-cream. Apply the eletone, the the vani cream. it works great. it is really slimy on your skin for a while though, but that will go away after a shower. - Please help.


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