Sunday, January 24, 2010

Whats wrong with my eyes?

Question 1
Whats wrong with my eyes?...  Last night I waking up and I couldn't open eyes. It felt like they were stuck together. I know it's gross but there was a bunch of eye googies around my eyes and on my eyelashes. Not to mention my eyes not completely red but red enough to get worried. My eyes irritating me so much. Please help me and give an idea of it is.

1)   You could be getting pink eye... thats what it sounds like anyway. :( - Sam

2)   If your concerned you should see your doctor. - Glossy

3)   You most likely have pink eye. - SAMMiiE-GiiRL

4)   Where do you live?? This occurs when you have pollen allergies, which usually starts around march - cerbphan

5)   It's called pink eye don't touch anything because it's really contagious, go buy eye drops. - Very Mad World

6)   pink eye - Brandon

7)   Sounds like you have conjunctivitis. I had it once as a child, anti-biotics and eye drops cleared it up... look here - Chris B

8)   That happened to me before. I ask a person and they sad if you can't open your eyes put a hot towel on them. Sometime it happens from crying the night before. - sammy.j

9)   if you have contacts and you left them in it could be that, or you could have over active tear ducts which could have casue the gooy stuff. - Jodi L

10)   you have conjunctivitis (an eye infection) go see your doctor - Sherry

11)   Maybe it's allergies? Or you got makeup in your eye, did you share any makeup? Touch your eyes lately? I don't mean your eye, eye, I don't think you did but, I would go to my eye doctor, to be safe, or just anyone in general. I hope you're okay. :) - Carissa[:

12)   It's Pink eye. I got that ALL the time when I was younger. It's not a big deal. Just go to the doctor and he will give you some eye drops. It's just a little virus, nothing to worry about. Hope this helped! - partytrisha

13)   You might have Pink eye. The same things happened to me right before I got pink eye. You might want to try Taking a Shower and Rinsing your eyes out because if you have pink eye it can make areal bad odor if not washed, when you are done put eye drops in your eyes and hold a napkin on it for at least 5 or 10 minutes. Pink eye is real contagious so You might want to stay in bed or stay at home away from people and use clorox wipes and soap when you touch stuff.
Just be careful kiddo. I hope I helped :) Feel better hun. - Love that dog

14)   Sounds like pink eye. Wash your hands. Take a cottonball and wet it with warm water, squeeze out the water and flatten the cottonball. Close your eyes and wipe them one at a time (new cottonball each time), starting at the corner of the eye, to the outer eve. Be gentle. Use each cottonball only once, then toss it in trash. Wash your hands between cleansing each eye.
This will clean the crusts and 'googies' out and off your eyes. Wash your hands between cleansing each eye. Pink eye is conjunctivitis. It's cause can be bacterial, viral or or allergic. Depending on which kind, it can be highly contagious. Keep your hands away from your eyes. Watch hands often. When you wash your face, be careful to avoid your eyes. Change your pillow cases every day. It is a very common condition and can go away in 7-10 days without medical assistance. Itching is also common. If your eyes are extremely irritated, go see your doctor. The doctor will most likely prescribe anti-bacterial eye drops. - Peabee

15)   Good Grief! You should never seek diagnosis online, especially for something as important as your eyes. Visit an ophthalmologist...your eyesight is nothing to mess around with. - vikingwarrior48


Question 2
This guy at work.....AIDS?...  I have just started a new job and i am working along side with a black guy...when i was about to go home .I heard him mention the word hiv/aids....

and i remembered that day he had made me 2 cups of coffee..i am worried that he might have done something to them!! (like piss, or put his blood in them or something) is this possible?

I have not been feeling well today...

1)   Not only is it possible, it is probable. - Gangland Hustler

2)   ah grow up.

if you really are concerned, go ask a doctor, don't ask silly questions like that online to a forum full of random strangers where you'll probably cause other people to be concerned about their own situaitons. - "/* Insanity

3)   why would he pee in your coffee...have you pee'd in his?

ههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه - Arabian Legend

4)   don't worry, the virus dies once it reaches oxygen. - Rimma K

5)   Now you have the AIDS... that's racist. Are you serious with this?? - larry

6)   You have an overactive imagination. - Kathleen

7)   I don't think he has done something for you while having coffee together. About the matter you are not feeling well, that is psychology effect. To make you confirm yourself better to test your blood. - Himal

8)   HIV is an extremely fragile virus. It is not found in piss, and although it is in the blood, any exposure to air (or coffee for that matter) will kill the virus instantly. You can safely work along side of your black friend with AIDS without catching it, unless you happen to have sex or share a needle with him. If you don't do these 2 things, you have the same chance of catching his blackness as you do of catching his AIDS !! - Nunaya Bidnit

9)   I think your question is pathetic but i will answer it anyway

How would anyone on this know what he did or didnt do

Thats like saying anything people speak about they must act apon

If someone was speaking about sex dose that mean they just had it


you dont get HIV from piss

And why did you say black guy are you trying to emphasis something

You could have just said guy

But it is possible he did because anything possible but the fact you would lower yourself that low to think that is sick

I hope for your sake he dosent have it because if he dose then your pathetic - Bryan

10)   TROOLLLLLLL!!!! You asked this earler witht the same wording. - Waspythewasp

11)   Perhaps the best prescription for you would be 500mg Education & 1 gram of Enlightenment. So what if the man is black. What does that have to do with anything? And so what if he mentioned the words HIV and AIDS? I could mention the word "gun". Does that mean I'm going to shoot some one or that I just did? And then you go on to imply that he may have put urine or blood in your coffee. Maybe he should have.

You're problem isn't physical illness but it does have a name. Racism. Post this question at - TweetyBird


Question 3
i have this round thing on my arm, please help me? i have a picture link. Anyone know what it is?...  It occured recently and i thought it would go away but when i went to the doctor he said it would go away in a few days and it never did. I can't go to the doctor again anytime soon. Can anyone help?
the link is

1)   maybe somebody would click on that if it wasnt from - Dana

2)   idiot - Grace

3)   you r alot of fun - fuc off hore

4)   It looks like a synaptic genital wart, but how has it got onto your arm?. Have you had it up someones fundemental orifice?? - sidsid

5)   Whats your favorite kind of pie? YUMMY IN MY TUMMY:) - Urmom


Question 4
how do i get rid of the flu?...  i've been puking like crazy and whenever i take gravol it just comes back out

1)   well all i really do is just drink a hot cup of tea with lemon its relaxes my stomach
and also trying having some hot soup - ♥ =) ♥

2)   Take medication=cured in 1 week. Do nothing=cured in 7 days. - jerryb

3)   What? Get the flu?? Are you fully erratic? Go to your doctor right away - Sandro

4)   Techinically you can never really get rid of the flu.
The best thing to do is to have a lot of rest and to drink a lot of water to replace the fluids you threw up.
Remember to eat nutritious food and stay away from junk food.
It just takes a lot of patience and maintenance, but you will get through it.

If you're having trouble eating or taking medications, is it possible to crush the medication into your food?
Try eating more liquid-like food, such as soup, rice porridge, and vegetable purees.

If you're feeling extremely nauseous, I understand the feeling.
I find it soothing to breath in cool or warm steam. Try doing deep breathing-inhale through the nose and exhale out the mouth multiple times.

If you still find these symptoms unbearable, then you should go to your doctor for help. - iNeedhelp♥


Question 5
can someone recover from autism?...  i know this little kid and he has autism his older sister was crying so much for him and i just wanted to know if it recovers and wat to say to her to make her feel better.. :(

1)   Get the book from Jenny Mcarthy, about vaccines and autism, or get the best seller "natural cures they dont want you to know about" - Antonio

2)   There is no treatment or cure for the condition. But there is therapy to help the patient function better with their condition. - Lisa A

3)   no, autism is a disorder you are born with. - Hollypop

4)   No, autism is a disorder not a disease. You don't recover. However children with autism can receive therapy and special education that helps them immensely. The younger the child, the better they respond. - virtual insanity


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