Tuesday, October 6, 2009

after sex exactly 30 days i do hiv conformation test its shows negative can i over come from the worries?

Question 1
after sex exactly 30 days i do hiv conformation test its shows negative can i over come from the worries?...  after sex with my partner exactly 30 days i do hiv conformation test its shows negative can i over come from the worries?

1)   Honestly no. You should wait 3 months before testing for HIV or any other STD for that matter. About 98% of the population tests positive for HIV within 3 months if they are infected. Another 2% of the population tests positive for HIV within 6 months of the last exposure if they are infected. So for now, use protection every time and then test yourself at 3 months. If you are negative, test yourself again at 6 months. By then, you should not have to worry. - Natalia

2)   H.I.V is checked after 6 months from sex date. - manjit grover

3)   thambidurrai m,
The period between your last exposure and the HIV test was not sufficient to obtain an accurate result. I shall explain - The standard HIV test looks for antibodies in a person's blood. When HIV (which is a virus) enters a person's body, special proteins are produced. These are called antibodies. Antibodies are the body's response to an infection. So if a person has antibodies to HIV in their blood, it means they have been infected with HIV. There are only two exceptions to this rule. Firstly, babies born to positive mothers retain their mother's antibodies for up to 18 months, which means they may test positive on an HIV antibody test, even if they are actually HIV negative. This is why babies born to positive mothers may receive a PCR test after birth. Secondly, some people who have taken part in HIV vaccine trials may have HIV antibodies even if they are not infected with the virus. Most people develop detectable HIV antibodies within 6 to 12 weeks of infection. In very rare cases, it can take up to 6 months. It is exceedingly unlikely that someone would take longer than 6 months to develop antibodies. Getting tested earlier than 3 months may result in an unclear test result, as an infected person may not yet have developed antibodies to HIV. The time between infection and the development of antibodies is called the window period. During the window period people infected with HIV will not yet have antibodies in their blood that can be detected by an HIV test. However, the person may already have high levels of HIV in their blood, sexual fluids or breast milk. Someone can transmit HIV to another person during the window period even though they do not test positive on an antibody test.
You would be advised to have another test after a period of three months or, to be more sure, after six months.


It is extremely important to obtain an accurate diagnosis before trying to find a cure. Many diseases and conditions share common symptoms.

The information provided here should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions.

Hope this helps
matador 89 - matador 89

4)   Nothing to worry.just go for western blot test but mind you its costly - chaitanya


Question 2
I am 32 weeks pregnant, should I get the swine flu shot and the regular flu shot?...  I am 32 weeks pregnant and I am very confused about the flu shots. Not to much with the regular one, but the new swine flu shot. I feel it has not been tested enough and I feel like I would be making my unborn child and I guinea pigs. And I'm not ok with that. At the same time I live and work in NYC and the swine flu has shown itself here, and people have died and they say pregnancy is considered an underlying condition. I have my doctors appointment on Friday but I would like to hear what other people think.

1)   You should talk to your doctor. He/she is the most equipped to give the correct answer to your solution.

I know I have heard that pregnant women have had a higher death rate than the general population with swine flu, but I have not see the facts on that. - Book Sale Manager

2)   Pregnant women are at great risk for the swine flu; a high number have died. You should definitely get the vaccine. It's almost identical to the regular one, anyway.

This is one of those decisions you need to make intelligently for yourself and the baby. Don't let yourself be ruled by fear; read the science and good - not fear-mongering - reporting, and do the right thing. - ann b

3)   I'm just as concerned about this as you are. My daughter is 19 weeks pregnant and her OB has mentioned it. So far he hasn't really discussed it with us because it wasn't available at her last check up. I agree she should definitely get the regular flu shot. But this swine flu shot is something they came up with so fast. I worry about the possible side effects. I worry about it being so fast that it may not be what they are thinking it is. She is only 17 so that is why I say "We", I'm behind decisions. We have decided to research it as much as we can and discuss the pros and cons with her OB at the next appointment. It's scary. The swine flu and the shot. How do we know what is best for the unborn child. I guess we have to do our own research and then discuss it with the OB and have faith and trust in him. I know this doesn't answer your question at all. I just wanted to let you know, you're not alone. Others are struggling with this decision as well. Talk to your OB before deciding and do all the research you can. Good luck and Good Luck and Congrats on your pregnancy. - lil_britches2003


Question 3
Perm Black Dye & Leukemia?...  Hi. I've been dying my hair black for about three years now.

Recently, I've read that darker dyes give you a higher risk of leukemia. (It runs in my family, as well.) I'm a fairly healthy person. Just low bp and asthma. Is there any chance I could get this disease? And should I stop dyeing my hair black? Help is appreciated. Thank you. <3

1)   there is no proof of this..leukemia is just a horrible thing that happens to a lot of us..has nothing to do with hair dye..just like hair dye does not give your un born child any birth defects. - Ash G

2)   that's like saying im not gonna eat potatoes because they cause cancer - Leslie


Question 4
Help with my stubborn pimple?...  Hi Everyone. I had this pimple on my nose, not bad or anything. Anyways, on saturday I went to get a facial, and now, the pimple on my nose is kind of red, and sore. It doesn't seem to be healing after the facial. Any suggestions? Thanks.

1)   Warm your skin with a hot wet cloth, then carefully cut a tiny slit with a very sharp blade like an exacto knife, squeeze the hell out of it, and wash it vigorously. - Galactic Senator at Hogeates

2)   Apply equal amount of lemon juice and rose water with a cotton ball, leave for half an hour and wash.More such solutions at http://usefulinfo-pimples.blogspot.com/ - R S


Question 5
what is chorea i'm not sure bout it.?...  

1)   Keparthy
Chorea is a movement disorder, known as a dystonia. It comes from the Greek word "choreia" - dancing. It describes involuntary, irregular, random and flowing movements which flit from one part of the body to another. The movements may be simple or elaborate. Choreiform movements often merge with more purposeful movements, which may then mask the chorea. Other terms which may be classified under 'chorea' or as separate dystonias are – Athetosis, which are sinuous writhing movements, often of the hands. If this occurs with chorea, it is called choreoathetosis. Ballism and hemiballismus are large-amplitude, proximal, flinging movements, or hemiballismus if unilateral. Chorea may be inherited or acquired.


It is extremely important to obtain an accurate diagnosis before trying to find a cure. Many diseases and conditions share common symptoms.

The information provided here should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions.

I add a link with details of this subject


Hope this helps
matador 89 - matador 89

2)   Choreia (or chorea) is an abnormal involuntary movement disorder, one of a group of neurological disorders called dyskinesias. The term choreia is derived from a Greek word χορεία (a kind of dance, see choreia (dance)), as the quick movements of the feet or hands are vaguely comparable to dancing or piano playing. - Kuravi R


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