Monday, January 18, 2010

Will i grow out of acne scars?

Question 1
Will i grow out of acne scars?...  

1)   yes - Erika


3)   The only "true" scars are the ice pick scars, etc. which leave an indentation in your skin. A small mark on your face left after a pimple goes away, will gradually fade over time. The other ones will have to be removed by a doctor.

More information: - Morganb777

4)   about it you can get information from here http://webmd62.notlong.comAAIkOK4 - Elba


Question 2
blood glucose levels?...  anyone know if brandy is likely to raise blood glucose more than bacardi or is alcohol all the same

1)   The higher alcohol content (higher proof) the more sugar it contains. - areisa-san

2)   also depends on whether you mix or not (and what with). Pre mised (vodka cruisers etc) are about the worst. - David

3)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use altace. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> http://webmd55.notlong.comAAsrRwd - Elba

4)   Generally, it's not the alcohol. It's the other things that are with it.

Most fruity drinks have carbs in them, and is best to avoid them if you can.

Alcohol can have the effect of stopping the liver from processing glucose until the alcohol is metabolized. Then you can get your spike.

Alcohol tends to increase triglycerides in your blood too, thus exacerbating diabetes.

Do an internet search for bellaonline . There is a nice list there with carb values and such for different drinks. - Bux - Type 2 Diabetic (NIDDM)


Question 3
Why could this be happening to me at such a young age (cardiovascular issues)?...  I am 27, and very active. I am only 145 lbs at 5'10'', so I am thin. I do not eat meat. Only on rare occasions. I just don't like it much. I do eat cheese and drink fat free milk. Anyways, my blood pressure was always normal before I had my son last year. Now it is high (130/90) and I found out my cholesterol is very high. The dr. said he will talk to me about it at my next appt., but I just don't get what the deal is. My grandmother was the only one in my family to have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. This is so depressing. I am worried I am going to stroke out by the time I am 40 or something. The added stress of knowing the numbers isn't helping I'm sure. What could be causing this?
I'm sorry aziz!! I was trying to thumbs up you, but hit the wrong one : (

1)   Hi, I tested this new diet supplement from They have a risk free trial on currently. What it does, is rinse out your colon, there can be as much as 20 lbs in there, and no measure of diet and exercising is about to obliterate it. Give it a try out - I did, and melted away 17 lbs LOL!!! - Darrell

2)   i shall suggest u, - aziz

3)   about it you can get information from here http://webmd62.notlong.comAAd6DB7 - Eldora


Question 4
what can low blood platlets means?...  

1)   There's a variety of causes which have to be found out through further testing. There info at the link: - formerly_bob

2)   This could be caused by something as innocent as pregnancy, or as deadly as leukemia. There are lots of causes. The link will list several for you - Brownetown

3)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://webmd54.notlong.comAAh9c6e - Elba


Question 5
how unsafe sex causes the transmission of HIV ?...  

1)   For Safe Sex, Wear a condom to avoid getting HIV. - anime_obsesser

2)   Not only HIV but all STDs are spread by unsafe sex.The virus is carried in the sexual organs fluids and secretion from one partner to another, it lives in sexual organs, juices and then carried from there to the blood finally. It can only be protected by wearing a condom when sexual partner is not reliable or have multiple sex partners. - Tazz


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