Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Are you scared to get the flu shot?

Question 1
Are you scared to get the flu shot?...  I'm scared to get my flu shot because i'm scared to get sick and i hate how it hurts your arm. I want to get it though.

1)   I would get it.You could either have a painful arm for a day or less or you could get the flu and be miserable for a week or so. - Maggy

2)   no because i'm not getting it - Superior Jeans

3)   First do some research on what Vaccines do to you... http://www.naturalnews.com/ is a great website to find articles on the H1N1 Virus and it's origin and also why Vaccines are extremely bad for you... but don't take my word for it. research right?

Also go to Infowars.com to see laws and unconstitutional actions USA is taking as a result of this H1N1... you'll be surprised the amount of lies the media is telling you.

For example look at this article on how autism is increasing as a result of vaccinations increasing in children...

http://www.infowars.com/autism-explodes-as-childhood-vaccines-increase/ - Manstions

4)   no im not getting the flushot I have never gotten one and I was fine....I don't think I have ever had the flu...Im pretty healthy - aimee c

5)   You should read the link below before you let the government poison you. - Exposing Catholicism

6)   Every sane intelligent person should be scared of it. And after reading the articles below, brr scary as hell.
Check them out yourself :-
And can you imagine :-
Why the doctors are ready to recommend it but not willing to take the swine flu shot themselves ?
Well wonder no more http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Alvbj5JFXxPrP9w_nv7if6Dsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20091013052000AA1RtpL

Take care and God Bless you and your loved ones. - Soul Doctor

7)   I'm more afraid of getting the flu. The shot won't make you ill unless you're lacking certain antibodies. Even then, you might just feel a little achy for a day or so. As for the pain. I'd just as soon feel a little ache in my arm than endure 3 or 4 days of the flu.

Suck it up my friend. You know what's best. - Tom J


Question 2
where and when can i get the swine flu shot?? PLEASE ANSWER.....!?...  I Live in norcross georgia and would like to know were i could go get the shots and if you could please give the location and number of the place thank YOU~!!!

if you are sick with a cold could you still get the shot?? please answer back!!!

1)   Walgreen's, I know walmart in the pharmacy I am pretty sure they do one. The hospital any place like that I recomend calling the Hospital and asking them - filmrocks

2)   You can always get the swine flu shot at CVS Pharmacy, there every where in this country. And no you cant get the shot if you are sick, its a preventer not killer. - RB

3)   Before you go out and get it please do check out these articles and decide :-
Why the doctors are ready to recommend it but not willing to take the swine flu shot themselves ? Well wonder no more.

Take care and God bless - Soul Doctor

4)   Walgreens is giving the flu shots. I think that you can only get the swine flu shot if you are older; pregnant; or if your a baby. The first set of shots sent out was only for the "high risk" as listed above. I would call Walgreens and ask them. As far as a number goes, yea, I have no idea because I live in Colorado my number would be a lot different than the one you need. Just google Walgreens and your state and it should bring up one in your area. If your not running a fever then yes, you should be able to get the shot. - rdnek1001

5)   im sure ur family doctor have it... or just go to the hospital... most place should have it... - Nikky

6)   Before you get it, check out this link: - Exposing Catholicism


Question 3
What is your opinion of the H1N1 vaccine?...  Would you have your child vaccinated?
I do have a 8 month old and Everything i hear or read is not good. I have decided NOT to get it for her. I just want to know what other people have to say.

1)   No. It should be avoided. See link below: - Exposing Catholicism

2)   You should be aware that there are people posting on Yahoo Answers in support of the H1N1 and seasonal flu vaccine who have some vested interest in doing so. Many of them are claiming to be real nurses. Their "advise" is more like advertising, and they are only giving you the perspective of conventional western medical protocol.

An infant does not have the immune system development of an adult, but that is not necessarily a reason to inject him with a vaccine that is not 100% effective. We're not talking about vaccine for polio. This is for the flu. Your baby doesn't have a "weakened" immune system like the majority of children who have died from the flu, right? (They had serious diseases like asthma, muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy.) The vaccine usually causes flu-like symptoms that many health officials deny are the same as getting the flu itself (they call it "side effects"). Your baby is likely to suffer headaches, muscle aches, fever, and probably irritability because of getting the vaccine. What they will tell you about Thimerosal in the vaccine is that you can request the Thimerosal-free version of the vaccine, but it's not always available. Plus, you don't know for sure if the guy injecting your infant is actually taking the vaccine from a mercury-free vial.

Did your baby get the flu last year? There is not one more reason that your baby is more susceptible this year than last year. H1N1 is not a superflu, and babies (and adults) are no more susceptible to it than any other flu strain.

Despite what some people seem to suggest, there is no black and white answer, but you see given all the media hype, the attitude of government officials, and the general drive for profit by the pharmaceutical industry, something is not quite right here. There's a never before seen campaign to convince the public to think they "need" to buy this vaccine as protection from something we've never had to deal with before. It's untrue that your baby is in danger if not getting the vaccine. It's untrue that a baby will predictably die if contracting the H1N1 virus. If your baby gets infected, he or she can still receive good care. Keep your baby's immune system up by proper nutrition. It doesn't make you a bad mom to go the natural route and let your baby's immune system do its thing (even if it isn't as strong as an adult's immune system). If your baby doesn't have other health issues, and if you don't place your child around other kids like in day care, I would definitely wait a little longer if you begin to believe getting a vaccine is unavoidable. Meanwhile, you can take other non-invasive truly risk-free measures to help prevent your baby getting infected. Limit your public exposure of him. Make sure you and your baby wash hands and face frequently. If someone you know gets the flu keep them away from your baby. These are the things to do any flu season, not just this year with the H1N1 strain out there.

And BTW, the FDA has screwed up plenty of times when it comes to safety testing. Even in the absence of evidence at the moment that there might be some unforeseen risk, you'd have to do the right test in order to find it. There was such a rush to push this into the public that they couldn't have been very thorough. The problem with the new vaccine is that even though it's made like the seasonal vaccine, the seasonal vaccine may have issues. There could even be some vials that do manage to have bits of live virus. The process is not as risk-free as many people assume. The nasal spray does contain live virus (but they call it "weakened"), and this is why they advise pregnant women not to get it. You think they all get the message? You don't need a doctor's prescription to get the vaccine.

I think to say something like, "As a mother and grandmother, I would not hesitate to urge you to get the vaccine" is understandable, but it sounds like the result of panic. There's no more reason this year compared to any other year to better be safe than sorry. They are making it seem like if you don't get the vaccine you'll inevitably get the swine flu, and that's just untrue. A healthy immune system is still the most important thing that protects you. - What I Say

3)   A big fat "LOL" to the conspiracy theory. I haven't had my kids vaccinated. I don't think this strain of virus is going to be what some say it will. I think it will join with the rest of the flu strains and be just as bad, but not much worse. If someone can die from the H1N1 flu, they likely could have died from the "regular" strains as well. - Losiglow

4)   No I am not getting a flu shot.....I will take my chances I am a healthy 27 year old with no health problems so If I get the flu I should be fine - aimee c

5)   Its totally Bogus and Unsafe for Humans, I decided after reading these articles :-

And after asking these questions :-

Why the doctors are ready to recommend it but not willing to take the swine flu shot themselves ?
Would you give your child, "The Swine Flu Shot Knowing it is linked to Killer Nerve Disease". Would you?
Is the Swine Flu Shot Linked to Killer Nerve Disease?
I have given the questions I asked and the links to the same questions under the question itself.
I hope this helps you decide whether its safe or unsafe, trustworth or Untrustworthy

Take care and take charge of your own and your loved ones health. God bless you and your loved ones. - Soul Doctor

6)   i have a 5 yr old and a 2 yr old i have read everything good and bad about the shot and there not getting it and i support ur decision in not giving ur baby a shot b/c even the good new will say u should get it but u might be sick for a couple of day with side effect what kind of crap is that i say NO ON H1N1 SHOTS!!!! - idjfixi


Question 4
Panicking about swine flu/vaccine--calling all H1N1 experts, or anyone who's up on the info?...  I don't know that to think...I keep reading how it's unsafe and everything (and how shots are bad in general and teach your immune system to be lazy, etc). But on the other hand, healthy kids are getting severe infections from H1N1 and dying! I heard they develop pneumonia and infections, and I'm prone to pneumonia. When I was a kid, I got it during several winters. However, I have an inhaler to use if I get a cough, would that do anything?

Now idk what to do because they're saying the shot is safe and all this, and I would love to have immunity, but do you think it's worth the risk? Does it contain all the bad things that were in the one from 1976?

I'm 18, btw, but I'm not currently in college. I do however work with kids a few days a week.

1)   It's pivotal to eat effectively to keep healthy. Acai berry is an exciting super food which keeps you healthy and also has the bonus of assisting you to lose loads of weight. There's a free trial going on currently at http://pitars.easyweightloss2u.info , why not try it, how worse could it make things? - Khloe

2)   Here's some info you should read: - Exposing Catholicism

3)   You are correctly worried its totally unsafe for humans check out these :-

Take care and God bless you. - Soul Doctor


Question 5
Could I have swine flu if i just have a sore throat and no other symptoms?...  I want to know because my parents keep saying that i might have swine flu but i don't think i have it because all i have is a red throat. I've had it for three days and its starting to subside alittle bit. I just wanna know if its possible to only have one symptom and still have it.

1)   It is UNLIKELY. The CDC - that is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - say the following are the symptoms of H1N1 ("swine") flu:

The symptoms of 2009 H1N1 flu virus in people include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea. People may be infected with the flu, including 2009 H1N1 and have respiratory symptoms without a fever. Severe illnesses and deaths have occurred as a result of illness associated with this virus. - jrabkin1

2)   no you just have strept throat, dont worry!!!! but u can go to the doctor and they will give u penicillin or antibiotics,or take matters into your own hands and invest in chliroseptic - Terrence


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