Thursday, January 7, 2010

When I woke up this morning my nose was really dry and flaky?

Question 1
When I woke up this morning my nose was really dry and flaky?...  Whys this?
And is there anyway I can sort it over night?!

1)   your a baneling, you have to kill one person a day to appease the Keeper, then yur skin is back to normal :D - Brian

2)   apply lotta moisturizer on your nose before you go to bed. by the time you wake up the dryness wudve gone away - Sangy

3)   do you use a prescription face cream for acne or anything like that? If you put just the slightest amount too much, your skin can react that way. - ♥Shorty♥

4)   Try a cool mist humidifier - Tony


Question 2
what to do for laryngitis?...  

1)   rest your voice and get plenty of fluids. - Washlyn96

2)   After a week, check with a doctor, to make sure you don't have acid reflux, where the reflux of acid irritates the voice box.
Don't even whisper. Whispering applies more force on the larynx than talking. - elpi

3)   treat your symptoms -drink plenty of fluids, run a vaporizer when you sleep, suck on zinc lozenges, treat any pain, wash your hands well, and see your doctor. a nasal rinse can be very effective, too. - eloquent


Question 3
What are the options for someone with ulcerative colitis?...  My ex boyfriend has ulcerative colitis and is in the hospital. He has severe bleeding and is in lots of pain. I am wondering what his options are and if they will remove his colon, and if so will he need a bag or is there something else they can do. He has had it for 4 years now, but hes bleeding has progressed so bad and they said his entire large intestine is damaged. Has anyone else suffered with this and what did you have done and what was your experience?

1)   My boyfriend has this disease and has had it for a few years as well. He currently takes a lot of medicine everyday and for the most part it has done the job. Lately though, it has gotten really irritated and the doctor once told him that if it gets bad enough that they would have to remove the part of colon that is infected. Now, weather or not a bag is needed greatly depends on where the ulcerative colitis is at in the colon. Unluckily for my boyfriend, his is in a part where he would need a bag if it got to be that bad. My boyfriend seems to think his get irritated and worse during the winter months, but who knows. I wish you guys all the best of luck, and I hope everything goes ok. But, just remember, you're not alone. - sarahbeth407

2)   he needs to do EXACTLY what his specialists recommend. sit down in the room with him when the doctors examine him & ask your questions at that time. - eloquent


Question 4
Yellow Mucus and Feel Really Gross!!!?...  Ok 2 days ago i started to get a really bad sore throat,neck cramps and then a headache and then yesterday my noise started to get conjested really bad.. and my mucus is yellow. Can someone please help me with a way to stop it by this weekend?I have a date this weekend and dont wanna feel like this.


1)   Sorry, but you have a bad cold. Try to rest, take plenty of vitamin C and zinc. - pennypincher

2)   Sounds like you may have an infection. Go to your local outpatient clinic for an evaluation. It it is an infection, you may need antibiotics. - Razor's Edge


Question 5
ct scan of the chest come back normal please answer ASAP?...  can ct scan results of the chest rule out leukaemia. Can a ct scan ever be wrong,do they need to repeat the scan to get a better understanding ??

1)   Nothing is 100%, but if the CT scan showed nothing, odds are you ok. - iceman

2)   A chest CT would not exclude leukaemia. - Dr Frank


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