Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I always have dead skin on my toes. It's mainly only my big toes and little toes. How can I prevent this?

Question 1
I always have dead skin on my toes. It's mainly only my big toes and little toes. How can I prevent this?...  How can I prevent dead skin from forming on my toes? I know it's gross, that's why I want it gone! Thanks!

1)   Wear socks...and scrub your toes in the shower. Lotion maybe? - imjakeychan

2)   make me ur bitch :)) - kdskdsjXZC

3)   the answer is pumice. your feet will love you. - olinader

4)   Wash them.
Use Gold Bond powder to keep them dry, even when you're not using them. - My Evil Twin

5)   It may be Athlete's Foot, a fungal infection that requires a specific drug. The link below shows more information on how to treat it.

Over-the-counter antifungal powders or creams can help control the infection. These generally contain miconazole, clotrimazole, or tolnaftate. Continue using the medicine for 1 - 2 weeks after the infection has cleared from your feet to prevent the infection from returning.

In addition:
•Keep your feet clean and dry, especially between your toes.
•Wash your feet thoroughly with soap and water and dry the area very carefully and completely. Try to do this at least twice a day.
•Wear clean, cotton socks and change your socks and shoes as often as necessary to keep your feet dry.

To prevent athlete's foot, follow these measures:

•Dry your feet thoroughly after bathing or swimming.
•Wear sandals or flip-flops at a public shower or pool.
•Change your socks often to keep your feet dry. This should be done at least once a day.
•Use antifungal or drying powders to prevent athlete's foot if you are susceptible to getting it, or you frequent areas where athlete's foot fungus is common (like public showers).
•Wear shoes that are well ventilated and, preferably, made of natural material such as leather. It may help to alternate shoes each day, so they can dry completely between wearings. Avoid plastic-lined shoes. - One Hundred graphic details


Question 2
Why is my face red, itchy, blotchy, and hot? Please help!?...  I am 15 years old and I rarely ever break out, if i do, it would be because of the chlorine i am in all the time for swimming. But recently (4 or 5 days ago) my face started becoming redder and redder and now it just hurts and looks blotchy. It is really dry too so i tried to put on my clinique lotion that usually is great, but it just made it worse. Could this be caused by switching face lotions or something else?
Please help!

1)   time to wip out the proactive : ) - South Paw

2)   allergic reaction? go see a dermatologist/doctor - you

3)   You should deffinately go to a doctor. It can be anything, an allergic reaction, sun damage, etc. check with your allergies and read the ingredients of your new lotion - Emmy

4)   Sounds like some sort of reaction to a cream or possibly something you have eaten. Have you eaten shrimp or lobster anytime recently. Sometimes shellfish can do this; however, you definetly need go get to the doctor, with your face being hurting and blotchy. I had a reaction to a medication, cannot remember what it was but my face got all splotchy and hot. Have you started taking any kind of new medication of any kind. I would definetly NOT start any kind of facial routine until you find out what this is. Your doctor will know the best way to treat this. Since you are a teenager and not wanting to have togoto school like this don't waste your time on a home remedy go to someone who knows what he is doing and has probably seen this an number of times. Your doctor. Hope this helps. - Jenny Lynne


Question 3
I have a bunch of small red bumps on my upper side and breast, what does this mean?...  I'm 15 years old, and i have something that looks like hives a few inches under my right arm pit. Though, I read that hives should go away after about a day, mine have been there for about a week. There is also a smaller bunch of them on my right breast. They are itchy, but also sting. The right side of my back has also been very itchy for the past two weeks in the same spot (under my shoulder blade), yet there has been no occurrence of a rash. If anyone knows what this could possibly be please reply. :)

1)   could be exema [idk how to spell it]
my sister has it, go see a doctor - pale face

2)   Armpit herpes - Wade

3)   Hives can last a lot longer than a day, in fact, they're not considered chronic until you've had them for over 6 weeks. But it might still be a good idea to get it checked out by a doctor. - Shhh, I'm reading...

4)   That sounds like an allergic reaction to a laundry detergent or something . i recommend that you see a dermatologist as soon as poss able - mark m


Question 4
Describe the difference between HIV and AIDS?...  

1)   HIV is the virus that can lead to AIDS. HIV damages the immune system by killing the cells our bodies use to fight infection. (CD4 cells) Someone who has HIV may have no symptoms until the immune system is seriously damaged.
Once the CD4 count drops to 200 or below, diagnosis changes from HIV to AIDS. As the CD4 cell count drops, the person becomes more and more vulnerable to all other infections, which become more difficult to fight off. HIV itself does not kill. Death occurs from other infections, a result of the body's inability to fight them off. ("other infections" could range from the common cold to flu, pneumonia, TB, and many other infections)

These days, with treatment, many people with HIV are able to live healthier, longer. However, not everyone responds the same way to the treatments or to the virus itself, and the treatments do have side effects.

Also: Someone who has HIV can transmit the virus to others, even if they do not have symptoms yet and do not test positive yet. It can take up to 3 months, or in rare cases, up to 6 months, for an infected person to test positive. - Liam

2)   HIV is from contact with another person's blood. For example sharing needles.
AIDS is from bodily fluids. For example, semen from sexual activity. - threeminpins4me

3)   If I remember correctly, HIV is the actual virus and AIDS is the condition that it can develop into. It's possible for someone to be HIV positive and not have any of the symptoms of AIDS, but they can still give it to other people. - Hunter


Question 5
why does my chest hurt?...  I'm 15 and every so often my chest hurts, a little left from the center. Is something wrong with my heart? it usually goes away in like 10-15 minutes. Could it be from spicy food or something? Also, the top of my hand, opposite of my palm occasionally hurts when I'm at my computer for a long time. Answers for either would be appreciated thanks!

1)   Dunno about chest. Could be heart, could be gas. Only a doctor can tell. Hand pain sounds like incipient carpal tunnel syndrome, which see. Also ask doctor.Very few doctors monitor this site. - MR HENRY S

2)   for your hand best guess is it could be carpel tunnel but it might not be that far yet and could simply be due to the repetitive use, as for your chest in what situations does the pain occur? - Rosinok

3)   most likely carpel tunnel, its when the nerve on the wrist presses down onto other nerves, causes a lot of pain.... for example take your thumb, and press the wrist nerve on your other down, same concept... as you said, your 15 ;) - LL


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