Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mole on face help please?

Question 1
Mole on face help please?...  Little small dots of moles have been appearing on my face recently how long will they stay on my face until they disappear?

1)   knife and bandaid - ZachPRESS

2)   ask someone to bite them off. - Lol

3)   i dont think they disappear... - deedykid

4)   You should seek medical advice from a dermatologist. That's the best advice I can give you. They will have many options for you!
Good Luck! - mgr02

5)   this guy up here deseves the best answer - anonymous

6)   They won't go away on their own...safest way is too go to a dermatologist, and have them removed.... done in the office, while you wait.... - Sophie B

7)   Moles don't go away. And should see a dermatologist in case it's cancer instead. If it's moles you can have them removed. - Dewdrop


Question 2
I think i have a STD/YEAST INFECTION what should I be tested for?!?!?...  I'm going to the doctor tommorrow and i just want to make sure i have her test for everything that my itching and discomfort from recieving oral could be. I am an 18 yr old female and i just recieved oral and got fingered from my ex boyfriend, nothing further.

1)   Yeast infection and bacteria vaginosis. Good luck. - AprilMay

2)   If you only recieved oral, it is definetly not an STD. These are only passed on from one person to another by a transmission of sexual fluids, [sperm, cum, etc.] I would have her check for a yeast infection , &any other infections that could be caused by dirty hands beinq inserted down there.
Hope This Helped[:
-Angelaa. - Angela

3)   i would go ahead and get tested for everything since ur going to be there anyways - Wonders

4)   Chlamydia and gonorrhea as well as bacterial vaginosis and a yeast infection.

Better safe than sorry! - Secret

5)   its probly a yeste infection but have to test for herpes also just to make shure - KBlack2595


Question 3
Can I swim in the pool with a skin rash?...  I am swimming in school. Today I started feeling really itchy. I took a shower and the water made me even more itchy. Is it safe for me to swim at school? Or can I somehow spread it to others?
I haven't been to the doctors yet so I don't have a doctors note. Should my mom
write a note to get me excused?

1)   Hmm, I have to say that I think you should have your mom write a note until your rash goes away. Pools have chemicals like chlorine that can irritate skin even further. Hope I helped. :) - Ken

2)   you can go ahead and swim in it...but i won't cause that'll just be gross - sarcastic_mister_know_it_all

3)   if there are abrasions or open cuts, you could possibly get an infection due to bacteria.
but if its just a rash, the chemicals (chlorine) could iritate it more, causing longer healing process.
i would get a note just in case - mkiggs

4)   It might be contagious, but I'm thinking it's more likely an allergic reaction to the chlorine or whatever mix of chemicals they use in the pool. It stays on your skin after the water dries. Taking a hot shower opens up your pores and allows the substance to get into your skin. Taking cool or cold showers after swimming will reduce the itching somewhat, as it will close up your pores, and showering immediately after swimming will help, too. Use soap as well, and give your skin a good scrubbing. Apply some type of ointment (after swimming) that makes the rash not itch - like what you might put on if you get sunburned. - Bill F


Question 4
is this an outbreak? someone who knows how to be mature please?...  okay so about a year ago i was diagnosed with hsv 1 genitally... it was given to me through oral sex... i know that you can have outbreaks down there after that.

the other day after i shaved down there, my boyfriend & i had sex.. & then the day after i noticed something which felt like a razor bump to me. it itched pretty bad (just like a normal razor bump) well a few days after i noticed that now it kind of looks like an open sore... i have sort of a milky white discharge too.... last year when i had my primary outbreak, i had probably likr 8 sores.. this time only one... could this be an outbreak or do you think that it's from a razor cut?? could i have scratched it too hard or something & caused it to get irritated?

i'm really worried... & like scared...

1)   First of all dont be scared. It could be either syphillis or your HSV-1 breaking out. Go to your local health department and get it checked out just to clear your mind. No worries though, just be safe. - Ashley

2)   I have experience in health care. Currently I am in the pediatric field but was in family medicine before this. From what you are describing I would ask you to go see your provider. When they come back and reappear sometimes it is just one. They will need to verify before a treatment can be ordered. If it is try to stay away from sex right now. Don't be scared, but do not ignore it and tell yourself it's just razor burn. With the white discharge I know it's more. With razor burn it just will look like a "whitehead" it won't have anything be released.

Don't let anyone scare you with the answers, just get in tomorrow if you can before the weekend.

Good luck. - Navywife0827

3)   Hello, Do not worry about this too much. I recommend you to check with the kind hearted counselor on Many people with STD questions can chat with him anoymous. I believe he can gives u right suggestions. lots of STD medical information and if you just need to find someone to talk to oroffer help or advice, this is the best place.Never feel lonely again! - DatewithSTD


Question 5
how do you get rid of pimples and zits?...  i have acne all over my face amd i am only 12. i ordered proactive and if u have used it or someone u no has used it please tell me how it is. i really just want my pimples gone. thank you and please no negative comments! p.sp how bug are proactives bottles and what does it come with?

1)   1. Stop picking on your zits. You risk infecting the surrounding skin and have it spread like wildfire and that’s the least of your worries. To add insult to injury, it risks scarring and that’s even harder to remove.

2. Wash your face every day but don’t go overboard by using detergent based soap. Use antibacterial soap for maximum effect.

3. Go easy on the make up. Find a water based make-up to reduce to prevent aggravating your zits.

4. Try maintaining healthy lifestyle by eating less oily food and less chocolate.

5. Make sure you have all the vitamins and mineral needed by your body. Try taking multivitamin.

6. You can go for over the counter products based on benzoyl peroxide. Check on the label of the product you wish to purchase and make sure you select the one with the lowest concentration.

7. Drink lots of water. Water helps you cleanse your body internally.

8. Reduce processed food and take more natural food such as vegetables and such

9. This may sound weird but you can try putting toothpaste on your zits before going to bed. First you have to wash your face and then put your toothpaste directly onto the zits and go straight to bed. Try it for a few night.

10. If you want to make your zits less noticeable, try this: run hot water on to your towel, or face towel. Take the steaming hot towel and place it your zits. It’ll make the zits smaller, but be careful when you are handling the hot towel. You don’t want to burn your face! - Picnframes Tech

2)   1)Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water.
2)Apply undiluted lemon juice, two to three times a day, on the affected areas.
3)Use green tea as a face scrub to loose blackheads.
4)try don't to eat to much junk food like chips chocolate ect.because you can get more by that.
5)Try to stay away from fatty foods. Eating correctly is very important in terms of keeping acne away. - Sonia

3)   Wash your face at least twice daily with a facial wash of your choice. When I was your age, I washed my face with Noxzema on a wash cloth, using circular motions all over my face, rinsed it well with warm water. I then applied good old Clearasil to my acne after washing it. You don't need a ton of Clearasil, just enough to cover it thoroughly. I never wore the Clearasil out in public because it wasn't invisible. It may be invisible now, so check it out. Keeping the face as clean as you can, really helps. Try to keep your hands away from your face & your hair off your face, as the oil in the hair will cause you to have more acne. Never ever pop your pimples. Just wash your face well & apply the Clearasil. Squeezing the pimples, will leave permanent scarring on your face. Drinking a lot of water each day will help flush all the impurities out of your body. You'll see less acne once you are drinking water regularly. Eat a healthy diet of veggies, fruit, lean beef, chicken (baked or grilled) as well as turkey, & fish.

**I have yet to hear that Proactive is good for getting rid of acne. The only thing it gets rid of, is your money & in a hurry.** - Shortstuff13


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