Wednesday, January 6, 2010

is the swine flu even that bad?

Question 1
is the swine flu even that bad?...  I'm not really concerned about swine flu. Here's my concern.

-3 years ago, Chinese calendar year of the COW...Mad Com Disease

-2 years ago, Chinese calendar year of the BIRD...Avian Flu

-this year, Chinese calendar year of the PIG...Swine Flu

-next yeat is the year of the COCK


1)   Swine flu was the worst. I used to think people were being babies if they had it. When I got it, I had a 104.3 degree temp and some of the oddest symptoms.

Below*** If it wasn't the worst sickness you ever had, you probably didn't even have it!

You have to be hospitalized to know if you have it! - Hidari K

2)   I think its only deadly to the very young and very elderly also to people who were previously sick - Hercules

3)   This is the year of the Tiger.

And a friend in my hometown in Tx died of the swine flu, so it's very possible to get it. - More

4)   It's a lot more contagious than regular flu and it can also affect your breathing which rarely leads to death. So yes it is kinda bad, it would suck getting it and just happening to be a rare case of dying from it. - Joe

5)   hahahaha lmfao - Megan B

6)   i really dunno what some people are saying. i got it and it was just like a normal flu. it wasnt really THAT bad. everyones just freaking out because its a new strain. - Dani Gray Gubler

7)   I got it, it wasn't that bad.
The fear is the same trend will happen that happened in the Spanish Flu, look it up on Wikipedia. There were three waves of the disease. The first and third weren't so bad, but the second killed a lot of people throughout Europe. This was also the H1N1 disease. The fear is we are entering the second wave. - Bob


Question 2
how to resist severe cold ?...  how to feel warm during severe cold?

1)   about it you can get information from here - Siu

2)   You lose alot of heat throughout your head and feet, so wearing socks, a hat and scarf help keep your body's energy focused on fighting the cold and not keeping you warm.

A little extra zinc with your daily multivitamin is helpful.

Drink lots of water (with a little lemon or juice if it helps.)

This remedy is WONDerful:
-Pour 2 parts boiling water over 2-4 crushed garlic cloves.
-Let steep.
-Add 1 part apple cider vinegar.
-Add 2 tablespoons honey.

If the garlic is completely unappealing, 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar alone in hot water will still be very help. - Al

3)   Eat food which is hot in nature, take a early morning bath, wear warm clothes, drink a cup of coffee and do some warmup exercises to feel warm during severe cold. - Mirza

4)   its all in the mind.

a small peg in the night will keep you warm.

regarding cold no medicine. Take medicine it will go in one week - do not take
medicien it will go in 7 days. - Simon C


Question 3
12 hour yeast infection cure, only if you tried it!!!!!!!!!!!?...  I can't find anyone who has bought and tried this product on, themselves. I was considering buying it myself. All I find is ads and cheesy reviews on how good it is, not one person with personal experience.
This is driving me nuts!!!!!
Is this just a scam? It really looks like a big scam.
Perhaps you know someone who bought this ebook and tried it, what happend???
I need to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No info on candida or treatment please.
Thank you.

1)'s for women...and yes it works for most women, a few may be allergic to it. - Chrys

2)   CrapCrapCrap.
Even the super awesome yeast infection cure (Diflucan) takes 24 to boot the infection. Ask your doctor for that. Seriously, it's one pill and works fabulously. - SniperBaby

3)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Beryl


Question 4
Are hickies harmful in any way?...  

1)   only way they are harmful is to your future reputation and very possiblely you may attract a less appealing date selection for the next time. dont mark your neck up as being a cheep thrill.. - WORKING OLDER SMARTER BLONDE

2)   They prevent pubic hair from growing.
€ - Tom

3)   No, they are like a bruise. They may hurt your chances of being respected though. - Rach


Question 5
Tiny clear bumps on finger...been there for about 2 years...sometimes itch, hurt.?...  They're not even really "raised" bumps...sometimes they're more raised than other times. They've been along the side of my middle finger for about 2 years, don't spread to any other fingers. Every few weeks, sometimes months, they will almost become "open" and i noticed that soap really burns them when they're like that and it kinda itches. When the bumps aren't "inflamed" or whatever, there is a callous like feel to them. What are these?
Oh and it's not just like 5 or 6's like thirty incredibly tiny ones....Like pinhead size.

1)   Sounds like some kind of should definitely see a dermatologist. - Canadian Bacon


My doctor said it's probably allergy related. I get them more often when my allergies flare up (like when the seasons change). I also get them when I get my nails done (I have an allergy to the acrylic).

Try putting cortisone (sp?) cream on it.

Best wishes. - SniperBaby

3)   same thing with me... the doc told me to put like athletes foot cream on it.. but its my fingers it doesnt stay on it has gone away on its own...i think i get it because i was my hands waaay too much thats the only time i seem to get it more - Yours Truly


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