Monday, January 25, 2010

what is this safe to give honey in warm milk even my son has phlegm and fever?

Question 1
what is this safe to give honey in warm milk even my son has phlegm and fever?...  
my son is 3yr old

1)   Honey is not good for babies. It's too hard on their stomachs. - ▐▀▀✿▀▀▌ LIL BEAR ▐▄▄✿▄▄▌

2)   How old is he? You are not supposed to feed honey to infants. - Hubble says Hi

3)   Milk will add to the phlegm. If your son is 2 or under, honey is not safe either unless it's pasteurized since it carries botulism spores.

Personally, water is his best bet or some homemade chicken broth. Or you can try some warm herbal tea like peppermint. - Kathleen

4)   If your son is over 1 year, it is okay to give him honey. Under a year is a big NO NO. - Emi Mac

5)   depends on the age of the child. If under a year, never give honey, as it doesn't digest well and can lead to botulism. - Shredded Cottage Cheese

6)   DO NOT GIVE HONEY TO A BABY BEFORE THEY ARE 2 YRS OLD. Its very dangerous for them.. - TOBY H

7)   You should use tramadol, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Sherise


Question 2
Is Cough Syrup sold in London?...  Once again im not a freak... but heard that it is abused and used as a drug.. is that true?

1)   No. It is not sold in london. Everywhere else, sure. But them londoners SURE do abuse their cough syrup! - Drewzee

2)   Buttercup syrup is the best one for coughs. cant get it in london though.. only from tinternet. - greengunge

3)   about it you can get information from here - Lilia

4)   of course you can buy cough syrup in London,the pharmacist will refuse a purchase if they wish,Buttercup syrup is sold even in supermarkets, - dumplingmuffin


Question 3
what are chances of getting hiv and aids?...  

1)   3.27573956%

This depends on so may things - where you live, how often you have sex, if you use protection, what kind etc.... - TFirst Name

2)   Depends if you are with someone who has it, are an IV drug user, live in an area that has a high concentration of HIV, work in the medical field where you are in contact with bodily fluids, and not protect yourself. Keep in mind, you contract the disease HIV first, then it possibly can develop into AIDS. - djaca70

3)   It depends if you are doing activities that put you at risk. Sharing needles, unprotected sex, etc. - Kurt

4)   According to the CDC there are about 500,000 confirmed cases of HIV/AIDS. With an estimated 600,000 that have it and are not aware that they do.
HIV/AIDS comes from sex with an infected person, or an infected needle (like tattoos and drugs). - Dee


Question 4
CAUSE AND CURE?!??!!?...  I feel sick literally 24/7.
And lately I have been feeling worse like I have a gag and could puke at any second.
And it doesn't go away.
It starts from when I wake up to when I go to bed.
And sometimes(like today)i don't have an appetite.
What is the cause of this nausea-going to puke feeling and how can i get rid of it?
--Ever since i was about 8 i've had chronic nausea+i'm thirteen now...It's been acting up though.--

1)   Hey
If you have any problem which belongs to health I suggest you to get some info about here and there you can get
Every kind of info and many useful tips relates to health:
For regular Diet:
And more and more you can see own - Krist

2)   i hav seen some health news issues there..
may be it work 4 u. - koolone

3)   Nausea is a very vague symptom and could have any of several causes. This is one for the doc to figure out. You need to give a thorough history, have an exam and possibly some lab studies. You could have a problem with the stomach, anxiety, something in the throat or other things. See the doc. - curator

4)   It could be a variety of things such as allergies, panic attacks, BPPV and so on. Do some research and have your Dr. refer you to an specialist. Most primary Dr. are good form common colds and such, but a problem like this needs an specialist's attention. - enlightcc


Question 5
Constipation?! PLEASE HELP!?...  I have been suffering from really bad constipation for about a year now. Over the last few months it was the best it's been as i was going once every 3 days but for the past few weeks i've been going then having to wait 6 days and then going again 2 days later and so on. I'm now on the sixth day and feel like i REALLY need to go but it feels so hard. It feels like theres a rock inside of me and i'm almost scared for my bodily health. PLEASE GIVE ME ADVICE!

P.S - It is caused by my eating disorder. I eat around 1300 calories a day so will it all smooth out once i increase it ?

1)   Melting calories was much easier for me when I started using colon cleanse. I know they say that pills don't work, however they sure worked for me, and they've been shown on CBS News too. There's a free trial going on currently at , try it out, what have you got to lose? - Emmy

2)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Sherise

3)   You need to be eating plenty of fruits and vegetables.Drink plenty of water and get some exercise. That will probably help. Best of luck. - bluegreen


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